More Destruction From Obama

Where is Congress? You think all of those establishment RINOS give a fuck?
If they did, they would have done something by now.
Ya gotta laugh at the people who dont understand why Trump is kicking ass.
Its almost worth it to forget his short Cummings. Even if he doesn't get anywhere, he showed the establishment what people want.
Who am I kiddin... like it matters..
Ya gotta laugh at the people who dont understand why Trump is kicking ass.
Its almost worth it to forget his short Cummings. Even if he doesn't get anywhere, he showed the establishment what people want.
Who am I kiddin... like it matters..

You'll notice the RINOs still refuse to admit publicly what Trumps popularity is based on.
If that doesnt tell you what to expect from them if they get elected you're blind.
More fucken amnesty!!!
Housing starts rise close to an 8-year high in September
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — U.S. housing starts rose to a nearly an eight-year high in September as builders ramped up construction of apartments. The Commerce Department report on Tuesday added to the sense of a firming housing sector, helped by a h ... (MarketWatch)
Gee, and just last week they said new home sales were dropping.

Anything about the chocolate ration?

Well.. The Republicans control both senate and congress but what have they accomplish about reforming the immigration? Nothing...They have a bipartisan bill sitting on their asses since last year but refused to move forward because barbed wires are wrap around their necks. Do you blame Obama for issuing EO when republicans NEVER NEVER cooperate since day one he step into Oval Office?
Ya gotta laugh at the people who dont understand why Trump is kicking ass.
From SB Nation


New yorkers are morons.
:rofl:Trump that fat blowhard Orangutan is a New Yorker, well said..
That surprised me because this Orangutan home based is in New York where he received most of his bananas.

So some people are easy to take advantage of..are you one of em?

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