Mitch wants the 51 senate rule to take effect on Healthcare and tax reform!!

McConnell and his hillbilly contingent of lying whores know that their day is coming. That's why I say to Trump and the Republican'ts in Congress get to it! Do your worst. Scorched Earth approaches and they know it.

It all started with the leftard clown posse and their desire to push their agenda by "hook or crook" and yet you are surprised that since Pandora's box has been opened that it is being used against your ilk? Seriously????? So, according to you....the rules should go back to the way they were???

Walmart has a sale on tin foil this week! Don't miss it!

It's academic, the Republicans are setting the table for the moment they are out of power. It ain't gonna be pretty by any stretch.
This is the shit that makes me hate democrats. Yaw run around trying to follow rules, while the GOP throw that shit to the wind and do what the fuck they want to do. Mitch, this sorry mf is so hell fire bent on passing this shit healthcare bill, not giving a fuck about them hillbillies in Ky. and he wants once again to trickle down profits to the working poor via a massive tax cut for the filthy fuckin rich....never mind that trickle down shit has never worked.

Democrats Trump has handed you more corrupt fodder than all of Watergate and Hillary combined and still we can't win either you find a fuckin mirror or throw the fuckin gloves away and be ready to battle these slimy GOP mf's....but playing the nice gay and playing it gonna get you mf's out of office damn quick

I hope they do.....but I doubt it...that would take the testicular fortitude not shown by the republicans in the Senate.....though...they did appoint there is hope...
McConnell and his hillbilly contingent of lying whores know that their day is coming. That's why I say to Trump and the Republican'ts in Congress get to it! Do your worst. Scorched Earth approaches and they know it.

It all started with the leftard clown posse and their desire to push their agenda by "hook or crook" and yet you are surprised that since Pandora's box has been opened that it is being used against your ilk? Seriously????? So, according to you....the rules should go back to the way they were???

Walmart has a sale on tin foil this week! Don't miss it!

It's academic, the Republicans are setting the table for the moment they are out of power. It ain't gonna be pretty by any stretch.

So, Issac, I simply want you on record declaring that the Senate rules changed by the leftards when they were in control of the House and Senate and ramrodded legislation through should return to the way it was before then.........hello? Is that the way it should be now???????
McConnell and his hillbilly contingent of lying whores know that their day is coming. That's why I say to Trump and the Republican'ts in Congress get to it! Do your worst. Scorched Earth approaches and they know it.

It all started with the leftard clown posse and their desire to push their agenda by "hook or crook" and yet you are surprised that since Pandora's box has been opened that it is being used against your ilk? Seriously????? So, according to you....the rules should go back to the way they were???

Walmart has a sale on tin foil this week! Don't miss it!

It's academic, the Republicans are setting the table for the moment they are out of power. It ain't gonna be pretty by any stretch.

So, Issac, I simply want you on record declaring that the Senate rules changed by the leftards when they were in control of the House and Senate and ramrodded legislation through should return to the way it was before then.........hello? Is that the way it should be now???????

It's simple, the Republicans are going full nuclear so no crying when the warheads start dropping on their heads. See? No crying. Some kind of semblance of cordiality was still alive when they took control 4 months ago but they've driven a stake through it's heart and killed it for good. I say fine, just no bitching when you feel the heat of the flames burning all the conservative shit down when they aren't in control.

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