More bad poll news for the k00ks!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Evidently.........despite having a HUGE propaganda advantge in the major media, most people think the global warming threat is pretty much BS. And think about least half of those who do are the hysterical types out there who buy anything the media says hook, line and stinker!!!

Gallup: Majority of Human Race Does Not See Global Warming as Serious Threat
Monday, April 25, 2011
By Terence P. Jeffrey

( - Most of the human race does not see global warming as a serious threat, according to a Gallup poll released last week that surveyed individuals in 111 countries.

Respondents were asked: “How serious of a threat is global warming to you and your family?” They were given the options of anwering: not at all serious, not very serious, somewhat serious or very serious.

Worldwide, only 42 percent told Gallup they believed global warming was either a “somewhat serious” or “very serious” threat. Gallup did not publish the separate percentages for each answer.

In the United States, 53 percent said they believed global warming was a “somewhat serious” or “very serious” threat to themselves and their families. That was down from 63 percent in polling that Gallup did on the question in the United States in 2007 and 2008.

Of the 111 countries that Gallup polled, Greece ranked as No.1 for popular fear of global warming. In that southern European country 87 percent said global warming was a “somewhat serious” or “very serious” threat.

That was a far higher percentage than across the Mediterranean in Egypt, a desert nation, where only 18 percent said they believed global warming was a somewhat serious or very serious threat.

Somaliland ranked dead last—with only 10 percent of local residents saying global warming was a somewhat serious or very serious threat.

Yemen ranked second to last with 13 percent.

China, the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitter, ranked 105th out of 111 among the countries polled by Gallup. Only 21 percent of Chinese said they believed global warming is a somewhat serious or very serious threat to themselves or their families.

Gallup: Majority of Human Race Does Not See Global Warming as Serious Threat |

But really........seems me and the majority of folks ( what does Rocks refer to them as??:D:D)......who by the way just finished freezing their asses off for 6 months after being buried in snow for 9 weeks just said when this question was posed..................


By the way............anybody else see RDeans latest solution to the gasoline prices???

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...But really........seems me and the majority of folks ( what does Rocks refer to them as??)......who by the way just finished freezing their asses off for 6 months after being buried in snow for 9 weeks just said when this question was posed.................. and a majority of uneducated, ignorant third worlders who've mostly never even heard of global warming.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Are you really silly and/or stupid enough to think that opinion polls determine scientific reality? LOL. This world wide poll reflects both the partial success of the fossil fuel industry's propaganda campaign in fooling a portion of the population and the unfortunate ignorance of the people in many of these third world countries. According to the Gallup poll I cite below, in the 111 countries they surveyed, 36% were "not aware of global warming" but broken down by country, most of those are in Africa and the undeveloped parts of Asia. From the article you cited regarding the Gallup poll: "In the United States, 53 percent said they believed global warming was a “somewhat serious” or “very serious” threat to themselves and their families." In France the percentage is 57% and in Greece, it is 87%. Countries where the percentage answering yes to that question were also very high included Ecuador and Venezuela, which have had to contend with deadly floods linked to global warming. Countries with the lowest percentage concerned about global warming included Haiti, Yemen, Somaliland and Liberia, where there is widespread illiteracy, poverty and political instability and people are probably more worried about bullets than warming.

I did a search for the new Gallup Poll and the only recent one on global warming I could find is this one. Bit of a different title than that newspaper headline, eh?

Worldwide, Blame for Climate Change Falls on Humans
People nearly everywhere, including majorities in developed Asia and Latin America, are more likely to attribute global warming to human activities rather than natural causes. The U.S. is the exception...

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LOL!!! Kooks thinks the Laws of Chemistry and Physics are up for a vote! :lol::lol::lol:

S0n........not sure you're aware but you are one of these board members who should have to take a NAIVE test before stepping up from Message Boards.

Chemistry and Physics and the laws attached to them are provable. Zero in the climate business is provable.
...But really........seems me and the majority of folks ( what does Rocks refer to them as??)......who by the way just finished freezing their asses off for 6 months after being buried in snow for 9 weeks just said when this question was posed.................. and a majority of uneducated, ignorant third worlders who've mostly never even heard of global warming.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Are you really silly and/or stupid enough to think that opinion polls determine scientific reality? LOL. This world wide poll reflects both the partial success of the fossil fuel industry's propaganda campaign in fooling a portion of the population and the unfortunate ignorance of the people in many of these third world countries. According to the Gallup poll I cite below, in the 111 countries they surveyed, 36% were "not aware of global warming" but broken down by country, most of those are in Africa and the undeveloped parts of Asia. From the article you cited regarding the Gallup poll: "In the United States, 53 percent said they believed global warming was a “somewhat serious” or “very serious” threat to themselves and their families." In France the percentage is 57% and in Greece, it is 87%. Countries where the percentage answering yes to that question were also very high included Ecuador and Venezuela, which have had to contend with deadly floods linked to global warming. Countries with the lowest percentage concerned about global warming included Haiti, Yemen, Somaliland and Liberia, where there is widespread illiteracy, poverty and political instability and people are probably more worried about bullets than warming.

I did a search for the new Gallup Poll and the only recent one on global warming I could find is this one. Bit of a different title than that newspaper headline, eh?

Worldwide, Blame for Climate Change Falls on Humans
People nearly everywhere, including majorities in developed Asia and Latin America, are more likely to attribute global warming to human activities rather than natural causes. The U.S. is the exception...


Actually..........I couldnt give a rats ass what other countries think. Whats important to me is that in this country, most of the people think the "man-made" myth is well............myth, which is indeed great for me because I dont have to worry about whack job climate legislation being passed which would cause me to have to pay double for my electricity. Thanks but as a homeowner, my bills are high enough.

Many on here can conveniently support all this climate shit because they dont own dick so its no skin off their nose. Many of the k00ks who support "causes" have minimal life responsibilities and virtually zero assets........ummm........its called setting the bar low.:finger3:
LOL!!! Kooks thinks the Laws of Chemistry and Physics are up for a vote! :lol::lol::lol:

Lets talk about the "laws" of chemistry and physics. How about you start by describing the mechanism by which you believe a gas (other than water vapor) can capture and retain energy. Once we have that knocked out, perhaps we can discuss how you believe an object that is passively warmed can further warm its source of heat.

Hell, there are all sorts of topics regarding chemistry and physics that we can discuss. Of course, if all you are capable of is cut and paste, I am afraid that you won't get far in the discussion.

So lets talk. How about that CO2 heat trapping mechanism you believe so fervently in? How does it work?
Worldwide, Blame for Climate Change Falls on Humans
People nearly everywhere, including majorities in developed Asia and Latin America, are more likely to attribute global warming to human activities rather than natural causes. The U.S. is the exception...


With such a wealth of ammunition, it should be no problem for you to bring forward some hard, observed evidence that establishes an unequivocal link between the activities of man and the changing global climate. Lets see it.

Hell, if you can provide hard proof that increases in CO2 are driving the climate this guy will pay you $10,000. There are several larger cash prizes out there for anyone who can prove that manmade CO2 is responsible for global climate change. Why do you suppose none of your priests has stepped up to the plate to collect this money if the "science" is settled and the effect has been proven?

Step on up. Prove your case. Earn some money.
LOL!!! Kooks thinks the Laws of Chemistry and Physics are up for a vote! :lol::lol::lol:

Lets talk about the "laws" of chemistry and physics. How about you start by describing the mechanism by which you believe a gas (other than water vapor) can capture and retain energy. Once we have that knocked out, perhaps we can discuss how you believe an object that is passively warmed can further warm its source of heat.

Hell, there are all sorts of topics regarding chemistry and physics that we can discuss. Of course, if all you are capable of is cut and paste, I am afraid that you won't get far in the discussion.

So lets talk. How about that CO2 heat trapping mechanism you believe so fervently in? How does it work?

LOL!!! Read up on chemistry and you'll know exactly how it happens. Check out the part on the quantum states of the electron cloud.
Worldwide, Blame for Climate Change Falls on Humans
People nearly everywhere, including majorities in developed Asia and Latin America, are more likely to attribute global warming to human activities rather than natural causes. The U.S. is the exception...


With such a wealth of ammunition, it should be no problem for you to bring forward some hard, observed evidence that establishes an unequivocal link between the activities of man and the changing global climate. Lets see it.

Hell, if you can provide hard proof that increases in CO2 are driving the climate this guy will pay you $10,000. There are several larger cash prizes out there for anyone who can prove that manmade CO2 is responsible for global climate change. Why do you suppose none of your priests has stepped up to the plate to collect this money if the "science" is settled and the effect has been proven?

Step on up. Prove your case. Earn some money.

Logic tells you it's true. Waiting for the proof you or this guy wants, may be too late. I'm certainly not going to take the word of someone who doesn't even know about electron quantum states and how energy is absorbed and released by changing those states. I'm no fool. You throw out a good rap, but you're either lying or are totally ignorant about the subject. You ask for proof, but who's got time to review high school chemistry with you? You should have that under your belt BEFORE coming here.
Seeing is always believing with humans. At one time, the worlds population believed the earth was flat too. and that the sun rotated around the earth.

I'm glad you didn't get roped into the propaganda of inevitable climate shift though. :lmao:
:lol: In the late 1960's the liberals sang a song. "Sha la la la la la, Let's live for today, and don't worry about tomorrow". NOW, these very same liberals are worried about the future of the world. Were the "all knowing" libs wrong THEN, or are they wrong NOW?
:lol: In the late 1960's the liberals sang a song. "Sha la la la la la, Let's live for today, and don't worry about tomorrow". NOW, these very same liberals are worried about the future of the world. Were the "all knowing" libs wrong THEN, or are they wrong NOW?

Studied science and logic. That's what happened. Since we know CO2 absorbs energy and the concentration in the atmosphere is going up, how can we expect anything but warming, if the trend continues?

I grew up. What's your excuse?!?!
Seeing is always believing with humans. At one time, the worlds population believed the earth was flat too. and that the sun rotated around the earth.

I'm glad you didn't get roped into the propaganda of inevitable climate shift though. :lmao:

Glad I don't get fooled by your non sequiturs. You examples from the past say nothing about this subject. I think I'll stick with logic, rather than fall for your "reasonable" post that just had to use the word 'propaganda'. Don't fool yourself, you don't actually have a clue as to who's getting roped into what. :cool:
:lol: In the late 1960's the liberals sang a song. "Sha la la la la la, Let's live for today, and don't worry about tomorrow". NOW, these very same liberals are worried about the future of the world. Were the "all knowing" libs wrong THEN, or are they wrong NOW?

Studied science and logic. That's what happened. Since we know CO2 absorbs energy and the concentration in the atmosphere is going up, how can we expect anything but warming, if the trend continues?

I grew up. What's your excuse?!?!
So the answer to the question is....The "all knowing" liberals were wrong THEN. Thank you...LMAO!!
Seeing is always believing with humans. At one time, the worlds population believed the earth was flat too. and that the sun rotated around the earth.

I'm glad you didn't get roped into the propaganda of inevitable climate shift though. :lmao:

Glad I don't get fooled by your non sequiturs. You examples from the past say nothing about this subject. I think I'll stick with logic, rather than fall for your "reasonable" post that just had to use the word 'propaganda'. Don't fool yourself, you don't actually have a clue as to who's getting roped into what. :cool:

On the contrary. If siding with anyone at all on the subject, I'm siding with the scientific fact that manmade warming is a real. Whether or not I believe the impact can be substantiated beyond natural occurring climate shift remains to be seen.

In the end, living consciously and sustainably is what is best for everyone and everthing on Earth. Sure though, i have no clue..... :eusa_whistle:
Worldwide, Blame for Climate Change Falls on Humans
People nearly everywhere, including majorities in developed Asia and Latin America, are more likely to attribute global warming to human activities rather than natural causes. The U.S. is the exception...


With such a wealth of ammunition, it should be no problem for you to bring forward some hard, observed evidence that establishes an unequivocal link between the activities of man and the changing global climate. Lets see it.

Hell, if you can provide hard proof that increases in CO2 are driving the climate this guy will pay you $10,000. There are several larger cash prizes out there for anyone who can prove that manmade CO2 is responsible for global climate change. Why do you suppose none of your priests has stepped up to the plate to collect this money if the "science" is settled and the effect has been proven?

Step on up. Prove your case. Earn some money.

Logic tells you it's true. Waiting for the proof you or this guy wants, may be too late. I'm certainly not going to take the word of someone who doesn't even know about electron quantum states and how energy is absorbed and released by changing those states. I'm no fool. You throw out a good rap, but you're either lying or are totally ignorant about the subject. You ask for proof, but who's got time to review high school chemistry with you? You should have that under your belt BEFORE coming here.

hahaha, is that your new favourite phrase that you are going to put in every post now? 'electron quantum state'? why dont you give us a quick run down the important ones?

no cut&pastes, just a simple explanation in your own words. can you do it?
LOL!!! Read up on chemistry and you'll know exactly how it happens. Check out the part on the quantum states of the electron cloud.

Read it; years ago. Now feel free to explain how you believe the quantum state of an electron cloud has anything to do with CO2 being able to capture and retain IR energy even though the emission spectrum proves conclusively that the precise amount of energy the molecule absorbed has been emitted.

It is because I do understand the physics and chemistry that I am confident that you will have no answer to my questions.

So lets hear your explanation regarding electron clouds, quantum states, and how they might relate to energy being retained when emission spectra prove that energy is not being retained.
REALITY truly doesn't care what a poll of humans thinks.

We're not going to be able to VOTE AWAY global warming by proclaimation.

The amount of barbon 14 in the atmosphere is the smoking gun that proves that most of the change in the atmosphere is the result of us burning hydrocarbons.

Such evidence is not refuted by a poll.

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