More Black Men In The Prison System Today Than Slaves In 1850

It didn't used to be that way before LBJ's "great society" that tore mostly Black families apart. The out of wedlock birth rate for Black women wasn't around 70% before LBJ's "great society" either. Liberal democrats always think they have a better idea and it always puts Black people on the federal plantation one way or the other.

Monyihan warned the Dems and LBJ that's exact'y would happen and they went and did it anyway. Since we took away their slaves, Dems needed a permanent underclass to keep them in power so they destroyed the black family

Yeah, they just lift weights all day and plug each other up the shitter all night.

Blacks are in prison in numbers proportionate to their criminal activity.

I used to wonder why so many young black men were getting imprisoned. The idea really bothered me that there must be some nefarious reason for this. So I started to look for answers and found this- The Color of Crime

You can download the PDF for free. The treatise uses only real crime statistics provided by government sources. When you get down the nitty gritty details, it bodes far worse for minorities than even the FBI will admit, due to the lumping in of many hispanic criminals into the same classification with caucasians. The truth is, prisons are filled mostly the dregs and filth of society who belong there. If blacks want to see less blacks in prison, they would do well to listen to the likes of Bill Cosby over Jesse (hymie-town) Jackson.
The vast majority of people in prison are there as a direct result of the choices they made.

You choose to break the law, don't whine like a little bitch when you go to jail.
If a black is convicted of rape and murder, the president should pardon him.
He can then sue the family of his victims for in stilling in them that white racist attitude that caused him to do it.
Even though more black men are in prison today more than any other time in history, the level of violent crime among black people is staggering. Simply staggering. For some reason, as a nation, as an entire culture, the United States has utterly failed to instill a level of respect for others, for human life and property rights.

It might have something to do with the idea we have given that blacks are owed everything. Being owed is what drove the Navy Yard shooter over the edge and the woman who was shot in DC also.
And Black women have an over 70% illegitimate birth rate. Thank LBJ and "the great society" for giving poverty pimps the power and keeping Black people on the democrat party plantation. A good example of the sickening racist condescending plantation attitude democrats have toward people of color is the assumption that Black people are unable to obtain a photo I.D. in the 21'st century.

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