Lock Her Up

He was serious. He and his clowns did not know what they were doing. He has always surrounded himself with largely inept sycophants, many crooks themselves. An inept lawyer could casually glance in his direction, and evidence would fall out of the sky or people that worked for him would gladly rat him out. She was just a morally corrupt as he, but a hell of a lot smarter, than he ever considered becoming, and totally able to obscure her tracks. Not somebody you would want to elect, certainly not somebody you would want to work for, as Chris Steven found out, may he rest in peace. Donny is a clutzy crook who will leave you holding the bag or behind bars, but Hillary would and did leave people for cool of the dirt nap and blame it on some schmuck not even in government. And actually have him jailed.
Utter horseshit...

Again there is no evidence for what you claim Hillary did...

Trump has been found guilty by a Jury in the hardest case to prove against him... His legal team doesn't want to face the other trails because they are more serious and the evidence is far more conclusive against him.
Utter horseshit...

Again there is no evidence for what you claim Hillary did...

Trump has been found guilty by a Jury in the hardest case to prove against him... His legal team doesn't want to face the other trails because they are more serious and the evidence is far more conclusive against him.
She is not on trial and not going to be, nor will she be president, so be happy. I am. You can send her a card in October. She will be 77.

Donny is a true, proven shit, it is true, but with her character flaws, much higher IQ, and knowledge of Washington, I figure she could have been more dangerous in office than Trump was. For me it wasn't a Dem/Rep thing, as both parties suck. It was her lack of character, coupled with ambition. The choice that year sucked too much to vote for either of those two. I vote for the Libertarian candidate, as he would have been hated by Dem and Rep, and could do the country the least harm.
Irony? It's what he has publicly stated many times that he will do.
I've heard the crowd say lock her up but I don't recall hearing Trump do that. Maybe you can show a few videos of him doing that. After all you said it happened many times.
I've heard the crowd say lock her up but I don't recall hearing Trump do that. Maybe you can show a few videos of him doing that. After all you said it happened many times.
Not a problem. You been living in a cave somewhere?
"They should lock her up" is not saying " I'm going to lock her up. " Or "For what she's done she should be locked up" do try to twist your lie a little better.
You pathetic little goober. If that's all you got, you should take a break for a while.
You pathetic little goober. If that's all you got, you should take a break for a while.
Your fucking irony is ironic. Not one time did Trump say lock her up. But it's what the democrat controlled media does best lie about what trump said.
"They should lock her up" is not saying " I'm going to lock her up. " Or "For what she's done she should be locked up" do try to twist your lie a little better.
What a pathetic little weasel of a dodge. Do you ever even read the goofy shit you write?
What a pathetic little weasel of a dodge. Do you ever even read the goofy shit you write?
Your fucking irony is ironic. Not one time did Trump say lock her up. But it's what the democrat controlled media does best lie about what trump said.
But if it was me I sure and fuck would
Your fucking irony is ironic. Not one time did Trump say lock her up. But it's what the democrat controlled media does best lie about what trump said.
But if it was me I sure and fuck would
I'm sure you would just as soon as you were able to get out of your grandmother's basement.
a Not See Nazi is the uniform of the day for a MAGA
/-----/ Lets see who the real Nazis are.

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