More lies about ObamaCare

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
GOP Blatantly Manipulates Obamacare News Footage | ThinkProgress

The Republican National Committee altered a video clip of a local news story about health insurance premiums in North Carolina to imply that rates would increase under the Affordable Care Act, cutting off the segment just before the reporter explained that “not everyone could be in for the sticker shock.”

The report, aired on the local ABC affiliate last week and posted and tweeted by the RNC, argues that since enrollment of young people did not meet expectations, health insurance would “eventually cost you more.” A small business owner interviewed for the package adds that her family’s premiums have increased since passage of the law and reporter Angelica Alvarez notes that Blue Cross/Blue Shield of North Carolina, the state’s largest insurance provider, “is warning customers now about what premium prices can look like in 2015.”

But just as Alvarez begins to explain that most customers are unlikely to experience significant premium hikes, the RNC clip abruptly ends. In the seconds that follow, a Blue Cross/Blue Shield spokesperson argues that 91 percent of customers receive subsidies and “may not feel the possible rate increases.” He adds that any hikes would apply to a relatively small number of beneficiaries who buy coverage though the individual market.

Watch the real clip as well as the edited GOP clip at the link.

Obviously, they're running scared.
here is a truth about aca that surprised me.....bronze plan for two has a 11k deductible.....the average bankruptcy for medical expenses is about 11k.....i just find it odd that lower incomes are expected to pay that high a deductible...
no one believes you anymore

don't you have globull warming to wail about
What lies? You mean:

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
If you like your insurance plan you can keep your insurance plan.
This won't add one penny to the deficit.
There are no death panels.
There are 47 million uninsured in this country.

Those lies you mean?
GOP Blatantly Manipulates Obamacare News Footage | ThinkProgress

The Republican National Committee altered a video clip of a local news story about health insurance premiums in North Carolina to imply that rates would increase under the Affordable Care Act, cutting off the segment just before the reporter explained that “not everyone could be in for the sticker shock.”

The report, aired on the local ABC affiliate last week and posted and tweeted by the RNC, argues that since enrollment of young people did not meet expectations, health insurance would “eventually cost you more.” A small business owner interviewed for the package adds that her family’s premiums have increased since passage of the law and reporter Angelica Alvarez notes that Blue Cross/Blue Shield of North Carolina, the state’s largest insurance provider, “is warning customers now about what premium prices can look like in 2015.”

But just as Alvarez begins to explain that most customers are unlikely to experience significant premium hikes, the RNC clip abruptly ends. In the seconds that follow, a Blue Cross/Blue Shield spokesperson argues that 91 percent of customers receive subsidies and “may not feel the possible rate increases.” He adds that any hikes would apply to a relatively small number of beneficiaries who buy coverage though the individual market.

Watch the real clip as well as the edited GOP clip at the link.

Obviously, they're running scared.

May I ask why the focus is on "being scared it is not going to get changed."

Why is there no understanding that the imposition of these mandates
is a violation of people's rights in itself?

Whether or not steps are taken to RESTORE those liberties deprived,
is a SECONDARY violation on top of the original one.

Because now, not only are people forced to pay fines under business contracts
we didn't consent to, now we have to either pay lawyers or take time away from
work, families, charity or public service to go correct these problems
that the people causing them do not even acknowledge as against Constitutional principles.

This worries me more and more if people act like this is nothing.

How is this not promoting or reinforcing a criminal mindset,
like justifying stealing from someone as long as the people can get away with theft?

And the theft is promoted publicly as legal except if the victim proves it is wrongful, where the burden of proof is on the crime victim.

This reminds me of people who act like rape itself, or the threat of rape is nothing.
That the victims of rape just need to "accept it and get over it."

And the focus is only on whether or not anyone is going to do
something "after the fact."

Why isn't the act of rape taken seriously?

In this case, why isn't it understood that imposing a business contract on LAWABIDING CITIZENS without representation -- DEPRIVING people of rights and freedom without any due process or consent in the matter -- and then waiving or exempting people by "arbitrary" selection for political agenda, is objectionable abuse of govt IN ITSELF?

I am more "afraid" of the unsafe political environment this creates,
where it is legalizing the abuse of govt resources, laws and offices, and especially taxing authority, to push not only policies and regulations, but MANDATED costs and fines that citizens did not consent to.

I think it is the whole MINDSET this is pushing, where people "justify" it and pretend that the beliefs and consent of lawabiding citizens "doesn't count as valid" that is so frightening.

The idea that govt can take rights away outside the bounds of the Constitution, and "not until you pay a lawyer to win in court, elect the right candidates, or jump through a myriad of hoops to prove your rights were lost" then you cannot restore the rights you lost.

And being surrounded by people who think that is the correct use of govt and politics,
that's even MORE disturbing!

Are we even on the same planet? Are our values that far off, at opposite ends of the spectrum, that what is unlawful to some people is to others "the right thing to do"?

If so, that is MORE scary. To think we don't even recognize each other's views as valid.
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GOP Blatantly Manipulates Obamacare News Footage | ThinkProgress

The Republican National Committee altered a video clip of a local news story about health insurance premiums in North Carolina to imply that rates would increase under the Affordable Care Act, cutting off the segment just before the reporter explained that “not everyone could be in for the sticker shock.”

The report, aired on the local ABC affiliate last week and posted and tweeted by the RNC, argues that since enrollment of young people did not meet expectations, health insurance would “eventually cost you more.” A small business owner interviewed for the package adds that her family’s premiums have increased since passage of the law and reporter Angelica Alvarez notes that Blue Cross/Blue Shield of North Carolina, the state’s largest insurance provider, “is warning customers now about what premium prices can look like in 2015.”

But just as Alvarez begins to explain that most customers are unlikely to experience significant premium hikes, the RNC clip abruptly ends. In the seconds that follow, a Blue Cross/Blue Shield spokesperson argues that 91 percent of customers receive subsidies and “may not feel the possible rate increases.” He adds that any hikes would apply to a relatively small number of beneficiaries who buy coverage though the individual market.

Watch the real clip as well as the edited GOP clip at the link.

Obviously, they're running scared.

Or it could simply be business as usual for the partisan right.

It’s gotten to the point where most conservatives don’t even know what the truth is anymore concerning the ACA, and most frankly don’t care, as they continue to contrive lies and seek to hide the truth for some perceived political gain, having nothing to do with the facts or merits of the ACA.
The following alone is enough to repeal the whole damn thing:

It was promoted as a penalty, not a tax, that was argued vehemently for two years.

then after passed as a penalty, definitely not a tax, it was argued vehemently to be a tax before the Supreme Court. Roberts, for unknown reasons, reversed himself at the last moment and ruled it is a tax.

Now, anyone who supports the ACA with this history has no morals, no spine, no ethics, no honesty, and can not be believed in any circumstances.
GOP Blatantly Manipulates Obamacare News Footage | ThinkProgress

The Republican National Committee altered a video clip of a local news story about health insurance premiums in North Carolina to imply that rates would increase under the Affordable Care Act, cutting off the segment just before the reporter explained that “not everyone could be in for the sticker shock.”

The report, aired on the local ABC affiliate last week and posted and tweeted by the RNC, argues that since enrollment of young people did not meet expectations, health insurance would “eventually cost you more.” A small business owner interviewed for the package adds that her family’s premiums have increased since passage of the law and reporter Angelica Alvarez notes that Blue Cross/Blue Shield of North Carolina, the state’s largest insurance provider, “is warning customers now about what premium prices can look like in 2015.”

But just as Alvarez begins to explain that most customers are unlikely to experience significant premium hikes, the RNC clip abruptly ends. In the seconds that follow, a Blue Cross/Blue Shield spokesperson argues that 91 percent of customers receive subsidies and “may not feel the possible rate increases.” He adds that any hikes would apply to a relatively small number of beneficiaries who buy coverage though the individual market.

Watch the real clip as well as the edited GOP clip at the link.

Obviously, they're running scared.

Or it could simply be business as usual for the partisan right.

It’s gotten to the point where most conservatives don’t even know what the truth is anymore concerning the ACA, and most frankly don’t care, as they continue to contrive lies and seek to hide the truth for some perceived political gain, having nothing to do with the facts or merits of the ACA.

You have the gall to speak of truth?? You, who lives in a cesspool of lies, dare speak of truth?
You are of no value to decent society, just crawl back into your cesspool.

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