Microsoft decides to search your data in offensive language ban


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Microsoft Decides to Search Your Data in 'Offensive Language' Ban | Breitbart
Starting May 1, Microsoft will begin enforcing a ban on “offensive language.” To do so, they have determined that they have the right to mine private user data to “investigate.”

Nothing better than a big corporation that could screw themselves over by fking over the people. These companies need smacked down for their power tripping control freak behavior. MINE DATA are you gawd dam serious to allow this!! It is pure BS..

When it comes to authoritarian leftist fks control the people everything and anything can be considered offensive like we keep warning DEMONICRATS........ they're coming for you too.
Microsoft Decides to Search Your Data in 'Offensive Language' Ban | Breitbart
Starting May 1, Microsoft will begin enforcing a ban on “offensive language.” To do so, they have determined that they have the right to mine private user data to “investigate.”

Nothing better than a big corporation that could screw themselves over by fking over the people. These companies need smacked down for their power tripping control freak behavior. MINE DATA are you gawd dam serious to allow this!! It is pure BS..

When it comes to authoritarian leftist fks control the people everything and anything can be considered offensive like we keep warning DEMONICRATS........ they're coming for you too.

They'd fit right in with the Chinese govt.

Does no one see the link between how the US govt is functioning in these regards, and the fact that "democracy" in the US is not really meaningful?
Microsoft Decides to Search Your Data in 'Offensive Language' Ban | Breitbart
Starting May 1, Microsoft will begin enforcing a ban on “offensive language.” To do so, they have determined that they have the right to mine private user data to “investigate.”

Nothing better than a big corporation that could screw themselves over by fking over the people. These companies need smacked down for their power tripping control freak behavior. MINE DATA are you gawd dam serious to allow this!! It is pure BS..

When it comes to authoritarian leftist fks control the people everything and anything can be considered offensive like we keep warning DEMONICRATS........ they're coming for you too.

Not too dissimilar to an article I reported weeks ago where the FBI was clandestinely paying Geek Squad employees under the table to work by proxy for them to see if they could find anything illegal on computers in for service, even to the point of recovering files that had been deleted! Amazingly, despite being sued and the one particular case being thrown out, I was amazed to read people DEFENDING the actions! But at least for me, I use NO Microsoft Products nor intend to. I feel this is a violation of free speech just because they made the device, they have no say in how I legally USE IT. For if this stands, we are one step closer to MS and Google being able to censure our email, access to the web, content, history, facts, knowledge and everything else, issuing total control over people's lives.
Microsoft Decides to Search Your Data in 'Offensive Language' Ban | Breitbart
Starting May 1, Microsoft will begin enforcing a ban on “offensive language.” To do so, they have determined that they have the right to mine private user data to “investigate.”

Nothing better than a big corporation that could screw themselves over by fking over the people. These companies need smacked down for their power tripping control freak behavior. MINE DATA are you gawd dam serious to allow this!! It is pure BS..

When it comes to authoritarian leftist fks control the people everything and anything can be considered offensive like we keep warning DEMONICRATS........ they're coming for you too.

You "forgot" to mention that only SKYPE is affected.

FYI: Microsoft is a capitalist racketeer, ie, right-wing.
Let’s put it to the test;
Fuck obama!
Fuck Democrats!
Ban legal homo marriage!
Denounce diversity initiatives and affirmative action!
Women are different from men, so shove it!
Children need their mother and their father!
Democrat policies are responsible for most domestic problems!”
If you want to see liberal Microsoft smoke your computer, store "Make America Great Again" in it.
Let’s put it to the test;
Fuck obama!
Fuck Democrats!
Ban legal homo marriage!
Denounce diversity initiatives and affirmative action!
Women are different from men, so shove it!
Children need their mother and their father!
Democrat policies are responsible for most domestic problems!”

Looks like he vanished!
Linux rules, Windy! Ubuntu is the biggest home system, and it's FREE! New updates coming in all the time, and a new release every 6 months. And millions of geeks beavering away to get their tweak included in the next release. For the prestige...
Microsoft Decides to Search Your Data in 'Offensive Language' Ban | Breitbart
Starting May 1, Microsoft will begin enforcing a ban on “offensive language.” To do so, they have determined that they have the right to mine private user data to “investigate.”

Nothing better than a big corporation that could screw themselves over by fking over the people. These companies need smacked down for their power tripping control freak behavior. MINE DATA are you gawd dam serious to allow this!! It is pure BS..

When it comes to authoritarian leftist fks control the people everything and anything can be considered offensive like we keep warning DEMONICRATS........ they're coming for you too.

Not too dissimilar to an article I reported weeks ago where the FBI was clandestinely paying Geek Squad employees under the table to work by proxy for them to see if they could find anything illegal on computers in for service, even to the point of recovering files that had been deleted! Amazingly, despite being sued and the one particular case being thrown out, I was amazed to read people DEFENDING the actions! But at least for me, I use NO Microsoft Products nor intend to. I feel this is a violation of free speech just because they made the device, they have no say in how I legally USE IT. For if this stands, we are one step closer to MS and Google being able to censure our email, access to the web, content, history, facts, knowledge and everything else, issuing total control over people's lives.

and now the FBI wants to know what dirt Mark Z. has of them bastards too LOL.


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Let’s put it to the test;
Fuck obama!
Fuck Democrats!
Ban legal homo marriage!
Denounce diversity initiatives and affirmative action!
Women are different from men, so shove it!
Children need their mother and their father!
Democrat policies are responsible for most domestic problems!”
If you want to see liberal Microsoft smoke your computer, store "Make America Great Again" in it.

Microsoft is a capitalist racketeer, ie, right-wing.
Microsoft Decides to Search Your Data in 'Offensive Language' Ban | Breitbart
Starting May 1, Microsoft will begin enforcing a ban on “offensive language.” To do so, they have determined that they have the right to mine private user data to “investigate.”

Nothing better than a big corporation that could screw themselves over by fking over the people. These companies need smacked down for their power tripping control freak behavior. MINE DATA are you gawd dam serious to allow this!! It is pure BS..

When it comes to authoritarian leftist fks control the people everything and anything can be considered offensive like we keep warning DEMONICRATS........ they're coming for you too.
On Xbox Live. A PRIVATE paid for subscription that you agree to the TOS before ever paying to join. Violate the tos get banned.
It is their service to run how they see fit

Simple and straight forward.
Let’s put it to the test;
Fuck obama!
Fuck Democrats!
Ban legal homo marriage!
Denounce diversity initiatives and affirmative action!
Women are different from men, so shove it!
Children need their mother and their father!
Democrat policies are responsible for most domestic problems!”
If you want to see liberal Microsoft smoke your computer, store "Make America Great Again" in it.

Microsoft is a capitalist racketeer, ie, right-wing.

Yep. Another guy speaking with the 1% of his brain still working. If you are a big capital company, you're obviously RIGHT WING.

Screen Shot 2018-03-28 at 5.33.15 PM.png

Screen Shot 2018-03-28 at 5.35.52 PM.png
Screen Shot 2018-03-28 at 5.36.16 PM.png

:oops8: Right at the top, there is Bill Gates and Microsoft supporting LEFT WING Barack Obama.

Deposing Liberals of their stupid remarks is often so easy, I almost feel bad doing it.
This is an example of what Microsoft is going after and I applaud them for it. My grandkids don't need to be subjected to this kind of bullshit on a paid private service.

Microsoft Decides to Search Your Data in 'Offensive Language' Ban | Breitbart
Starting May 1, Microsoft will begin enforcing a ban on “offensive language.” To do so, they have determined that they have the right to mine private user data to “investigate.”

Nothing better than a big corporation that could screw themselves over by fking over the people. These companies need smacked down for their power tripping control freak behavior. MINE DATA are you gawd dam serious to allow this!! It is pure BS..

When it comes to authoritarian leftist fks control the people everything and anything can be considered offensive like we keep warning DEMONICRATS........ they're coming for you too.
On Xbox Live. A PRIVATE paid for subscription that you agree to the TOS before ever paying to join. Violate the tos get banned.
It is their service to run how they see fit

Simple and straight forward.

Have you heard how they were using x ray like vision spying on ppl playing it they could see through your pants I believe wonder if that is part of their TOS too. lol

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