Missouri county sheriffs deny FBI concealed carry permit audit

You’re wrong.

So what do you know
No, I just checked, I was interested. Two sources confirm.



Then show me the law that requires a drug test prior to being issues a CDL.

That should be easy enough for you.
im still waiting on the law that says FED LAW OVER-RULES STATE LAW

he ran like a bitch on that one too.
Then show me the law that requires a drug test prior to being issues a CDL.

That should be easy enough for you.
Then show me the law that requires a drug test prior to being issues a CDL.

That should be easy enough for you.

New Rule Closes CDL Loophole for Drivers with Drug or Alcohol Testing Restrictions

Also can one get federal student aid for higher education with a drug conviction even if a state law contradicts it?
Where did everyone go?



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