Mitch McConnell On Health Care Law, LMAO!

And for the record, it is not better, you retard, how can something that opens a huge door to the government dictating what consumers can and cannot buy be better?, you fucking drone, you are a dumb fucking moron who wants to feel better through liberalism but just cannot grasp the concept of losing liberties, dumbass.
I doubt you where a drill also, no fucking drill would ever want this shit for his country, and if you where, you where a pogue drill, a serious malfuntion of the united states army. Which means under obama rule you would make command sergeant major of the army within 1 week, and it wouldn't matter if you knew what the fuck was going on or not, as long as you sucked his short dick.
I was a combat troop, you?
The system before the AFCA was shatty, Obama's plan is better, funny how you filthy mangy Repugs care about the healthcare companies getting paid that having affordable health care.
I doubt you where a drill also, no fucking drill would ever want this shit for his country, and if you where, you where a pogue drill, a serious malfuntion of the united states army. Which means under obama rule you would make command sergeant major of the army within 1 week, and it wouldn't matter if you knew what the fuck was going on or not, as long as you sucked his short dick.
I was a combat troop, you?

I am a combat troop, I used to be a Forward Observer before switching to aviation crew chief and under Obama no one can make CSM in a week, you're facking retarded.
And for the record, it is not better, you retard, how can something that opens a huge door to the government dictating what consumers can and cannot buy be better?, you fucking drone, you are a dumb fucking moron who wants to feel better through liberalism but just cannot grasp the concept of losing liberties, dumbass.

Asswipe, you pay taxes, the AFCA would be covered by taxes so what's the problem? If its such a hassle why not support the signle payer public option?
Mitch McTurtleface has no alternative, he's brainwashing you dumb Repugs with hustler talk that pimps normally use.
Mitch McTurtleface has no alternative, he's brainwashing you dumb Repugs with hustler talk that pimps normally use.

You will just have to get in the backseat now while the Republicans figure things out.

Liberals tried and failed horribly.
Speaking of Pelosi, should she go to jail once it is confirmed she knowingly hid unconstitutional legislation from the public until after her co-conspirators voted it thru?
"Are you serious?"
-Nancy Pelosi

Mandating citizens to purchase health insurance is not providing health care. The Obummers had two years to make fixes to the country and this is all they came up with? I know the grand plan is to force everyone into a single payer, government provided system, but just as he handled the GM situation, his HC plan is all eff'd up.
The health care law only becomes a liberty issue on the day we start checking for the insurance coverage of accident victims before deciding whether or not to leave them on the side of the road.

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