Mom, four experts to testify at Kyle Rittenhouse extradition hearing for Kenosha killings


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Extradition Hearing....results are a forgone conclusion..Kyle is on his way to the big boy jail--and to face his accusers:

Also listed as an expert witness for the defense is Andrew Branca, a Denver lawyer who specializes in self-defense cases, instruction and speaking on the topic. His website's tag line reads, "Carry A Gun So You're Hard To Kill, Know The Law So You're Hard To Convict."

Two former homicide detectives are expected to discuss "the apparent lack of investigation prior to the filing of the criminal complaint." One of them is retired Milwaukee Police Lt. Steve Spingola, now a regular on the Oxygen network true-crime TV show "Cold Justice."

Lake County, Illinois, prosecutors indicate in court pleadings that they do not intend to present any witnesses. They point out that under extradition law, an Illinois judge is not in position to question the sufficiency of Wisconsin charge after a Wisconsin judge has found probable cause for Rittenhouse's arrest.
Assistant State's Attorney Stephen Scheller noted in his written response that Rittenhouse "used more than half of his petition to insert irrelevant and inflammatory 'facts' which are solely meant to sway sympathy and public opinion through the media in favor of the defendant and that have no place" in an extradition hearing.

Extradition between states is usually a routine matter. When a defendant does challenge his transfer to a charging state, it usually involves attacks on technical, procedural errors or a claim that the wanted subject is insufficiently identified. Governors from Wisconsin and Illinois have issued all the required warrants.

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