Trump Leads Chant of 'Lock Her Up"

Benedict Donald's DOJ refused to follow the political directives of the wanna be Dictator in Chief, because they didn't find enough evidence of crimes she committed. Just like Benedict's phony claims of widespread, multistate election fraud during the 2020 election. Turns out the only multistate election fraud was perpetuated by Benedict Donald with his phony state elector scheme.
Trump never directed the DOJ to go after Hillary Clinton.
Word is now that Trump lead the chant for "Lock Her Up", problem being there is video evidence showing what a liar he is.


Regardless of what he says, he did lead chants and egged on chant of "Lock Her Up".

I love the clip where Trump lied said he "could have done it", but he chose not to. That's total fucking bullshit. No he couldn't and it wasn't for lack of trying.

Trump appointed a Special Prosecutor from Salt Lake City, right after the election to review all of the prior Clinton investigations and come up with charges. He wanted someone outside of the Washington Swamp doing this investigation. John Huber was supposed to deliver a report by the end of December, 2017, but didn't finish until September of 2020, and found nothing to prosecute. The report was released the same week the shit hit the fan over the Ukrainian phone call, and it's release went unnoticed by the right wing media.

Because Huber was taking too long, Trump had the DOJ Inspector General conduct an investigation into the FBI handling of Clinton's emails, and the IG concurred with the FBI decision regarding prosecution of Hillary Clinton, and that Clinton had done nothing illegal. Trump was so infuriated he fired the IG.

Then there was Mike Pompeio's 2 1/2 year State Department Investigation of Hillary's emails.

And last, but certain not least, the Durham Investigation:

For Trump to say he "could have" locked Clinton up, is absolutely laughable. On what grounds Donnie????
Trump was right, Hillary should of been locked up, for 30,000 counts, charges of destroying government property.
When the grand jury subpoena for any classified documents arrived at his door, however, Trump expressed a very different view to his lawyer, according to the indictment, praising Clinton’s lawyer for deleting the 30,000 emails.

The Clinton lawyer, Trump allegedly said on May 23, 2022, “was the one who deleted all of her emails, the 30,000 emails, because they basically dealt with her scheduling and her going to the gym and her having beauty appointments. And he was great. And he, so she didn’t get in any trouble because he said that he was the one who deleted them.”

“Trump related the story more than once that day,” the indictment notes dryly.


So you see, rube, what Trump tells you when he is lying to your face is completely different from what he says in private.

Word is now that Trump lead the chant for "Lock Her Up", problem being there is video evidence showing what a liar he is.


Regardless of what he says, he did lead chants and egged on chant of "Lock Her Up".

And then he told his supporters he wasn't going to lock her up. Nothing tells your supporters they're idiots more than this.

True…true… we’ve now seen that if you are going to make a statement, you need to be willing to go through with it. A painful lesson the democrats just taught the republicans. Here’s hoping they act on this new lesson
Trump never directed the DOJ to go after Hillary Clinton.
“Where are all of the arrests?” Trump said, after several dozen tweets on the subject over the past 24 hours. “Can you imagine if the roles were reversed? Long term sentences would have started two years ago. Shameful!”

By early afternoon, Trump was letting loose his frustrations in an all-caps missive that seemed aimed at nobody in particular.
The day-long run of tweets and retweets marked the most frantic stretch of Trump’s public activity since he left the presidential suite at Walter Reed Medical Center and returned to treatment at the White House.


"Attorney General Jeff Sessions has tasked senior prosecutors with exploring whether alleged misdeeds by Hillary Clinton warrant further investigation, but he pushed back on calls to appoint a special counsel.

The Justice Department disclosed its new tack on Clinton to Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee in a Nov. 13 letter. But if the department's letter seemed to hint it had moved closer to appointing a special counsel for Clinton, Sessions' testimony on Capitol Hill the following day appeared to tamp down these expectations.

Meanwhile, Trump has continued to press the department and FBI to pursue Clinton. The president has been particularly assertive as the investigation into his campaign's ties to Russia has escalated, leading critics to charge that Trump's hectoring is an effort to divert attention from Special Counsel Robert Mueller's findings."

So you are saying Trump is not relevant to current events?

Wouldn’t a former president and current candidate being criminally convicted be a pretty relevant current event?

He relvence, but and here is what is important....he is making himself look fucking stupid. He refuses to personal responsiblity for hs crimes He relevent because wants to be. As far as I am concerned, he is just mentally unstable whack job
He relvence, but and here is what is important....he is making himself look fucking stupid. He refuses to personal responsiblity for hs crimes He relevent because wants to be. As far as I am concerned, he is just mentally unstable whack job
Wile the spittle off your screen. You’re losing control of your emotions
bendog look

September 2017​

In Huntsville, Alabama, Trump told crowds that they "gotta speak to" then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions, as they repeated the "lock her up" chant.
Trump did not order the DOJ to initiate an investigation of Hillary Clinton. He did not use agencies of the federal government to go after political opponents and critics like his predecessor did.
Wile the spittle off your screen. You’re losing control of your emotions

Let me guess, that is yet one more in long line of lame ass insults that you think are.......sorry I shouldn't have used the word think, you MAGA MAGGOTS don't think, you do what you are told do. You were proven wrong. He did lead chants of "Lock Her Up," and instead of accepting you lied you ad lib some fuckshit insult.
Hopefully, most of us Americans would agree that at most Trump was guilty of a technical violation of campaign finance.

I hope he gets some community service hours, and he campaign while doing it. But the judge will most likely defer executing whatever sentence Trump gets until after whatever appeals he wants to bring.
True…true… we’ve now seen that if you are going to make a statement, you need to be willing to go through with it. A painful lesson the democrats just taught the republicans. Here’s hoping they act on this new lesson

Maybe you should have got out of it that Trump is a liar, doesn't even like his own supporters and will say anything for votes.
Maybe you should have got out of it that Trump is a liar, doesn't even like his own supporters and will say anything for votes.
Really? That’s EVERY politician, saying things for votes. Hell look at Biden, a rock solid open border “illegals built this country!” president…but’s election time so now he’s got to secure that border, so he will appear to be “tough on the border” president.

However, I am agreeing on one thing, if Trump says he’s going to lock someone up, it appears he needs to follow through on that.

I would imagine there are a lot a phone calls being made to senators and representatives on the right, people saying this action needs to have a response.
Really? That’s EVERY politician, saying things for votes. Hell look at Biden, a rock solid open border “illegals built this country!” president…but’s election time so now he’s got to secure that border, so he will appear to be “tough on the border” president.

However, I am agreeing on one thing, if Trump says he’s going to lock someone up, it appears he needs to follow through on that.

I would imagine there are a lot a phone calls being made to senators and representatives on the right, people saying this action needs to have a response.

Yes, lots of politicians lie. Mostly because the electoral system is rubbish. FPTP leads to very short term thinking from both politicians and voters.

But Trump's lying is not even trying to hide it. It's not "I promise I'll do this" kind of lying, it's "This is this" when it obviously isn't.

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