Dr. Ben Miles tells us the Earth is adding to the ice age.

He said methane is increasing in the atmosphere and we seem to be heading towards an ice age ending point (sorry, I forgot the phrasing and I am out at the moment). We’re currently still technically in an ice age.

That’s from memory of the video from yesterday, I can re-watch later if I am mis-remembering or misinterpreting his comments.

We have been in an ice age for nearly 3 million years now, I think he should be saying we heading into a Glaciation phase.

Methane is irrelevant to the heat budget as its absorption range is in the low energy part of the IR window.
We have been in an ice age for nearly 3 million years now, I think he should be saying we heading into a Glaciation phase.

Methane is irrelevant to the heat budget as its absorption range is in the low energy part of the IR window.
Methane is about 1,830ppb (parts per billion) here on earth, the % figure of it in the atmosphere is tiny.

Titan, largest moon of Saturn, it's -179.5c (-291.1) with 1.7% atmosphere concentration of methane.

In general, methane is irrelevant.
He says that over all, Earth is getting colder.
What do you think about his claims?
It is worth educating yourself with.

You ask what we think of his claims, then tell us they have worth. Were you ever actually interested in anyone else's opinions?
What is a fact is Glibal warming theory has added zero to regulations so does it matter?
He says that over all, Earth is getting colder.
What do you think about his claims?
It is worth educating yourself with.

Valentina Zharkova is a lead scientist in this area .
I seem to remember viewing one of her lectures seven years ago when
she demonstrated a newly discovered solar activity proxy-magnetic field, and that the Sun has entered into the modern Grand Solar Minimum (2020–2053) which will lead to a significant reduction of the solar magnetic field and activity , like during a Maunder minimum , and leading to a noticeable reduction of terrestrial temperature.
Earth has been cooling over all since the end of the Minoan Warm Period, and we are nearing a new cooling phase as the AMO is on schedule to begin its decline in the next 5- 10 or so years that will then flip to the cool side "global warming will vanish for a few decades.

Weather Plus

AMO Index​

The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO index) is a periodically variation of the flow conditions in the North Atlantic. The circulation patterns are changing with a cycle of 50 to 70 years, leading to far-reaching changes in the sea surface temperature, which consequently impact the overlying atmosphere.


What happened to Billy_Bob ?
Because the record high in Death Valley set then was/is representative of the temperature for the entire planet.
The record high in Death Valley was very likely a mistake. It sticks out of the record like thistle in a putting green.
He says that over all, Earth is getting colder.

It is and Surface Air Pressure proves it.

But, if you do not understand what an ICE AGE is, you are lost....

The record high in Death Valley was very likely a mistake. It sticks out of the record like thistle in a putting green.
Back then, it was actually hotter. But nobody wranged their hands and stomped their feet telling me I can command climate.
Back then, it was actually hotter. But nobody wranged their hands and stomped their feet telling me I can command climate.

It was NOT hotter. You don't think that looks like an outlier?

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