Military bases: Obama’s new illegal alien dumping grounds


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
It seems the little dicator president disrespects our laws and our military every chance he gets....:mad:

What do you think of Obama using our military bases for illegal aliens to illegally come into our country...?

A source tipped me off last week to a curious occurrence: It seems that two planeloads of illegal aliens were recently shipped to Massachusetts. The first reportedly landed at Hanscom Air Force Base in Bedford. According to my tipster, approximately 160 illegal immigrants arrived on that flight and stayed nearly a week before being transferred to a Department of Homeland Security site and then released.

The second flight was reportedly diverted from Hanscom to Boston’s Logan Airport this past weekend. I am told that both Massachusetts and New Hampshire officials were on hand. I reached out to Hanscom AFB for confirmation, but did not receive a call back by my deadline.

Question: How many other military bases are stealthily being used to redistribute, house, process, and release the illegal border crossers?

What we do know for sure is that the Obama administration has already converted several other military bases across the country into outposts for tens of thousands of illegal aliens from Central and South America.

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