Mike Pence gets branded as a racist for honoring Abe Lincoln by the unrelenting left

Rush made this point the other day, it doesn't matter how many olive branches Trump and Pence offer, the media will brand them as racist, sexist, homophobes. Trump could turn gay and would be still branded a homophobe.
The one I love is hearing people say "Trump could go a long way to unifying the country if he states that he is there for everyone". These people are willingly ignorant liars. First, he has said it...multiple times, in various ways, nothing changes. Secondly, there is NOTHING he can do, they are angry and firmly intolerant to others ideas, brainwashed that there is only one position to take, theirs! He cost Clinton backers $1.3B, on top of the humiliation of disrupting the system and all of it's bias. This will continue. If those who are serious about thriving in America do just that, the next election will end with the same outcome.
You are a laugh a minute.
for reals

look at this article title by the Huffing and Puffington Post - Mike Pence Recognized Black History Month By Honoring A White Man | The Huffington Post

all of these types of stories, the ridiculous stories with the click bait headlines, coupled with his proclivity to do what he says he is gonna do, makes me like Trump more & more day by day...
Strange choice, considering the staunchest Trump supporters hate Lincoln
You are a laugh a minute.
for reals

look at this article title by the Huffing and Puffington Post - Mike Pence Recognized Black History Month By Honoring A White Man | The Huffington Post

all of these types of stories, the ridiculous stories with the click bait headlines, coupled with his proclivity to do what he says he is gonna do, makes me like Trump more & more day by day...
Strange choice, considering the staunchest Trump supporters hate Lincoln
You think it's funny? Odd.
Well Lincoln was such a racist, I mean he threw all of those poor black slaves out of their jobs, their source of sustenance and the homes.

What an insensitive person.

for reals

look at this article title by the Huffing and Puffington Post - Mike Pence Recognized Black History Month By Honoring A White Man | The Huffington Post

all of these types of stories, the ridiculous stories with the click bait headlines, coupled with his proclivity to do what he says he is gonna do, makes me like Trump more & more day by day...
Being called a racist is losing power by the second.
Yes. I think we're moving toward the alt-right at present.

I suspect Pence is just proud of his native son president, and found this as an excuse to promote that.

Lincoln did not consider himself an abolitionist. He was in favor of new states deciding for themselves whether they would allow slavery.

The statehood of Kansas and Nebraska included the settlers deciding for themselves, and Lincoln viewed that as a revocation of the Missouri Compromise that barred states outside the "South" from being slave states - thus making room for MORE slavery in the US!!

And, of course, states rights became the hallmark of the right wing call to allow racism of all kinds as long as the people of the state wanted to do that.

Lauding Lincoln as the champion of African American equality can legitimately be considered a slap in the face when one considers the loss of the lives of so many amazing African American leaders in the struggle that STILL CONTINUES.
You are a laugh a minute.
for reals

look at this article title by the Huffing and Puffington Post - Mike Pence Recognized Black History Month By Honoring A White Man | The Huffington Post

all of these types of stories, the ridiculous stories with the click bait headlines, coupled with his proclivity to do what he says he is gonna do, makes me like Trump more & more day by day...
Strange choice, considering the staunchest Trump supporters hate Lincoln
You think it's funny? Odd.
No...we think you're a joke....:lol:
for reals

look at this article title by the Huffing and Puffington Post - Mike Pence Recognized Black History Month By Honoring A White Man | The Huffington Post

all of these types of stories, the ridiculous stories with the click bait headlines, coupled with his proclivity to do what he says he is gonna do, makes me like Trump more & more day by day...
Being called a racist is losing power by the second.
Yes. I think we're moving toward the alt-right at present.

I suspect Pence is just proud of his native son president, and found this as an excuse to promote that.

Lincoln did not consider himself an abolitionist. He was in favor of new states deciding for themselves whether they would allow slavery.

The statehood of Kansas and Nebraska included the settlers deciding for themselves, and Lincoln viewed that as a revocation of the Missouri Compromise that barred states outside the "South" from being slave states - thus making room for MORE slavery in the US!!

And, of course, states rights became the hallmark of the right wing call to allow racism of all kinds as long as the people of the state wanted to do that.

Lauding Lincoln as the champion of African American equality can legitimately be considered a slap in the face when one considers the loss of the lives of so many amazing African American leaders in the struggle that STILL CONTINUES.
It's a good thing we are directly facing this left fascist bullshit.

The party is over assholes.

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