Mike Pence gives finger to Constitution during Republican debate

Further proof of the dishonesty of the right; overturning Roe was never about states' rights, it was about more conservative big government authoritarianism.
Actually, Mrs Jones, it was about murder being unlawful since you Dims always have to be reminded of this.
But your love of murdering babies is insatiable, since we are being so honest right?
Actually, Mrs Jones, it was about murder being unlawful since you Dims always have to be reminded of this.
But your love of murdering babies is insatiable, since we are being so honest right?
Women who live in the states that banned abortion are driving to our states to get their abortions now. Now the lines are around the block. The number of people getting abortions has tripled. That means more women in red states abort. Too bad for them. They should have voted for Biden. Actually they should have vote for Gore. Gore Obama Hillary Biden.
The preborn child isn’t of legal age to vote.
A pregnant woman's insurance should double the minute she gets pregnant. If insurance companies have to take care of 2 humans the two humans should have to pay the insurance companies for 2 people.
I just love how Republicans say they are the party of limited government, except when it comes to a woman's uterus or gays wanting to marry. Then they are all up in your business!
Simple don't get pregnant don't suck dick not hard at all for us heterosexuals, and people with a moral standard. Nowhere in the constitution is abortion mentioned, it is the taking of a human life period! Why should a child die becuase to consenting adults couldn't control themselves.
A pregnant woman's insurance should double the minute she gets pregnant. If insurance companies have to take care of 2 humans the two humans should have to pay the insurance companies for 2 people.
Do you have many underage kids paying for insurance? :itsok:
Wrong. Due to the very misguided and Constitutionally defective Roe v. Wade decision, the abortion question authority had been seized by the federal government. By overruling Roe, the SCOTUS returned that authority to the States.

But they did miss an obvious point. Or, more accurately, they ducked it. The real issue is whether the federal Constitution already is supposed to protect life. And it is. So, it comes down to whether they will ever acknowledge what science already knows: life begins at conception.
Does the constitution protect the life of cows and flowers? No. So life has a narrower definition. Human life you might say. Ok. Well sperm cells are human cells that are alive. Does the constitution protect those cells? No. Ok so the definition of life gets even more narrow…. You see where this is going?

You can’t just say the constitutional protections for life applies to every form of life. It needs to be narrowed and defined. Hence the debate. Do you agree?
Does the constitution protect the life of cows and flowers? No.

Well my my. You’ve managed to figure out that is addressing human life. So proud of you. 👏
So life has a narrower definition. Human life you might say. Ok. Well sperm cells are human cells that are alive.
Speak cells are alive otherwise they wouldn’t work. But they are not life. Try again, moron.
Does the constitution protect those cells?
No. They are alive. But not life.
No. Ok so the definition of life gets even more narrow…. You see where this is going?
Yes. You’re driving what you hoped was a point into the ground. It wasn’t a point. And you’re a moron.
You can’t just say the constitutional protections for life applies to every form of life.
I didn’t. That was you.
It needs to be narrowed and defined.
We did human life.
Hence the debate. Do you agree?
Obviously not. You failed to make any coherent point. Get an adult with a working brain to assist you next time, slake.
What is the difference between alive and life?
Cells can be alive without any ability to reproduce. For example, the sperm cell. Alone, it is alive. But it isn’t a unique life since it is incapable of reproducing.

It doesn’t become a unique human life different from its source until and unless it has met up with and entered an ovum. Then, quite miraculously, it becomes a unique life. And over time that one cell will (assuming it isn’t killed) become able to create new life in the same process.

It is a very petty quibble you offer. One of my cheek cells isn’t able to reproduce. So to say it is akin to a human life is not even close to being honest or accurate.

If you wish to pretend that the Constitution of the United States offers guaranteed protection to a cheek cell, go forth and spread the word, bruddah! But meanwhile, everyone including you knows you’re full of shit.
Chris Christie I noticed talking out of both sides of his mouth on CNN. No one called him on it. But listen to what he said when asked about abortion. He said it's a states rights issue. Each state should decide for themselves". That's the standard Republican reply. But then he went on to admit that "IF our country reached a clear national consensus on the issue, he would sign legislation on a federal level".

Translation. He would sign a federal law saying abortion is murder if Republicans controlled the Senate and House and sent him a bill banning abortion and making it MURDER in the eyes of the law.

And if he wants consensus on this subject, women should know that's what this election is about.
I do not agree on what would be extremism like Progs are for near everything on abortion banning. Only because we have had 0ver 50 years of women becoming slutty due to the Roe versus Wade decision. It is going to take some years for them to wise up and get some more self-respect. And the kicker is, that women live massively more complicated lives than they need to. That is why they are selling the obesity agenda with tentacles for young women as normal.
It doesn’t become a unique human life different from its source until and unless it has met up with and entered an ovum. Then, quite miraculously, it becomes a unique life. And over time that one cell will (assuming it isn’t killed) become able to create new life in the same process.
You really need to take a biology class. An embryo is never just one cell. It’s is many cells that divide and grow. The question of what the difference between alive and life still remains. You haven’t defined it
It is a very petty quibble you offer. One of my cheek cells isn’t able to reproduce. So to say it is akin to a human life is not even close to being honest or accurate.
I never said a human life is akin to a piece of your cheek. Don’t put words in my mouth
Oh good. Then why did you say it?
I'll say this. Human life isn't so precious that we shouldn't experiment with stem cells. You right wing nuts wouldn't allow it back during the Bush years. Have you changed since then? And today would you pull the plug or is life too precious?

People kill other people in a wide variety of situations, some intentional and not all defined as murder. Police kill people who are in the midst of a crime or suspected of criminal intent, and they often do so with impunity. Soldiers kill in war. We also kill people in self-defense, sometimes as related to Stand Your Ground laws. South Carolina last executed a prisoner by lethal injection in 2011. In 2019, the South Carolina senate voted to bring back the electric chair and firing squad as other execution options. When execution is the punishment, personhood does not protect a prisoner from being killed by the state.

Did George Zimmerman murder Trevon Martin?

In other cases, killing is unrelated to any crime held up as justification. As an ICU physician, I take instruction from my patient's reasonable proxy. That proxy can direct me not to resuscitate, which results in the death of the patient. Is that murder? Assisted suicide is legal in 10 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. Some countries like Canada, Belgium, and Switzerland practice active euthanasia, which kills thousands of people every year. These situations further demonstrate that not all acts of killing are defined as murder, and even individuals who are indisputably considered persons before the law are not always protected by the law from being killed. In cases where individuals cannot give an opinion about their desire to live and under what circumstances, proxies, usually those legally considered their next of kin, are allowed to make decisions on their behalf. Who's a fetus' next of kin?
you compare killing of the innocent to criminals and war casualties, LMAO

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