Mike Pence gives finger to Constitution during Republican debate


Platinum Member
May 24, 2009
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During last night’s debate, after whining and dinning our ears to how loyal he is to the Constitution, with reference to President Trump and the 2020 election, Mike Pence went on to take a dump on the Constitution by indicating he wants Congressional legislation banning abortion.

Pence stated:

“When the Supreme Court returned this question to the American people, they didn't just send it to the states only. It's not a states-only issue. It's a moral issue, Pence said. He argued that there should be a minimum standard for abortion to be banned at 15 weeks of pregnancy." SOURCE

First of all, the S. C. did not return the issue of abortion regulation, if any, to the States. It was always within those powers reserved by the states and people therein. The S.C. merely confirmed what our Constitution stated from the beginning.

The irrefutable fact is, there is not a syllable in the Constitution delegating a power to Congress to enter the States and impose Mike Pence’s personal predilections upon the people therein. In fact, the Tenth Amendment codifies into the constitution the supremacy of powers reserve by the states and people therein which are eloquently summarized in Federalist No 45:

“The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected.

The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State."

Mike Pence needs to take his sanctimonious dog and pony show elsewhere, especially now that he has openly taken a dump on our Constitution.


When a Republican Legislator demands a national ban on abortions, or a Democrat Legislator demands a total unregulated access to abortion, both are domestic enemies of Federalism, our Constitution’s plan, and need to be excoriated for the traitors they are in wanting to exercise authoritarian power over the states and people therein.
During last night’s debate, after whining and dinning our ears to how loyal he is to the Constitution, with reference to President Trump and the 2020 election, Mike Pence went on to take a dump on the Constitution by indicating he wants Congressional legislation banning abortion.

Pence stated:

“When the Supreme Court returned this question to the American people, they didn't just send it to the states only. It's not a states-only issue. It's a moral issue, Pence said. He argued that there should be a minimum standard for abortion to be banned at 15 weeks of pregnancy." SOURCE

First of all, the S. C. did not return the issue of abortion regulation, if any, to the States. It was always within those powers reserved by the states and people therein. The S.C. merely confirmed what our Constitution stated from the beginning.

The irrefutable fact is, there is not a syllable in the Constitution delegating a power to Congress to enter the States and impose Mike Pence’s personal predilections upon the people therein. In fact, the Tenth Amendment codifies into the constitution the supremacy of powers reserve by the states and people therein which are eloquently summarized in Federalist No 45:

Mike Pence needs to take his sanctimonious dog and pony show elsewhere, especially now that he has openly taken a dump on our Constitution.


When a Republican Legislator demands a national ban on abortions, or a Democrat Legislator demands a total unregulated access to abortion, both are domestic enemies of Federalism, our Constitution’s plan, and need to be excoriated for the traitors they are in wanting to exercise authoritarian power over the states and people therein.
No....it is MAGAts like you who give your middle finger to the US Constitution.
During last night’s debate, after whining and dinning our ears to how loyal he is to the Constitution, with reference to President Trump and the 2020 election, Mike Pence went on to take a dump on the Constitution by indicating he wants Congressional legislation banning abortion.

Pence stated:

“When the Supreme Court returned this question to the American people, they didn't just send it to the states only. It's not a states-only issue. It's a moral issue, Pence said. He argued that there should be a minimum standard for abortion to be banned at 15 weeks of pregnancy." SOURCE

First of all, the S. C. did not return the issue of abortion regulation, if any, to the States. It was always within those powers reserved by the states and people therein. The S.C. merely confirmed what our Constitution stated from the beginning.

The irrefutable fact is, there is not a syllable in the Constitution delegating a power to Congress to enter the States and impose Mike Pence’s personal predilections upon the people therein. In fact, the Tenth Amendment codifies into the constitution the supremacy of powers reserve by the states and people therein which are eloquently summarized in Federalist No 45:

Mike Pence needs to take his sanctimonious dog and pony show elsewhere, especially now that he has openly taken a dump on our Constitution.


When a Republican Legislator demands a national ban on abortions, or a Democrat Legislator demands a total unregulated access to abortion, both are domestic enemies of Federalism, our Constitution’s plan, and need to be excoriated for the traitors they are in wanting to exercise authoritarian power over the states and people therein.
If the Founding Fathers wanted more of the Federalist Papers to be part of the Supreme Law of the Land, they would have included more of them in the document.
If the Founding Fathers wanted more of the Federalist Papers to be part of the Supreme Law of the Land, they would have included more of them in the document.
So, instead, they put what powers the fed gov has. The fed gov is SUPPOSED to be extremely limited. Of course, boot lickers like you, praise big govt as long as you support the outcome.
The fed gov has no constitutional power to regulate abortion.
During last night’s debate, after whining and dinning our ears to how loyal he is to the Constitution, with reference to President Trump and the 2020 election, Mike Pence went on to take a dump on the Constitution by indicating he wants Congressional legislation banning abortion.

Pence stated:

“When the Supreme Court returned this question to the American people, they didn't just send it to the states only. It's not a states-only issue. It's a moral issue, Pence said. He argued that there should be a minimum standard for abortion to be banned at 15 weeks of pregnancy." SOURCE

First of all, the S. C. did not return the issue of abortion regulation, if any, to the States. It was always within those powers reserved by the states and people therein. The S.C. merely confirmed what our Constitution stated from the beginning.

The irrefutable fact is, there is not a syllable in the Constitution delegating a power to Congress to enter the States and impose Mike Pence’s personal predilections upon the people therein. In fact, the Tenth Amendment codifies into the constitution the supremacy of powers reserve by the states and people therein which are eloquently summarized in Federalist No 45:

Mike Pence needs to take his sanctimonious dog and pony show elsewhere, especially now that he has openly taken a dump on our Constitution.


When a Republican Legislator demands a national ban on abortions, or a Democrat Legislator demands a total unregulated access to abortion, both are domestic enemies of Federalism, our Constitution’s plan, and need to be excoriated for the traitors they are in wanting to exercise authoritarian power over the states and people therein.
That’s not dumping on the constitution… he wants to use a constitutional process to make a federal law. It’s a pipe dream and an over promise but not unconstitutional
So, instead, they put what powers the fed gov has. The fed gov is SUPPOSED to be extremely limited. Of course, boot lickers like you, praise big govt as long as you support the outcome.
The fed gov has no constitutional power to regulate abortion.
I just love how Republicans say they are the party of limited government, except when it comes to a woman's uterus or gays wanting to marry. Then they are all up in your business!
woman's uterus
Has nothing to do with the container, moron. It is the murder of what is in the container. Murder has always been addressed, let me refresh your memory.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are LIFE, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Has nothing to do with the container, moron. It is the murder of what is in the container. Murder has always been addressed, let me refresh your memory.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are LIFE, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
So fetus' are citizens?
Has nothing to do with the container, moron. It is the murder of what is in the container. Murder has always been addressed, let me refresh your memory.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are LIFE, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
What is your point?
During last night’s debate, after whining and dinning our ears to how loyal he is to the Constitution, with reference to President Trump and the 2020 election, Mike Pence went on to take a dump on the Constitution by indicating he wants Congressional legislation banning abortion.

Pence stated:

“When the Supreme Court returned this question to the American people, they didn't just send it to the states only. It's not a states-only issue. It's a moral issue, Pence said. He argued that there should be a minimum standard for abortion to be banned at 15 weeks of pregnancy." SOURCE

First of all, the S. C. did not return the issue of abortion regulation, if any, to the States. It was always within those powers reserved by the states and people therein. The S.C. merely confirmed what our Constitution stated from the beginning.

The irrefutable fact is, there is not a syllable in the Constitution delegating a power to Congress to enter the States and impose Mike Pence’s personal predilections upon the people therein. In fact, the Tenth Amendment codifies into the constitution the supremacy of powers reserve by the states and people therein which are eloquently summarized in Federalist No 45:

Mike Pence needs to take his sanctimonious dog and pony show elsewhere, especially now that he has openly taken a dump on our Constitution.


When a Republican Legislator demands a national ban on abortions, or a Democrat Legislator demands a total unregulated access to abortion, both are domestic enemies of Federalism, our Constitution’s plan, and need to be excoriated for the traitors they are in wanting to exercise authoritarian power over the states and people therein.
It was pretty telling, when he raised his hand to say he would support Trump if winning the primary, even if trump is a convicted felon. Non of those that raised their hand should be electable and in fact, will not be elected.
It was pretty telling, when he raised his hand to say he would support Trump if winning the primary, even if trump is a convicted felon. Non of those that raised their hand should be electable and in fact, will not be elected.
Well, none of them are electable, whether they raised their hands or not.
During last night’s debate, after whining and dinning our ears to how loyal he is to the Constitution, with reference to President Trump and the 2020 election, Mike Pence went on to take a dump on the Constitution by indicating he wants Congressional legislation banning abortion.

Pence stated:

“When the Supreme Court returned this question to the American people, they didn't just send it to the states only. It's not a states-only issue. It's a moral issue, Pence said. He argued that there should be a minimum standard for abortion to be banned at 15 weeks of pregnancy." SOURCE

First of all, the S. C. did not return the issue of abortion regulation, if any, to the States. It was always within those powers reserved by the states and people therein. The S.C. merely confirmed what our Constitution stated from the beginning.

The irrefutable fact is, there is not a syllable in the Constitution delegating a power to Congress to enter the States and impose Mike Pence’s personal predilections upon the people therein. In fact, the Tenth Amendment codifies into the constitution the supremacy of powers reserve by the states and people therein which are eloquently summarized in Federalist No 45:

Mike Pence needs to take his sanctimonious dog and pony show elsewhere, especially now that he has openly taken a dump on our Constitution.


When a Republican Legislator demands a national ban on abortions, or a Democrat Legislator demands a total unregulated access to abortion, both are domestic enemies of Federalism, our Constitution’s plan, and need to be excoriated for the traitors they are in wanting to exercise authoritarian power over the states and people therein.
Chris Christie I noticed talking out of both sides of his mouth on CNN. No one called him on it. But listen to what he said when asked about abortion. He said it's a states rights issue. Each state should decide for themselves". That's the standard Republican reply. But then he went on to admit that "IF our country reached a clear national consensus on the issue, he would sign legislation on a federal level".

Translation. He would sign a federal law saying abortion is murder if Republicans controlled the Senate and House and sent him a bill banning abortion and making it MURDER in the eyes of the law.

And if he wants consensus on this subject, women should know that's what this election is about.
It was pretty telling, when he raised his hand to say he would support Trump if winning the primary, even if trump is a convicted felon. Non of those that raised their hand should be electable and in fact, will not be elected.
I was thinking about this a half hour ago. As a Democrat, I should be absolutely loving the shit show that is the Republican primaries. Trump has fucked that party up big time. The guy in 2nd is an asshole. They don't like the honest ones. Forget the woman. She stands no chance.

And they won't vote for an indian, even though young people like him.
During last night’s debate, after whining and dinning our ears to how loyal he is to the Constitution, with reference to President Trump and the 2020 election, Mike Pence went on to take a dump on the Constitution by indicating he wants Congressional legislation banning abortion.

Pence stated:

“When the Supreme Court returned this question to the American people, they didn't just send it to the states only. It's not a states-only issue. It's a moral issue, Pence said. He argued that there should be a minimum standard for abortion to be banned at 15 weeks of pregnancy." SOURCE

First of all, the S. C. did not return the issue of abortion regulation, if any, to the States. It was always within those powers reserved by the states and people therein. The S.C. merely confirmed what our Constitution stated from the beginning.

The irrefutable fact is, there is not a syllable in the Constitution delegating a power to Congress to enter the States and impose Mike Pence’s personal predilections upon the people therein. In fact, the Tenth Amendment codifies into the constitution the supremacy of powers reserve by the states and people therein which are eloquently summarized in Federalist No 45:

Mike Pence needs to take his sanctimonious dog and pony show elsewhere, especially now that he has openly taken a dump on our Constitution.


When a Republican Legislator demands a national ban on abortions, or a Democrat Legislator demands a total unregulated access to abortion, both are domestic enemies of Federalism, our Constitution’s plan, and need to be excoriated for the traitors they are in wanting to exercise authoritarian power over the states and people therein.
During last night’s debate, after whining and dinning our ears to how loyal he is to the Constitution, with reference to President Trump and the 2020 election, Mike Pence went on to take a dump on the Constitution by indicating he wants Congressional legislation banning abortion.

Pence stated:

“When the Supreme Court returned this question to the American people, they didn't just send it to the states only. It's not a states-only issue. It's a moral issue, Pence said. He argued that there should be a minimum standard for abortion to be banned at 15 weeks of pregnancy." SOURCE

First of all, the S. C. did not return the issue of abortion regulation, if any, to the States. It was always within those powers reserved by the states and people therein. The S.C. merely confirmed what our Constitution stated from the beginning.

The irrefutable fact is, there is not a syllable in the Constitution delegating a power to Congress to enter the States and impose Mike Pence’s personal predilections upon the people therein. In fact, the Tenth Amendment codifies into the constitution the supremacy of powers reserve by the states and people therein which are eloquently summarized in Federalist No 45:

Mike Pence needs to take his sanctimonious dog and pony show elsewhere, especially now that he has openly taken a dump on our Constitution.


When a Republican Legislator demands a national ban on abortions, or a Democrat Legislator demands a total unregulated access to abortion, both are domestic enemies of Federalism, our Constitution’s plan, and need to be excoriated for the traitors they are in wanting to exercise authoritarian power over the states and people therein.
Wrong. Due to the very misguided and Constitutionally defective Roe v. Wade decision, the abortion question authority had been seized by the federal government. By overruling Roe, the SCOTUS returned that authority to the States.

But they did miss an obvious point. Or, more accurately, they ducked it. The real issue is whether the federal Constitution already is supposed to protect life. And it is. So, it comes down to whether they will ever acknowledge what science already knows: life begins at conception.
If the Founding Fathers wanted more of the Federalist Papers to be part of the Supreme Law of the Land, they would have included more of them in the document.

Well, my friend, the founders did include the requirement in our Constitution to adhere to "the rules of the common law". And, under the rules of the common law, adhering to legislative intent is one of the most fundamental rules. Accordingly, legislative intent can be documented in the framing and ratification debates of our constitution.

16 Am Jur 2d Constitutional law
Par. 92. Intent of framers and adopters as controlling.

The fundamental principle of constitutional construction is that effect must be given to the intent of the framers of the organic law and of the people adopting it. This is the polestar in the construction of constitutions, all other principles of construction are only rules or guides to aid in the determination of the intention of the constitution’s framers.

16 Am Jur, Constitutional Law, “Rules of Construction, Generally”

Par. 88--Proceedings of conventions and debates.

Under the principle that a judicial tribunal, in interpreting ambiguous provisions, may have recourse to contemporaneous interpretations so as to determine the intention of the framers of the constitution, the rule is well established that in the construction of a constitution, recourse may be had to proceedings in the convention which drafted the instrument. (numerous citations omitted )

Also see par. 89-- The Federalist and other contemporary writings“ Under the rule that contemporaneous construction may be referred to it is an accepted principle that in the interpretation of the Constitution of the United States recourse may be had to the Federalist since the papers included in that work were the handiwork of three eminent statesmen, two of whom had been members of the convention which framed the Constitution. Accordingly, frequent references have been made to these papers in opinions considering constitutional questions and they have sometimes been accorded considerable weight.” (numerous citations omitted )


Those who reject abiding by the text of our Constitution, and the intentions and beliefs under which it was agree to, as documented from historical records _ its framing and ratification debates which give context to its text _ wish to remove the anchor and rudder of our constitutional system so they may then be free to “interpret” the Constitution to mean whatever they wish it to mean.

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