More About Usury Economics: Communist Manifesto Plank Five, FRB 1913


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Oink! The '60's were famously about understanding pigs. They did not. (Pundits can point out that after all, it was only a calendar(?). This below was actually words, (same bunch can so-state, except to the religious about it!). This below is Marxist agenda plank.

“Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.”

The Soviet Union would go on to raise incomes a fixed percentage every so often. Mostly it too, is now a calendar event.

What happened should be regarded legendary(?). Moses, an exiled Prince of World Famous Subjugating Egypt, conned a bunch of shepherds into believing in their legend of a deity: And apparently referenced the subjugating, Egyptian origins of religion. Inserted was the newer technology of arithmetic, like in Deut 23: 19-20.

So what was an arithmetic ploy: Clearly became a Holy Atrocity--A "Moses Atrocity," like the rest of it.

With more centuries passing--the farming technology had preceded the development of the Moses Atrocity--the New Testament offered the tongue-in-cheek explanation: Subsequent the subjugating Empire of Alexander the Great. Farming was 5000 or so years ago. Then The Moses Atrocity in due time, maybe 1500 years later.

Then Matthew 25:14-30. Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, called, "Oh, Christ!" attributed the story--amongst some famous passages, in some alleged mysterious document, later copied again.

A formal system of equations had not been developed. Mathematics was only regarded a completely logical system only about 150 years ago. So three blind(?) servants take Talents, and two put them to the usurers. One keeps the only one it has, in a safe place.

The preceding story to that was not stated in terms of formal Market Economics. Labor hired at different times of the day--that a round thing, created from sunlight(?)--were paid the equal amount Living Wage--not so-stated--regardless if they had worked all the day or not. See Matthew 20:1-16.

Notice how the Hellenist arithmetic works: Different by light-years from the Moses Atrocity. The greater deities of legend were chiming in, having conquered the foolish and spiteful. The people who did not need the equal amount payment could put it to the usurers, and gain more. The people who did need the equal amount payment could help fuel the market-place, with purchasing power--not yet a concept.
Financial Inclusion would start to be implemented subsequent the candidacy of US Senator George McGovern for the Democratic Party nomination for the Presidency. The Nixon White House had implemented fixed percentage wage and price controls--like the Liberals in control of World War II--and their kind. Nixon would call himself a "Keynesian," more or less stating: "Who Knew(?)!" to all of history.

The Nixon White House would not become world famous for more or less stating, "What! Me Worry?!" The McGovern Campaign would drop the concept of an equal amount payment for every man, not man(?), binary, trans, and child in the United States(?).

By 1913(?), (Life was becoming more complex already), The USA Central Bank was created. Usury Economics was in place first in the United States, then clearly later subsequent the Communist Revolution, in lots of other places. Many would call that the rise of socialism. The rich in the United States would start claiming the federal Public Works--Keynes federal deficit dollars--to only belong to them, and not the market-place.

The market-place of Matthew 25:14-30: Was robbed again. Coincidentally in-fact: "Ray-Guns" were in the federal agenda.

The Socialist Agenda had not worked, either.

So President Ford implemented equal-amount Tax Rebates. Then GOP-USA created equal amount per child tax credits: To offset the liberal "Moses Atrocity" of the regressive Payroll Tax.

The Democratic Congress and White House signed off on the 1986 Tax Reform. The Personal Exemptions and Standard Deduction were raised equal amounts: And then Indexed. In the backdrop of usury economics, USA: The Clintons would expand the Per Child Tax Credit. Obama would implement the Make Work Pay Equal Amount Refundable Tax Credit--ready to be indexed. Two Bush Presidencies--almost back-to-back: Had wondered what the hell was going on(?).

The Usury had not been adequately remedied, even in 2008-2009.

Nigeria now offers Financial Inclusion.

2 mil. micro-businesses now have credit--in equal amounts--like never before in history. Except for some Moslem fanatics, people no longer drag them off to do menial labor. Heavily Moslem Nigeria can accommodate the zero-interest credit amounts. Wealth from Riba is prohibited in Koran--no usury, but not in the context of the Hellenist New Testament stories. Once the loans are repaid, then a greater loan amount becomes available.

That is Nigerian federal government, recent (1 year old) policy.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(NY Times can expose the names of Whistle Blowers! Like White Eyes World-Wide, much is left unpublished, not-noted, nor subject of any editorials. Worldwide--All peoples even call that, "School, college, university, Think Tank, Institute or People's Republic"--(them too!)!"
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