More Election Fraud - Statistical Anomilies in SC Primary


Senior Member
Nov 3, 2011
St. Louis, Mo
I came across this document that shows there is a statistical anomoly between the projected results and the actual results. Both Gingrich and Santorums projected/Actual votes follow the same general path and fall within the expected deviation.

When it comes to Ron Paul and Romney there is a 20% deviation with Ron Paul losing votes and Romney gaining them. The author of the document played with the numbers and discovered he could recreate the effect by switching the Paul's numbers with Romney's numbers in precincts where the amount of voters exceeded 250.

The document explains it better than I and has some nice graphs. I can't post them because it is in pdf on google docs. If anyone knows how to do that you are welcome to it.

To those of you who will say it doesn't matter because Romney didn't win that state well the delegates are proportional and you can't underestimate the PR effects of winning a state. Look at how much crap was flung because Paul should have won if he had the support from the military he claimed. Coming in last was a blow to his campaign and this evidence suggests that it was by design.

isnt fun to have you vote stolen by republicans is it?

isnt fun to have you vote stolen by republicans is it?

It isn't just republicans... Chris Matthews omitted mentioning Ron Paul from a favorability poll that showed he beat every other republican candidate recently. The clip is on youtube and I can't get it right now. There is collusion and it is becoming increasingly obvious.
I think I figured out how to save one of the charts that demonstrates the difference between the results.


  • $Paul Romney Chart.bmp
    809.6 KB · Views: 102

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