Mississippi Senate candidate Cindy Hyde-Smith attended racist high school in the 70's

Ted Frazier

Gold Member
Nov 12, 2016

The academy was set up "so that white parents could avoid having to send their children to schools with black students".

The Republican is seen (third from the right) behind a mascot wielding a Confederate flag.
The racist school and resist themes provide context to Mrs. Hyde-Smith "public hanging" remarks.
Hyde-Smith Attended All-White ‘Seg Academy’ to Avoid Integration
I attended a segregated school in the 70s. It was the only school in town. Does that make me a racist?
I attended a segregated school in the 70s. It was the only school in town. Does that make me a racist?
No – but that wasn’t the case with Hyde-Smith.

Her parents were likely racist; and Hyde-Smith was likely raised in an environment of racism.

Her remarks about public hangings was idiotic, particularly given Mississippi’s history of lynching African-Americans.

Hyde-Smith of course has only herself to blame, the consequence of her disastrous response to questions about her public hanging comments.

The academy was set up "so that white parents could avoid having to send their children to schools with black students".

The Republican is seen (third from the right) behind a mascot wielding a Confederate flag.
The racist school and resist themes provide context to Mrs. Hyde-Smith "public hanging" remarks.
Hyde-Smith Attended All-White ‘Seg Academy’ to Avoid Integration
...and a few decades later >>>>>
Black students demand segregated spaces from white students - The College Fix

The academy was set up "so that white parents could avoid having to send their children to schools with black students".

The Republican is seen (third from the right) behind a mascot wielding a Confederate flag.
The racist school and resist themes provide context to Mrs. Hyde-Smith "public hanging" remarks.
Hyde-Smith Attended All-White ‘Seg Academy’ to Avoid Integration

She was 13-14 when that photo was taken. How much control over you life did you have at that age? You commie propagandist are just pathetic little people.


The academy was set up "so that white parents could avoid having to send their children to schools with black students".

The Republican is seen (third from the right) behind a mascot wielding a Confederate flag.
The racist school and resist themes provide context to Mrs. Hyde-Smith "public hanging" remarks.
Hyde-Smith Attended All-White ‘Seg Academy’ to Avoid Integration

I happily sent my kids to private schools here at the beach where minorities can’t afford to send their children...THIS JUST IN....minorities tend to have a lower iQ, behave badly, come from broken homes without moral standards and values, be more criminal in nature.....etc etc
I know, I know...the truth sucks. You must be one hell of a parent if you didn’t try to surround your children with high quality individuals.
I attended a segregated school in the 70s. It was the only school in town. Does that make me a racist?
No – but that wasn’t the case with Hyde-Smith.

Her parents were likely racist; and Hyde-Smith was likely raised in an environment of racism.

Her remarks about public hangings was idiotic, particularly given Mississippi’s history of lynching African-Americans.

Hyde-Smith of course has only herself to blame, the consequence of her disastrous response to questions about her public hanging comments.

What about Brooklyn's history of lynching and burning Coons? They killed
quite a few of them in 1863.

The academy was set up "so that white parents could avoid having to send their children to schools with black students".

The Republican is seen (third from the right) behind a mascot wielding a Confederate flag.
The racist school and resist themes provide context to Mrs. Hyde-Smith "public hanging" remarks.
Hyde-Smith Attended All-White ‘Seg Academy’ to Avoid Integration

She was 13-14 when that photo was taken. How much control over you life did you have at that age? You commie propagandist are just pathetic little people.


Is "commie propagandist" something related to this thread? Did the OP quote Marx or Mao, Lenin or Stalin?

You and Mindwars, PolitialChic and other right wing hacks are the only ones to try and keep the RED SCARE alive, and a viable effort to monger hate and fear.

Wake up an smell the stink of Right Wing racism and neo fascism, which is something real Americans are concerned about.
Yet now today many segregate themsleves either by race, gender, religion or political ideology by choice because they find being around people who have different view and opinions upsetting to them and need their safe spaces gotta love the irony.
Can we be honest?
The Democrats love their racist.
View attachment 230642
Obama on Farrakhan: "I decry racism and anti-Semitism in every form and strongly condemn the anti-Semitic statements made by Minister Farrakhan. I assume that Trumpet Magazinemade its own decision to honor Farrakhan based on his efforts to rehabilitate ex-offenders, but it is not a decision with which I agree."

Trump on neo-nazis: "fine people"

The academy was set up "so that white parents could avoid having to send their children to schools with black students".

The Republican is seen (third from the right) behind a mascot wielding a Confederate flag.
The racist school and resist themes provide context to Mrs. Hyde-Smith "public hanging" remarks.
Hyde-Smith Attended All-White ‘Seg Academy’ to Avoid Integration

She was 13-14 when that photo was taken. How much control over you life did you have at that age? You commie propagandist are just pathetic little people.


Is "commie propagandist" something related to this thread? Did the OP quote Marx or Mao, Lenin or Stalin?

You and Mindwars, PolitialChic and other right wing hacks are the only ones to try and keep the RED SCARE alive, and a viable effort to monger hate and fear.

Wake up an smell the stink of Right Wing racism and neo fascism, which is something real Americans are concerned about.

A perfect example or your commie propaganda.
Wake up an smell the stink of Right Wing racism and neo fascism, which is something real Americans are concerned about.
Real Americans wouldn't be giving your bullshit a second thought if the MSM weren't spewing the same shit 24/7. So just look in the mirror propaganda boy, and own it.

I’m down for total segregation...I know the Brownies would be as well...but something tells me they wouldn’t eat without Whitey spoon feeding them and I bet they know that.
Did you later joke about public hangings?

Back in the day rapists and murderers actually got their speedy trial and just punishment. It was also a deterrent to other criminals. They did not have the resources to accommodate a criminal for life in prison. Now of course with the advent of democrat judges, murderers often get set loose back on society only to kill innocent people again.

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