(More) False 'The Russians Did It' claims

Washington Post Stirs Fear After False Report of Power Grid Hack by Russia

"The Washington Post reported Friday that the U.S. power grid had been hacked by the same Russian actors accused of breaching the DNC – the only problem, the grid wasn’t hacked."
(sigh)....yeah, yeah, yeah and the Holucost never happened, Elvis is still on some lone island, Kennedy was a suicide and oh, yes, Trump is really a poor man acting rich to get votes....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake us all up when white people are really intelligent creatures pretending to be dumb.
Yep...it's yellowcake uranium all over again. Using the MSM to bolster their support with propaganda like this. And the Liberals refuse to see it...because it's 'their' guy doing it.

Did you read the thread I posted on the proposed Syria Pipeline that likely is at the bottom of all of this, including the Syria War, Obama's red line to pull us into Syria, why the Russian opposed Hillary, the Iran Nuclear/Sanctions Deal and the Turkish officer killing the Russian Ambassador?

It is not getting a lot of traction, and I don't understand why...it explains so much...

Syria, Europe, Russia, the U.S. and a billion dollar pipeline...
Washington Post Stirs Fear After False Report of Power Grid Hack by Russia

"The Washington Post reported Friday that the U.S. power grid had been hacked by the same Russian actors accused of breaching the DNC – the only problem, the grid wasn’t hacked."

Fake news about non-news now?

The only problem --- the Post didn't run such a story. False premise.

So yes, the claim that there was such a claim by WaPo ---- is false.

A code associated with the Russian hacking operation dubbed Grizzly Steppe by the Obama administration has been detected within the system of a Vermont utility, according to U.S. officials.

While the Russians did not actively use the code to disrupt operations, according to officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a security matter, the discovery underscores the vulnerabilities of the nation’s electrical grid. And it raises fears in the U.S. government that Russian government hackers are actively trying to penetrate the grid to carry out potential attacks.

Russian operation hacked a Vermont utility, showing risk to U.S. electrical grid security, officials say

Now, you can try to split that frog hair five ways...and I know you will...but what this article implies and the facts are so disconnected, it is impossible to believe that this is anything other that a propaganda piece to bolster Obama's position on election hacking.

Bush did the same with the yellowcake uranium story.

Face it, our Government no longer answers to the people...it has become a propaganda machine that REGULARLY uses disinformation to drive it's own agenda.
The story is now being corroborated by almost every major news organization just minutes ago. Looks like Infowars hasn't abandoned its roots and is still in the business of shoveling bullshit. But now they're shills for the Russians? Hmm.
Washington Post Stirs Fear After False Report of Power Grid Hack by Russia

"The Washington Post reported Friday that the U.S. power grid had been hacked by the same Russian actors accused of breaching the DNC – the only problem, the grid wasn’t hacked."

I'll bet now you wish you'd never done this thread:

Are Liberals Ready To Apologize To Romney?

..or wish someone like me hadn't dug it up LOLOL.

quoting YOU:

"If the Russians can hack into the Pentagon it is a safe bet it can hack into our national election system, our banking system, our nuclear reactors, our electrical grid...

Still think they are not a threat, Barry?"
Washington Post Stirs Fear After False Report of Power Grid Hack by Russia

"The Washington Post reported Friday that the U.S. power grid had been hacked by the same Russian actors accused of breaching the DNC – the only problem, the grid wasn’t hacked."

Fake news about non-news now?

The only problem --- the Post didn't run such a story. False premise.

So yes, the claim that there was such a claim by WaPo ---- is false.

A code associated with the Russian hacking operation dubbed Grizzly Steppe by the Obama administration has been detected within the system of a Vermont utility, according to U.S. officials.

While the Russians did not actively use the code to disrupt operations, according to officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a security matter, the discovery underscores the vulnerabilities of the nation’s electrical grid. And it raises fears in the U.S. government that Russian government hackers are actively trying to penetrate the grid to carry out potential attacks.

Russian operation hacked a Vermont utility, showing risk to U.S. electrical grid security, officials say

Now, you can try to split that frog hair five ways...and I know you will...but what this article implies and the facts are so disconnected, it is impossible to believe that this is anything other that a propaganda piece to bolster Obama's position on election hacking.

Bush did the same with the yellowcake uranium story.

Face it, our Government no longer answers to the people...it has become a propaganda machine that REGULARLY uses disinformation to drive it's own agenda.
Obamabots believe!
The story is now being corroborated by almost every major news organization just minutes ago. Looks like Infowars hasn't abandoned its roots and is still in the business of shoveling bullshit. But now they're shills for the Russians? Hmm.
Weapons of mass destruction in iraq was reported on by every major news outlets.

Your point?
Lol infowars makes the abrupt change from conspiracy shoveling attack site against the government, to running interference for the new Trump government.

Wait a minute... is Infowars fact-checking here?! :eek:

They'll alienate their entire audience!!! :eek::eek::eek:
I'm beginning to think that Easy666 is Teapartysalami's sock....
Washington Post Stirs Fear After False Report of Power Grid Hack by Russia

"The Washington Post reported Friday that the U.S. power grid had been hacked by the same Russian actors accused of breaching the DNC – the only problem, the grid wasn’t hacked."

I'll bet now you wish you'd never done this thread:

Are Liberals Ready To Apologize To Romney?

..or wish someone like me hadn't dug it up LOLOL.

quoting YOU:

"If the Russians can hack into the Pentagon it is a safe bet it can hack into our national election system, our banking system, our nuclear reactors, our electrical grid...

Still think they are not a threat, Barry?"
The story is now being corroborated by almost every major news organization just minutes ago. Looks like Infowars hasn't abandoned its roots and is still in the business of shoveling bullshit. But now they're shills for the Russians? Hmm.
Weapons of mass destruction in iraq was reported on by every major news outlets.

Your point?
We aren't talking about Colin's colon bars here...
The uber-libs have to keep the hacking story alive. If not they have to recognize the abysmal failure their anointed candidate was and how poorly they fared in the elections all over the country. If there is one thing the uber-libs can't do it is recognize they aren't the gods they think they are.
The story is now being corroborated by almost every major news organization just minutes ago. Looks like Infowars hasn't abandoned its roots and is still in the business of shoveling bullshit. But now they're shills for the Russians? Hmm.
Weapons of mass destruction in iraq was reported on by every major news outlets.

Your point?
Of course Komrade
1st post, nice digs!

No evidence of a Russian hack influencing our election has been presented, just repetitious banter from the same mainstream media that colluded with the DNC (evidence which does exist) and the alleged consensus from the intelligence community. When the Jill Stein recount failed, this old story conveniently got regurgitated. It's a political red herring to delegitimize the Trump presidency before it starts, just like the protests after the election, the intimidation of Electors and the war on "fake news" (the left's covert way of squelching conservative independent media who covered the election better than the left-wing corporate media did).

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