More Louisiana Republicans Blame President Obama For Katrina Response Than Bush


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
According to a Public Policy Polling survey, 29 percent of Louisiana Republicans say President Obama is more to blame for the botched executive branch response to Hurricane Katrina while just 28 percent blamed George W. Bush. A plurality of 44 percent said they were unsure who was more responsible, even though Hurricane Katrina occurred over three years before Obama entered the presidency when he was still a freshman Senator.

When the Hurricane hit in 2005, Bush was slammed by both parties for errors pre- and post-Katrina. Later, a congressional report determined that a lack of presidential leadership failed the people of New Orleans. But Bush praised the federal response at the time, saying FEMA director Michael Brown was doing “a heckuva job.” Since Obama took office, he has directed federal funding to rebuilding New Orleans hospitals.

President Obama received some better reviews for at least one storm that actually occurred while he leads the executive branch. After Hurricane Sandy storm hit the East Coast, Republican governors Chris Christie and Bob McDonnell, praised federal efforts.

Even Brown’s criticism of Obama during Sandy came across as a compliment, because the disgraced FEMA director slammed Obama for responding “so quickly” to the oncoming storm.
Louisiana Republicans are fucking idiots.

Perhaps, but Louisiana is a slightly Democratic majority state. You must believe only the Repubs were polled. What happened to your mind? You used to be funny and smart.
Louisiana Republicans are fucking idiots.

Perhaps, but Louisiana is a slightly Democratic majority state. You must believe only the Repubs were polled. What happened to your mind? You used to be funny and smart.


According to a Public Policy Polling survey, 29 percent of Louisiana Republicans say President Obama is more to blame for the botched executive branch response to Hurricane Katrina while just 28 percent blamed George W. Bush.

Where did I screw up the "smart"?
Louisiana Republicans are fucking idiots.

not any worse then someone who has to post some WORTHLESS poll most people could care less about but you who think you're high and mighty over others and so you can show how superior you all and call people fucking idiot you over a POLL.... frikken PETTY idiot...go whine to someone who gives a shit, dailyKos would eat it up
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So, now that it has been established once again, after 7 whole posts, that this is a poll of Louisiana Republicans, does anyone else agree that Louisiana Republicans are fucking idiots? :)

THIS WORTHLESS POLL HAS BEEN POSTED ALREADY...they didn't care then and don't now..but it does show how petty you are

good job
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Yep. It is a worthless post. After all, from the posts of Staph and others, we already know about the disconnect from reality that affects our 'Conservatives'.

And, seeing the direction the GOP is going these days, one can only wonder when they are going to start wearing swastika arm bands. Further and further to the right, today 'Tailgunner Joe' would be branded a RHINO.
People here know it was the mayor and the gov, not the feds who screwed up. I'm here in Louisiana and I don't know a single person who blames Obama for Katrina ... so, I call BS. I know a lot of people.

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