Mike Davis is a Mensch--The Coming Battle For America


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
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On The Way Home To Earth
Wow, a few hours ago, I caught Mike Davis being interviewed by Steve Bannon on my TV! Mike is on top of this! I don't think they've posted the interview to his site yet, but check the links below in a few days and I expect it will pop up there to watch. Mike was detailing the ungluing of the Democrats. A few details I can recall:
  • About four (4!) state attorney's general have contacted Trump plus the gov. of NY to /WARN/ Trump that they are prepared and ready to defend their states! Trump hasn't said anything! He hasn't done anything! He isn't president for months! He was just elected! The AG of NY, Illinois, California and I think one other. Kathy Hotchul. Wow.
  • Then the Pentagon issued Trump a letter saying that the military is ready to serve him and any LAWFUL orders he might give! So if they don't want to do it, they will say it is unlawful and mutiny against their CIC?
  • Then there is Jack Smith. Apparently he is packing his bags too and the crap has hit the fan there.

Mike detailed some of the many issues they are preparing to investigate including how various people and agencies weaponized the law against Trump and many others and mention was made of possibly holding Gen. Milley accountable for treason for his going behind the president's back to warn China he would keep them apprised of any actions Trump might take affecting them!

Wow, the battle has begun as I anticipated just a few weeks ago. The democrats are in an all-out panic that they may now be held to account for their actions of the last few years they never thought Trump would be back to prosecute them for! And they are hitting the ground running already posturing this as Trump The Dictator, Trump The Tyrant, Trump the Mad Revenge Monster about to shred democracy limb from limb. Then MSNBC and CNN can spin it as "we told you electing Trump would divide the country!" When in fact, it is THEY who have and are continuing to divide us.

Watch for Mike Davis on Bannon's Warroom. This guy is a legal animal. Fearless. He is prepared to take the full weight of the law against those who have weaponized government. He has issued warnings across the board that he will take no guff from anyone and is prepared to go to any lengths to see justice served. It looks like Jack Smith will be brought before the Senate to answer questions. Hard questions. I also caught Mr. Pillow Mike Lindell flying out of Florida in his private jet having just left Mar-A-Lago. He looked all smiles. Stay tuned. This is going to be all-out war.

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That gentleman needs to be our AG. It can't be understated, his hatred for the party that likes to fuck kids.

He will make the descendants of Ghenghis Khan vomit in horror, if Trump unleashes that beast.

That gentleman needs to be our AG. It can't be understated, his hatred for the party that likes to fuck kids.

Oh he made clear his revulsion for what the democrats have done, but also made it clear (at least for now) that he is not intending to be the AG.

Oh, one other thing. Democrats are trying to get Sotomayor to resign now off the Supreme Court. She's not doing great and they want to replace her while they can. Davis said go ahead, resign! The Senate hasn't the time to replace her and that Davis has issued a directive to Mike Lee to block any such attempts. So it looks possible that Trump will be selecting a forth SCOTUS justice in his 2nd term.

Democrats are screwed to the wall.
Aaahhh...the battle for America.
Isn't it interersting that the Democrats kept screaming that they defend "Democracy" and yet, when Democracy didn't go their way in this election, they reject it and are trying to find way to stop the majority of Americans getting their way in a vote.
Perhaps they should pack their bags and move to a non-Democratic nation.
As i understand it, Trump is carefully picking his cabinet members out

They are going to be rather different than the Biden wackadoodles we've endured

Ergo the horror.....

As i understand it, Trump is carefully picking his cabinet members out
They are going to be rather different than the Biden wackadoodles we've endured

Oh I'm sure Trump has been giving thought to his cabinet for a LONG time. This is what democrats fear most--- Trump 1.0 was a noob, he didn't know anyone, but Trump 2.0 DOES. Worse, they have ARMED him with a personal vendetta.

Wow, a few hours ago, I caught Mike Davis being interviewed by Steve Bannon on my TV! Mike is on top of this! I don't think they've posted the interview to his site yet, but check the links below in a few days and I expect it will pop up there to watch. Mike was detailing the ungluing of the Democrats. A few details I can recall:
  • About four (4!) state attorney's general have contacted Trump plus the gov. of NY to /WARN/ Trump that they are prepared and ready to defend their states! Trump hasn't said anything! He hasn't done anything! He isn't president for months! He was just elected! The AG of NY, Illinois, California and I think one other. Kathy Hotchul. Wow.
  • Then the Pentagon issued Trump a letter saying that the military is ready to serve him and any LAWFUL orders he might give! So if they don't want to do it, they will say it is unlawful and mutiny against their CIC?
  • Then there is Jack Smith. Apparently he is packing his bags too and the crap has hit the fan there.

Mike detailed some of the many issues they are preparing to investigate including how various people and agencies weaponized the law against Trump and many others and mention was made of possibly holding Gen. Milley accountable for treason for his going behind the president's back to warn China he would keep them apprised of any actions Trump might take affecting them!

Wow, the battle has begun as I anticipated just a few weeks ago. The democrats are in an all-out panic that they may now be held to account for their actions of the last few years they never thought Trump would be back to prosecute them for! And they are hitting the ground running already posturing this as Trump The Dictator, Trump The Tyrant, Trump the Mad Revenge Monster about to shred democracy limb from limb. Then MSNBC and CNN can spin it as "we told you electing Trump would divide the country!" When in fact, it is THEY who have and are continuing to divide us.

Watch for Mike Davis on Bannon's Warroom. This guy is a legal animal. Fearless. He is prepared to take the full weight of the law against those who have weaponized government. He has issued warnings across the board that he will take no guff from anyone and is prepared to go to any lengths to see justice served. It looks like Jack Smith will be brought before the Senate to answer questions. Hard questions. I also caught Mr. Pillow Mike Lindell flying out of Florida in his private jet having just left Mar-A-Lago. He looked all smiles. Stay tuned. This is going to be all-out war.

They are afraid
They wrote 2016 off as a fluke, as Russian interference, as failure to win the popular vote so illegitimate. This landslide erases all those excuses and makes clear, the American people have REJECTED them.

There was probably shit going on then too.
Wow, a few hours ago, I caught Mike Davis being interviewed by Steve Bannon on my TV! Mike is on top of this! I don't think they've posted the interview to his site yet, but check the links below in a few days and I expect it will pop up there to watch. Mike was detailing the ungluing of the Democrats. A few details I can recall:
  • About four (4!) state attorney's general have contacted Trump plus the gov. of NY to /WARN/ Trump that they are prepared and ready to defend their states! Trump hasn't said anything! He hasn't done anything! He isn't president for months! He was just elected! The AG of NY, Illinois, California and I think one other. Kathy Hotchul. Wow.
  • Then the Pentagon issued Trump a letter saying that the military is ready to serve him and any LAWFUL orders he might give! So if they don't want to do it, they will say it is unlawful and mutiny against their CIC?
  • Then there is Jack Smith. Apparently he is packing his bags too and the crap has hit the fan there.

Mike detailed some of the many issues they are preparing to investigate including how various people and agencies weaponized the law against Trump and many others and mention was made of possibly holding Gen. Milley accountable for treason for his going behind the president's back to warn China he would keep them apprised of any actions Trump might take affecting them!

Wow, the battle has begun as I anticipated just a few weeks ago. The democrats are in an all-out panic that they may now be held to account for their actions of the last few years they never thought Trump would be back to prosecute them for! And they are hitting the ground running already posturing this as Trump The Dictator, Trump The Tyrant, Trump the Mad Revenge Monster about to shred democracy limb from limb. Then MSNBC and CNN can spin it as "we told you electing Trump would divide the country!" When in fact, it is THEY who have and are continuing to divide us.

Watch for Mike Davis on Bannon's Warroom. This guy is a legal animal. Fearless. He is prepared to take the full weight of the law against those who have weaponized government. He has issued warnings across the board that he will take no guff from anyone and is prepared to go to any lengths to see justice served. It looks like Jack Smith will be brought before the Senate to answer questions. Hard questions. I also caught Mr. Pillow Mike Lindell flying out of Florida in his private jet having just left Mar-A-Lago. He looked all smiles. Stay tuned. This is going to be all-out war.

The commie States don't want their illegals deported, not even the criminals. They are counting on them to boost their census numbers in 2030 to get more reps. Like this fat fuck from IL.

Oh he made clear his revulsion for what the democrats have done, but also made it clear (at least for now) that he is not intending to be the AG.

Oh, one other thing. Democrats are trying to get Sotomayor to resign now off the Supreme Court. She's not doing great and they want to replace her while they can. Davis said go ahead, resign! The Senate hasn't the time to replace her and that Davis has issued a directive to Mike Lee to block any such attempts. So it looks possible that Trump will be selecting a forth SCOTUS justice in his 2nd term.

Democrats are screwed to the wall.
Meh.... I'm not 100% familiar with the process but if they work together and they concentrate on it they do have the time and the ability to replace her. It would most likely be with Kamala.... Another backstabbing is in the works! But yes Sotomayor is very ill.
Riiighhhhht..... They don't have to cooperate but they can't interfere either.

If they try, they should be prosecuted. Depending on the circumstances, obstruction or interfering with governmental administration.

If they try, they should be prosecuted. Depending on the circumstances, obstruction or interfering with governmental administration.

They can't interfere.... But they are completely within their rights to refuse to help. That stupid comment by the governor was completely ridiculous.
The Deep State is about to be flushed out like the Augean Stables.
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