Trump Leads Chant of 'Lock Her Up"

You couldn't get laid in a whorehouse.
I actually have been laid a few times in my life in a whorehouse, but we won't go there.

As far as Trump he is a guy who knows how to boast and get a crowd behind him, problem is when you fact check what he actually said...
Yes, lots of politicians lie. Mostly because the electoral system is rubbish. FPTP leads to very short term thinking from both politicians and voters.

But Trump's lying is not even trying to hide it. It's not "I promise I'll do this" kind of lying, it's "This is this" when it obviously isn't.
He said “lock her up” and then said he wasn’t going to do it, that’s just campaign talk. Again, all politicians blatantly lie
Word is now that Trump lead the chant for "Lock Her Up", problem being there is video evidence showing what a liar he is.


Regardless of what he says, he did lead chants and egged on chant of "Lock Her Up".

Jimmy Kimmel and John Stewart both called Donald Trump out for lying when he said he never said lock her up. Oh yes he did. And he ran on crooked Joe too.

Sorry Donald hasn't had enough evidence to not only get them charged, but also found guilty in a court of law. So even if Trump goes after his political rivals IF he wins, he will still have to get a jury of 12 to convict.

And it's sad that reality now has to be proven in a court of law. Until then, all Republicans ever say is prove it. And then when we do they say rigged courts. Nice, get us questioning our justice system, which clearly has been protecting Donald for decades. He's been a criminal capitalists for years.

So. Media. Start calling out politicians when they lie. For example Trump and Rudy on TV say the election was stolen but when they went to court they gave no evidence. So how are they convincing people who watch them on TV without evidence?
Word is now that Trump lead the chant for "Lock Her Up", problem being there is video evidence showing what a liar he is.


Regardless of what he says, he did lead chants and egged on chant of "Lock Her Up".

Now knowing what we know now all the pieces come together in relation to how far will the globalist socialist go to gain and maintain power-we can look back and see if their shenanigans is on other forms of chaotic events used to attack their opposition terms in power.
Just think, what did the Dems do that makes her say the DEMS will never exist again to see another election(cause it's always about them in a narcissists deflective and projective speech)?
Well why would Faucci lie and Dems protect his image unless their misdirection is covering up something they did so horrible that it required perjury and no other option.
Obama and Biden for 3 years helped finance that lab which on their web site was called a military bio lab, and it happened to be that lab responsible disrupting the elections to favor the great cheat opportunity.
Something that would be considered so bad that words Dems use like "no more elections" (for them), "jail time" (for Their crimes against humanity), "revenge", end of democracy (for them democracy is fascist socialist).
Maybe we find out this is not the first time they caused chaos to blame on their opposition in charge, it was odd what Clinton said on
9-10 a day before 9-11 in his speech in Australia, stating he regretted not removing Bin Laden when he had a chance in 1998. To Clinton it was
already 9-11 in Australia while not yet an event here in the states 9-10, what an odd thing to say and coincidence unless you knew the plan and were compromised by your Saudis pay to play so much that you could not stop it. This would also explain the horror instead of joy on Hillary's face when we got Bin Laden, she feared his threat of "nothing better happen to me or my executives will release & expose your pay to play bribe to keep me alive and your knowledge of 9-11", it's also why Kissoghi had to die, a once friend of Bin Laden he would be the reporter trusted with such info or deathbed document envelope, the only loose end to
What did they do that was so bad they would say "if I go down, we all go down".
It has to be pretty bad to admit it would uprise the masses.
That includes the MSM involvement in protecting these evil monsters.
(below is Bill receiving one of those payoffs from a Sheik, and no one asked the Clintons what they had to do or had done for that money.
Really? That’s EVERY politician, saying things for votes. Hell look at Biden, a rock solid open border “illegals built this country!” president…but’s election time so now he’s got to secure that border, so he will appear to be “tough on the border” president.

However, I am agreeing on one thing, if Trump says he’s going to lock someone up, it appears he needs to follow through on that.

I would imagine there are a lot a phone calls being made to senators and representatives on the right, people saying this action needs to have a response.

Where did Biden say "Illegals built this country". There was NO ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION when the nation waas build. You just took EVERYONE who came in.

Trump spent 4 years trying to lock people up but since none of them had committed any crimes and Trump couldn't find any evidence that they had, he couldn't no grand jury would indict ANY of them.

Trump believes that because he's a liar, a cheater and eagerly takes bribes from anyone who offers, that everyone else is as dishonest as he is. When he ran against Hillary Clinton, he talked about how she was a "crook" who could be spending all of her Presidency fending off criminal indictments, and that sort of person wasn't fit to be President. Well that's exactly what Trump's entire Administration was all about.

The man was in the middle of a $100 million fraud trial when YOU elected him.
Where did Biden say "Illegals built this country". There was NO ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION when the nation waas build. You just took EVERYONE who came in.

Trump spent 4 years trying to lock people up but since none of them had committed any crimes and Trump couldn't find any evidence that they had, he couldn't no grand jury would indict ANY of them.

Trump believes that because he's a liar, a cheater and eagerly takes bribes from anyone who offers, that everyone else is as dishonest as he is. When he ran against Hillary Clinton, he talked about how she was a "crook" who could be spending all of her Presidency fending off criminal indictments, and that sort of person wasn't fit to be President. Well that's exactly what Trump's entire Administration was all about.

The man was in the middle of a $100 million fraud trial when YOU elected him.
Where did Biden say "Illegals built this country".

Trump spent 4 years trying to lock people up

Who did he try to lock up?

eagerly takes bribes from anyone who offers,

What bribes has he taken?

The man was in the middle of a $100 million fraud trial when YOU elected him.

What trial was that? You all have been laying out so many allegations, it’s hard to keep track.
He said “lock her up” and then said he wasn’t going to do it, that’s just campaign talk. Again, all politicians blatantly lie

And then come out and tell everyone that he was just lying to them... that's a wow moment, and something his supporters really didn't want to understand.
Payback? Trump was aware that as a high profile democrat, Hillary was immune from prosecution but it was a good campaign slogan. Little did he know that the corrupt Biden judicial system would be so powerful that he would be caught in the trap.
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Word is now that Trump lead the chant for "Lock Her Up", problem being there is video evidence showing what a liar he is.


Regardless of what he says, he did lead chants and egged on chant of "Lock Her Up".

If Trump runs his yap, you know he's lying. He's a pathalogicaly lying douche bag.
Payback? Trump was aware that as a high profile democrat, Hillary was immune from prosecution but it was a good campaign slogan. Little did he know that the corrupt Biden judicial system would be so powerful that he would be caught in the trap.
Oh really? Trump had four years to go after Hillary & he could have ordered his lackey Bill Barr to do it.

Trump is a first class lying disgusting scumbag with a big mouth. And now? A convicted one.
And then come out and tell everyone that he was just lying to them... that's a wow moment, and something his supporters really didn't want to understand.
If you believe all politicians don’t lie to get votes, then I don’t know what to tell you.
If you believe all politicians don’t lie to get votes, then I don’t know what to tell you.

There are differences in lying. I don't think all politicians lie, I think in the US a lot do because the FPTP system allows them to easily get away with it. That's why I support Proportional Representation.

However what Trump is doing isn't a little lie, isn't a lie he can maybe cover up.

It's coming out and saying "This is a fact" and it's totally provable at that time that it isn't.
Word is now that Trump lead the chant for "Lock Her Up", problem being there is video evidence showing what a liar he is.


Regardless of what he says, he did lead chants and egged on chant of "Lock Her Up".

What the left is missing with all this is the fact that Trump didn't go after any of them.

It's only my guess, but I think he didn't go after any of them, because he's a weak liberal himself. None the less, the left screaming about a politician lying, saying lock __________ up, but then not even trying, makes the left look at as bad as Trump. Y'all screaming and crying about nothing.
What the left is missing with all this is the fact that Trump didn't go after any of them.

It's only my guess, but I think he didn't go after any of them, because he's a weak liberal himself. None the less, the left screaming about a politician lying, saying lock __________ up, but then not even trying, makes the left look at as bad as Trump. Y'all screaming and crying about nothing.

What the right ignores is the constant lying, he lied about say he said "Lock Her Up". He lies continually, freaking daily and they ignore the lies.

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