MN Will Not Repeat “Give It All Back” Mistake-Will Invest In Education, Kids Instead



Last month’s state Budget and Economic Forecast projected a $1.867 billion surplus for the next two fiscal years. That is $831 million more than the surplus predicted by the November 2014 Forecast, just three months before.

Surpluses are a welcome change for Minnesota. Before last November, ten of the previous twelve state Budget Forecasts had projected deficits. They followed right after the last “Give It All Back” tax cut frenzy in 1999, 2000, and 2001. As the saying goes, “Those, who fail to learn the lessons of history, are doomed to repeat its mistakes.”

We did increase state taxes in 2013 by $2.1 billion; however, over $2 billion of that increase came from the wealthiest 2% of Minnesotans, large corporations, and smokers. The Effective Tax Rate on middle-income Minnesotans actually dropped as a result of the combined 2013 and 2014 tax changes.

So let me repeat: This current surplus resulted primarily from more Minnesotans working than ever before, earning more, buying more, and, thus, paying more income and sales taxes.

Furthermore, if we “give it all back,” there’s nothing left to invest in Minnesota. There’s no money to give all of our state’s 66,000 four year-olds quality educations. There’s no money to continue the tuition freezes at our state colleges and universities. There’s no money to improve nursing homes, expand broadband coverage, or fix our aging roads and bridges.

$350 might make our lives a little better for a little while. I’d rather invest it to make our lives better for a long while.

Dayton Says MN Will Not Repeat “Give It All Back” Mistake-Will Invest In Education, Kids Instead

Now look at Fox:

Minnesota has $1.8 billion surplus, but don't expect a refund check

Speaker Daudt says his caucus in the House wants to find a way to directly return some of the surplus to taxpayers in form of credits or tax cuts.


See? As soon as a state finally gets out of debt and makes a little money so they can invest in their children, in education and in infrastructure which will make the state competitive, Republicans want to throw it the fuck away. What do they care about any of those things. Not when they can get a couple of hundred dollars they can spend in a minute. This goes to the root of why Republicans are such economic failures.
Thought I would see all kinds of "how dare they spend my money".

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