Missouri cop was badly beaten before shooting Michael Brown, says source(Fox news!)

How do the wounds sustained by Brown match up with the account that Wilson was attacked in the police vehicle?

Brown sustained at least 2 head wounds. They would have to have been fired at point blank range if he was allegedly leaning into the vehicle and beating Wilson hard enough to break his eye socket, right? But the autopsy stated that there was no gun powder residue on the body.

No one ever said saint michael of brown was shot while he was leaning in the vehicle. You haven't been paying attention, obviously.

...and there was no residue on the body because he was WEARING CLOTHES...christ..even Dr. Baden said that..you are clueless..but you DO have an agenda, I see.
Until the chickenshit Ferguson Police Department comes clean with PUBLIC INFORMATION, then they are just fueling speculation and incurring the wrath of their predominant demographic, black people.

All these idiots defending Wilson just don't seem to care that the FPD is releasing NO FACTS, nothing.

Rumors seem to suit bigots.

The mere fact that it's 11 days and FPD is still hiding from the PEOPLE WHO PAY THEIR SALARIES tells me a lot about this killing.
How do the wounds sustained by Brown match up with the account that Wilson was attacked in the police vehicle?

Brown sustained at least 2 head wounds. They would have to have been fired at point blank range if he was allegedly leaning into the vehicle and beating Wilson hard enough to break his eye socket, right? But the autopsy stated that there was no gun powder residue on the body.


Yet another story from the authorities that doesn't add up.

I have worked with cops in a volunteer capacity for many years now and one of things that they have told me is that you know that someone is lying if their story keeps changing. Normally that is what they hear from the perps.

In this instance the changing story is coming from the Ferguson PD. :eek-52:

Normally I am the last person to question a cop about a shooting because I have been through their simulation training and making the right call in a split second is not always going to happen. But in this instance something is not right here.

I am waiting for all of the facts to come to light before making a decision. Let the FBI make this call because it doesn't add up from where I am standing.

I think you're missing a key factor here, after the 'situation' in the car, EVERYONE says Brown and Johnson ran, so no, it does not mean Wilson fired point blank from the car at all.
I want to see the bloodstain pattern analysts's report. But I bet the Ferguson PD either doesn't even know what that is or will bury it.
Until the chickenshit Ferguson Police Department comes clean with PUBLIC INFORMATION, then they are just fueling speculation and incurring the wrath of their predominant demographic, black people.

All these idiots defending Wilson just don't seem to care that the FPD is releasing NO FACTS, nothing.

Rumors seem to suit bigots.

The mere fact that it's 11 days and FPD is still hiding from the PEOPLE WHO PAY THEIR SALARIES tells me a lot about this killing.

According to FPD Chief Jackson, it is County's policy to not release information until the investigation is done.

Maybe you should be ask the media why they haven't Sunshine Requested County's records RE Wilson's account of the incident, to clear stuff up for us.
I want to see the bloodstain pattern analysts's report. But I bet the Ferguson PD either doesn't even know what that is or will bury it.

LMAO..as if you could interpret and understand it if you DID see it...You watch a lot of television, don't you?
How do the wounds sustained by Brown match up with the account that Wilson was attacked in the police vehicle?

Brown sustained at least 2 head wounds. They would have to have been fired at point blank range if he was allegedly leaning into the vehicle and beating Wilson hard enough to break his eye socket, right? But the autopsy stated that there was no gun powder residue on the body.

No one ever said saint michael of brown was shot while he was leaning in the vehicle. You haven't been paying attention, obviously.

...and there was no residue on the body because he was WEARING CLOTHES...christ..even Dr. Baden said that..you are clueless..but you DO have an agenda, I see.

Why would they shoot Brown 6 times if he wasn't close enough to be hitting anyone?

Brown wasn't wearing any clothing on his eyes or do you have some secret information about what he was wearing that nobody else has.

And ironic that you are accusing others of having an agenda.
If this thug attacked this officer and he did break his eyesocket. How the fuck can you say he didn't have the justification to shoot?
Nothing justifies the rioting, looting and destruction. You're scum if you do.
Real justice is a two way street. Thank god fox is willing to report on the other side that's being railroaded.
Brown sustained at least 2 head wounds. They would have to have been fired at point blank range if he was allegedly leaning into the vehicle and beating Wilson hard enough to break his eye socket, right? But the autopsy stated that there was no gun powder residue on the body.

No one ever said saint michael of brown was shot while he was leaning in the vehicle. You haven't been paying attention, obviously.

...and there was no residue on the body because he was WEARING CLOTHES...christ..even Dr. Baden said that..you are clueless..but you DO have an agenda, I see.

Why would they shoot Brown 6 times if he wasn't close enough to be hitting anyone?
"they"? only one person shot saint michael of brown. You really ARE clueless.

Brown wasn't wearing any clothing on his eyes or do you have some secret information about what he was wearing that nobody else has.

GSR only travels about 3 or 4 feet.
saint michael of brown was farther away than that when he got shot in the head...Don't you know ANY of the details?

And ironic that you are accusing others of having an agenda.
Not at all. My agenda is accuracy.
How do the wounds sustained by Brown match up with the account that Wilson was attacked in the police vehicle?

Brown sustained at least 2 head wounds. They would have to have been fired at point blank range if he was allegedly leaning into the vehicle and beating Wilson hard enough to break his eye socket, right? But the autopsy stated that there was no gun powder residue on the body.


Yet another story from the authorities that doesn't add up.

I have worked with cops in a volunteer capacity for many years now and one of things that they have told me is that you know that someone is lying if their story keeps changing. Normally that is what they hear from the perps.

In this instance the changing story is coming from the Ferguson PD. :eek-52:

Normally I am the last person to question a cop about a shooting because I have been through their simulation training and making the right call in a split second is not always going to happen. But in this instance something is not right here.

I am waiting for all of the facts to come to light before making a decision. Let the FBI make this call because it doesn't add up from where I am standing.

I think you're missing a key factor here, after the 'situation' in the car, EVERYONE says Brown and Johnson ran, so no, it does not mean Wilson fired point blank from the car at all.

If Brown was running away then he must have been running backwards because all of the shots entered his body from the front except for the one on top of his head and the one to the eye that exited the jaw and hit his shoulder.

Again, the story doesn't gel with the known facts.
If this thug attacked this officer and he did break his eyesocket. How the fuck can you say he didn't have the justification to shoot?

If that is true then Wilson did have justification to shoot but that story has been "leaked". It hasn't come from an official source. Which begs the question, why not?
How do the wounds sustained by Brown match up with the account that Wilson was attacked in the police vehicle?

Brown sustained at least 2 head wounds. They would have to have been fired at point blank range if he was allegedly leaning into the vehicle and beating Wilson hard enough to break his eye socket, right? But the autopsy stated that there was no gun powder residue on the body.

No one ever said saint michael of brown was shot while he was leaning in the vehicle. You haven't been paying attention, obviously.

...and there was no residue on the body because he was WEARING CLOTHES...christ..even Dr. Baden said that..you are clueless..but you DO have an agenda, I see.

Why would they shoot Brown 6 times if he wasn't close enough to be hitting anyone?

Brown wasn't wearing any clothing on his eyes or do you have some secret information about what he was wearing that nobody else has.

And ironic that you are accusing others of having an agenda.

You're behind a bit, at least one (and supposedly more than a dozen others,) have come forward to report that after Brown ran he turned around and charged the officer.

None of the shots came from behind.
I'm just going to take this moment here to refer to my Sig below. Derideo_Te, is a perfect example of what the general pubic knows about this incident because of those bastards.
If this thug attacked this officer and he did break his eyesocket. How the fuck can you say he didn't have the justification to shoot?

If that is true then Wilson did have justification to shoot but that story has been "leaked". It hasn't come from an official source. Which begs the question, why not?

The chief of police in the very FIRST press conference said Wilson was injured and had swelling on the side of his head. Obviously the broken bone diagnosis wasn't known by the chief at that point...the man had just gone to the hospital...You're clueless.

..and for your further information I'll repeat this once more;

Section 563.046 Missouri Statutes authorizes a law enforcement officer to use “deadly force” “when he reasonably believes that such use of deadly force is immediately necessary to effect the arrest and also reasonably believes that the person to be arrested . . . has committed or attempted to commit a felony.”

Battery on a LEO is a felony. Trying to take a cop's gun is a felony.
It was a good shoot.
How do the wounds sustained by Brown match up with the account that Wilson was attacked in the police vehicle?

Brown sustained at least 2 head wounds. They would have to have been fired at point blank range if he was allegedly leaning into the vehicle and beating Wilson hard enough to break his eye socket, right? But the autopsy stated that there was no gun powder residue on the body.


Yet another story from the authorities that doesn't add up.

I have worked with cops in a volunteer capacity for many years now and one of things that they have told me is that you know that someone is lying if their story keeps changing. Normally that is what they hear from the perps.

In this instance the changing story is coming from the Ferguson PD. :eek-52:

Normally I am the last person to question a cop about a shooting because I have been through their simulation training and making the right call in a split second is not always going to happen. But in this instance something is not right here.

I am waiting for all of the facts to come to light before making a decision. Let the FBI make this call because it doesn't add up from where I am standing.

I think you're missing a key factor here, after the 'situation' in the car, EVERYONE says Brown and Johnson ran, so no, it does not mean Wilson fired point blank from the car at all.

If Brown was running away then he must have been running backwards because all of the shots entered his body from the front except for the one on top of his head and the one to the eye that exited the jaw and hit his shoulder.

Again, the story doesn't gel with the known facts.

You really should at least know the supposed facts before you make your self look so stupid. Browns buddy and the supposed eye witnesses CLAIMED Brown was shot in the back while running away. That he turned and got on his knees and raised his hands to surrender. After being shot. No one claimed anyone got shot in the car. In fact they made the point that NO ONE got hit by the shot in the car.

Do us all a favor and actually read stuff before you decide to comment from ignorance.
Just as a clarification, Johnson actually said that a shot was fired during the altercation in the window and that Brown was hit and bleeding in one or two of his interviews.
Brown sustained at least 2 head wounds. They would have to have been fired at point blank range if he was allegedly leaning into the vehicle and beating Wilson hard enough to break his eye socket, right? But the autopsy stated that there was no gun powder residue on the body.

No one ever said saint michael of brown was shot while he was leaning in the vehicle. You haven't been paying attention, obviously.

...and there was no residue on the body because he was WEARING CLOTHES...christ..even Dr. Baden said that..you are clueless..but you DO have an agenda, I see.

Why would they shoot Brown 6 times if he wasn't close enough to be hitting anyone?
"they"? only one person shot saint michael of brown. You really ARE clueless.

Brown wasn't wearing any clothing on his eyes or do you have some secret information about what he was wearing that nobody else has.

GSR only travels about 3 or 4 feet.
saint michael of brown was farther away than that when he got shot in the head...Don't you know ANY of the details?

And ironic that you are accusing others of having an agenda.
Not at all. My agenda is accuracy.

In which case you are missing a lot!

So two shots entered Brown's head presumably while he was facing the officer and he had his head lowered at enough of an angle for one of the bullets to hit the top of his skull from a distance of over 5' away for there to be no GSR. Brown was 6'4" tall so he must have been bent over for that shot to hit him which means that his feet would have to have been at least 8' away from the officer.

Given that Brown was unarmed and at least 8' away and the officer had a gun why didn't he order him to get on the ground with his hands above his head? Or was Brown obeying the officer when he was shot 6 times? The wounds to his arm and the top of his head would be consistent with that scenario.

Something is just not right about this incident.

Maybe. But googling around, I'm not the only one asking about why no medical attention or concern over injuries on the officer. No ambulance called, no first aid rendered, something stinks.

Im not on anyone's side but the right side. If someone lies I'm all over their ass. And up to now, I'd not felt the officer or police had lied. But I gotta say, this sounds deceptive. Googling orbital blowout fractures, selecting Images, they're really obvious even without any blood. The officer might be oblivious from adrenaline, but no one looking at him would be. Yet no concern on the video, no one calling an ambulance for him? That's suspicious.

Well, I don't think they could bring in an ambulance for Officer Wilson and not for Brown.

The question then becomes, how long was it before Officer Wilson left the scene?

If it was 5-15 minutes, I wouldn't find that suspicious at all.

If it was an hour...that would be suspicious.

But the fact that he was pacing around at the scene for a few minutes I would attribute to adrenaline and shock.

I have first hand experience with this from an automobile accident.

I was messed up...but walked around pumped up on adrenaline and shock feeling no pain.

Plus, you have to remember, the shooting was at 12:01ish and the second officer arrives at 12:04...so when that video is shot (at least the one I saw), the elapsed time between the shooting and the video may have only been 5 minutes.

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