Miss USA

Come on now she is smoking hot and deserved it! Top to bottom not an ounce of fat and check out those abs, she has a fricking 6-pack.


Congratlation, but there are prettier women.
I am speaking of the should upwards.

And she is funded by terrorists to boot, what more could you want in a Miss America winner?
Confirmed: Islamic Terrorist Financed Miss USA Contestant
Come on now she is smoking hot and deserved it! Top to bottom not an ounce of fat and check out those abs, she has a fricking 6-pack.


Congratlation, but there are prettier women.
I am speaking of the should upwards.

And she is funded by terrorists to boot, what more could you want in a Miss America winner?
Confirmed: Islamic Terrorist Financed Miss USA Contestant

This is why I oppose her. Most muslim hate anyone that is not muslim, period.
I was reading news that she supports terrorist.

Duh, she's a Muslim. She's probably planning to turn her crown into some sort of bomb as we speak. She and the rest of her kind should be deported immediately - Jesus is Lord™
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I guess the avatar and signature didn't quite give it away. :lol:
Come on now she is smoking hot and deserved it! Top to bottom not an ounce of fat and check out those abs, she has a fricking 6-pack.


And she is funded by terrorists to boot, what more could you want in a Miss America winner?
Confirmed: Islamic Terrorist Financed Miss USA Contestant

Lots of girls like Hizbullah. :)


The hypocrisy would be almost laughable if it were not so sad. Women that support groups that degrade, and oppress women.
And she is funded by terrorists to boot, what more could you want in a Miss America winner?
Confirmed: Islamic Terrorist Financed Miss USA Contestant

Lots of girls like Hizbullah. :)


The hypocrisy would be almost laughable if it were not so sad. Women that support groups that degrade, and oppress women.
Assumptions are dangerous.

After clearing a checkpoint with armed guards, I visited Al Manar's high tech offices. The state of the art facilities included an extensive video archives/library, modern recording studios, sound booths and edit bays. In the Green Room I spoke to Sheikh Khoury Noor Ad Dine of the Hezbollah Political Council. He denied that the TV station committed atrocities or waged war on civilians. In fact, a large percentage of Al Manar employees are female. "Hezbollah differs from many Islamic groups in our treatment of women. We believe women have the ability like men to participate in all parts of life."

From its founding in the 1980s, Hezbollah women have headed education, medical and social service organizations. Most recently Hezbollah nominated several women to run in the Lebanese elections. It named Wafa Hoteit as a chief of Al Noor Radio (also recently bombed), and promoted 37-year-old Rima Fakhry to its highest ruling body, the Hezbollah Political Council. Part of Fakhry's duties include interpreting Islamic feminism in Sharia law for the Committee for Political Analysis.

Free speech marked for death
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agree with that


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I guess the avatar and signature didn't quite give it away. :lol:

Hey you have seen the sword cut the other way :lol:

I think she's pretty. And, her "talent" was pole dancing. No silly, not for "Poland", "Pole", as in long, hard tube.
I read today that her home town in Lebanon is extremely brought of her, but your Islamofacist brothers in Hezbollah are very upset and are threatening a fatwa on her. I believe they also had issues of her winning the pole dancing competion (which only makes me admire her more) and the fact that she went to a Catholic highschool!

Face it Kalam, this more of an All American Beauty-Queen winning Miss USA and not an Arab-Muslim winning!

I think this story is well overblown and I'm shocked how many people including the Turkish Whore who want to take this away from her, when she so clearly deserved it!

Come on now she is smoking hot and deserved it! Top to bottom not an ounce of fat and check out those abs, she has a fricking 6-pack.


And she is funded by terrorists to boot, what more could you want in a Miss America winner?
Confirmed: Islamic Terrorist Financed Miss USA Contestant

Lots of girls like Hizbullah. :)

Come on now she is smoking hot and deserved it! Top to bottom not an ounce of fat and check out those abs, she has a fricking 6-pack.


Congratlation, but there are prettier women.
I am speaking of the should upwards.

And she is funded by terrorists to boot, what more could you want in a Miss America winner?
Confirmed: Islamic Terrorist Financed Miss USA Contestant

That's rubbish! The source used is making blank assertions with no proof whatsoever. In fact there are fatwas agaisnt her and she went to a Catholic Highschool. Supporters of radical Islam don't win pole dancing competitions!
I read today that her home town in Lebanon is extremely brought of her, but your Islamofacist brothers in Hezbollah are very upset and are threatening a fatwa on her. I believe they also had issues of her winning the pole dancing competion (which only makes me admire her more) and the fact that she went to a Catholic highschool!
Are you aware of what a "fatwa" is? Few here are. :lol:

Hizbullah's statement:
"The criteria through which we evaluate women are different from those of the West."

Hizbullah aren't my brothers. They're Shi'ites and claim to model themselves after Iran.

Face it Kalam, this more of an All American Beauty-Queen winning Miss USA and not an Arab-Muslim winning!
Nobody said it was. Her beliefs and actions are clearly deviant, though I suspect they're the result of unfamiliarity with Islam, not willful heresy. I don't consider her representative of Muslims or her win any sort of victory for the Ummah; judging women purely by their physical characteristics is contrary to the values of Islam. As I said, she's pretty, but as far as I know that's the extent of her positive attributes.
Are you aware of what a "fatwa" is? Few here are. :lol:

It's an Arabic order, commonly given by Immans and commonly given to mark someone for death!

Hizbullah aren't my brothers. They're Shi'ites and claim to model themselves after Iran.
They are Islamofacist. They hate America and the West. They are against women's right. They desire a 2nd Holocaust! I say you have a lot in common with them!

Nobody said it was. Her beliefs and actions are clearly deviant, though I suspect they're the result of unfamiliarity with Islam, not willful heresy. I don't consider her representative of Muslims or her win any sort of victory for the Ummah; judging women purely by their physical characteristics is contrary to the values of Islam. As I said, she's pretty, but as far as I know that's the extent of her positive attributes.
That is because she does a better job of representing all American Girls then she does Arabs or Middle Easterns!

And why not give her the benefit of the doubt, you are so quick to label her as nothing but a pretty face. I think that is typical amongst Islamofacist like yourself, no?
Sorry bout that,

A sad indictment of society that people - male or female - are still judged not on the content of their character but on their physical attributes. We really should have moved past such crap by now.

I agree. Still in all, it doesn't look like she has much of a rack there . . . :eusa_whistle:

1. Hey George, my comment on the *Holocaust bones* in no way was meant to demean the Jewish Holocaust.
2. I have a long standing love toward the Jewish people, and hate that The Jews were murdered the way they were.
3. Just ranting on this *Politically Correct* win for this muslim gal.
4. I wish it wasn't how it is, but it is, I can't change the fact, *The Donald* had a hand in her selection, a poor chocie, she was way to starved, bones poking out are not sexy.
5. Anyways, just wanted to clear that up.
6. And I agree, her set is very lacking, and do play a major part in selecting a winner for this title, in my book, its, *No Tits, No Title*!!!:lol:


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