"Big Brother" Was Watching Floyd’s Burial Through The Sniper Scope

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
Border Patrol Snipers Were Authorized to Use Deadly Force at George Floyd’s Burial in Texas

Records obtained by VICE News show police in Pearland, Texas, invited federal agents to surveil Floyd's burial and authorized them to open fire in the event of unrest. At least six "sniper teams" who were ready to fire from rooftops.

The records, labeled highly confidential, also state that an FBI surveillance aircraft was flown over the burial, and that “overwatch units” were sent to monitor the crowd for violent “agitators.”

Pearland officials also welcomed a large contingent of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents to the city, including dozens of members of the immigration agency’s militarized tactical unit. Known as BORTAC, it’s equipped with military-grade firepower and commando-style uniforms, and deploys to conflict zones “around the world,” according to the agency.
With the burial occurring in the wake of nationwide protests that in some instances turned violent, city records show that law enforcement prepared for the worst-case scenario in Pearland. The records show local and federal officials were ready and willing to open fire, even as the nation was undergoing a reckoning over systemic racism and excessive use of force by police in the aftermath of Floyd’s death.
The mayor of Houston took pains to emphasize the need for a more peaceful approach, announcing during his eulogy at Floyd’s funeral service that he would ban the use of chokeholds in the city.
He also noted that Houston police officers are required to issue a verbal warning before shooting at anyone. In contrast, records show law enforcement in Pearland, about 20 miles south of Houston, had broad leeway to use deadly force during the burial proceedings.
The “rules of engagement” outlined in the documents show that CBP’s tactical unit was “geared up ready to deploy” in response to “verbal aggressive language” by protesters, or the throwing of empty water bottles.
If the situation escalated to full water bottles or bricks being thrown, agents were authorized to use “less lethal/gas munitions.” If faced with more aggressive behavior that the officers believed could cause them imminent harm, the documents make clear: “deadly force is authorized anytime.”

Pearland city officials planned for up to 60,000 mourners; the final attendance numbered in the hundreds.

While Pearland officials were preparing for potential attacks on the burial procession, the primary concern was civil unrest.

If “non-peaceful protesting” were to occur during the burial, CBP’s tactical team would “take up positions around Pearland PD to prevent property loss or damage.”
National Guard soldiers were on “ready posture as last line of defense.”

A memo sent to Pearland’s city manager 12 days after the burial includes screencaps of several social media posts that prompted concern from local authorities, including one that said “f.... tha suburbs” and “let’s loot Pearland’s town center.”

The report also includes a number of messages sent to police from Pearland residents and business owners expressing fears about protesters and lawlessness.


The published material gives some hope that if the pro-Chinese leadership of the Democratic Party does provoke armed conflict in the hope that it will escalate into "controlled chaos" and the Second Civil War, the feds have a definite plan of action.

But there is no reason to relax.

Back in 2005, Irwin Redlener, in his book "Americans at Risk", warned local and federal authorities to prepare for a mega-disaster. But Katrina came and the local administration and the Bush government were completely paralyzed FOR A MONTH.

In his book, in particular, proposing a scenario for the H5Ni pandemic in New York, he writes:

"... governer orders National Guard troops to enforce the" cordon sanitaire (local area blockade) ... ..... After intense rioting and the death of 22 upstate Guardsmen and 620 citizens, the troops REFUSE to remain on duty. ... ... This so-called Brooklyn Massacre "becomes the first of a series of panic-induced riots that eventually claim the lives of more than 1,500 New Yorkers ...."

No one wants to scare anyone, but a situation may arise when you will have to not only support the police, which the angry crowd wants to burn alive or beat clubs, showing all this in the stream, but also take care of your neighborhoods.

I am absolutely sure that the population should create self-defense units, both in case of armed confrontation and in case of unforeseen natural disasters.

If it had been at one time in New Orleans, then during the month there would not have been the dominance of armed bandits and marauders.

Years after Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast and the New Orleans levees failed, we still don’t know how many people died in the storm and its aftermath.

The uncertainty about the death toll is evident in the variety of numbers being reported by the media. A local news station in Georgia: 1,200. AccuWeather: 1,800. Insurance Journal: more than 1,800. The New Orleans Times-Picayune: 1,833. A local news station in western Michigan: 1,836...

In a survey conducted of 680 evacuees taken to various shelters in the Houston area, a vast number of respondents, a full 70%, faulted President George W. Bush and the Federal Government for their handling of the problem, while 58% and 53% blamed Governor Blanco and Mayor Nagin respectively.

The question is how much common sense is working in people's heads now. We Americans are all too accustomed to "Big Brother"'s taking care of us.

Is not a fact. A situation may arise when "Big Brother" himself will need our backup.

Are YOU ready for this?

If there is a militia, a network of self-defense units, you can always tell them:




Source: Border Patrol Snipers Were Authorized to Use Deadly Force at George Floyd’s Burial

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Border Patrol Snipers Were Authorized to Use Deadly Force at George Floyd’s Burial in Texas

Records obtained by VICE News show police in Pearland, Texas, invited federal agents to surveil Floyd's burial and authorized them to open fire in the event of unrest. At least six "sniper teams" who were ready to fire from rooftops.

The records, labeled highly confidential, also state that an FBI surveillance aircraft was flown over the burial, and that “overwatch units” were sent to monitor the crowd for violent “agitators.”

Pearland officials also welcomed a large contingent of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents to the city, including dozens of members of the immigration agency’s militarized tactical unit. Known as BORTAC, it’s equipped with military-grade firepower and commando-style uniforms, and deploys to conflict zones “around the world,” according to the agency.
With the burial occurring in the wake of nationwide protests that in some instances turned violent, city records show that law enforcement prepared for the worst-case scenario in Pearland. The records show local and federal officials were ready and willing to open fire, even as the nation was undergoing a reckoning over systemic racism and excessive use of force by police in the aftermath of Floyd’s death.
The mayor of Houston took pains to emphasize the need for a more peaceful approach, announcing during his eulogy at Floyd’s funeral service that he would ban the use of chokeholds in the city.
He also noted that Houston police officers are required to issue a verbal warning before shooting at anyone. In contrast, records show law enforcement in Pearland, about 20 miles south of Houston, had broad leeway to use deadly force during the burial proceedings.
The “rules of engagement” outlined in the documents show that CBP’s tactical unit was “geared up ready to deploy” in response to “verbal aggressive language” by protesters, or the throwing of empty water bottles.
If the situation escalated to full water bottles or bricks being thrown, agents were authorized to use “less lethal/gas munitions.” If faced with more aggressive behavior that the officers believed could cause them imminent harm, the documents make clear: “deadly force is authorized anytime.”

Pearland city officials planned for up to 60,000 mourners; the final attendance numbered in the hundreds.

While Pearland officials were preparing for potential attacks on the burial procession, the primary concern was civil unrest.

If “non-peaceful protesting” were to occur during the burial, CBP’s tactical team would “take up positions around Pearland PD to prevent property loss or damage.”
National Guard soldiers were on “ready posture as last line of defense.”

A memo sent to Pearland’s city manager 12 days after the burial includes screencaps of several social media posts that prompted concern from local authorities, including one that said “f.... tha suburbs” and “let’s loot Pearland’s town center.”

The report also includes a number of messages sent to police from Pearland residents and business owners expressing fears about protesters and lawlessness.


The published material gives some hope that if the pro-Chinese leadership of the Democratic Party does provoke armed conflict in the hope that it will escalate into "controlled chaos" and the Second Civil War, the feds have a definite plan of action.

But there is no reason to relax.

Back in 2005, Irwin Redlener, in his book "Americans at Risk", warned local and federal authorities to prepare for a mega-disaster. But Katrina came and the local administration and the Bush government were completely paralyzed FOR A MONTH.

In his book, in particular, proposing a scenario for the H5Ni pandemic in New York, he writes:

"... governer orders National Guard troops to enforce the" cordon sanitaire (local area blockade) ... ..... After intense rioting and the death of 22 upstate Guardsmen and 620 citizens, the troops REFUSE to remain on duty. ... ... This so-called Brooklyn Massacre "becomes the first of a series of panic-induced riots that eventually claim the lives of more than 1,500 New Yorkers ...."

No one wants to scare anyone, but a situation may arise when you will have to not only support the police, which the angry crowd wants to burn alive or beat clubs, showing all this in the stream, but also take care of your neighborhoods.

I am absolutely sure that the population should create self-defense units, both in case of armed confrontation and in case of unforeseen natural disasters.

If it had been at one time in New Orleans, then during the month there would not have been the dominance of armed bandits and marauders.

Years after Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast and the New Orleans levees failed, we still don’t know how many people died in the storm and its aftermath.

The uncertainty about the death toll is evident in the variety of numbers being reported by the media. A local news station in Georgia: 1,200. AccuWeather: 1,800. Insurance Journal: more than 1,800. The New Orleans Times-Picayune: 1,833. A local news station in western Michigan: 1,836...

In a survey conducted of 680 evacuees taken to various shelters in the Houston area, a vast number of respondents, a full 70%, faulted President George W. Bush and the Federal Government for their handling of the problem, while 58% and 53% blamed Governor Blanco and Mayor Nagin respectively.

The question is how much common sense is working in people's heads now. We Americans are all too accustomed to "Big Brother"'s taking care of us.

Is not a fact. A situation may arise when "Big Brother" himself will need our backup.

Are YOU ready for this?

If there is a militia, a network of self-defense units, you can always tell them:


View attachment 395913

View attachment 395914

Source: Border Patrol Snipers Were Authorized to Use Deadly Force at George Floyd’s Burial

Pearland police were ordering Border Patrol snipers to shoot people?

A--they can't order any other law enforcement authority to do anything.
B--Pearland is nowhere near the border
C--The funeral was held in SW Houston; Pearland is SE of Houston

You're O for 3 there "doctor"

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