Trump: "I Never Said Lock Her Up"

Then why did Trump want Biden investigated in 2019 for a purported crime?
Pandering a crowd for pep rally cheers is nothing at all
like actually doing an indictment and conviction of some one.

Trump plays to the crowd but he never does anyone any harm, and that's why he is going to in in November 2024.
You know how to do a search on the internet though right? The question isn't did he say those exact words, the question is how many times is he recorded saying those exact words since 2015.
See post 72.

The way it works is -

"I make a claim, here's the evidence"

The way it doesn't work is -

"I make a claim, you need to use Google to see if I'm right or wrong"

But the info has been supplied. I loosely follow American news, hence why I thought Trump did say lock her up all those years ago. It was just a shame it was a poor set out OP. It's not rocket science to say, "Look, Trump now claims he didn't say lock her up, here's the video. But in 20bla bla, he did say lock her up, here's the video". Then they can go on and give their opinion, conclusion.

My conclusion is, Trump is shitting himself about prison and he's back tracking cos he doesn't want locked up. He's trying to convince everyone. But there again, it is America, the OP needs to be awkward and make it out as a competition.
Yet you cry like a baby over Trump being held accountable to these laws.


Americans don't like this. New poll out of MI--about 70% of voters say the verdict will have no effect or make them MORE likely to vote for Trump. See my new thread

Trump understandably believes he can tell the biggest whopper lies and his rubes will swallow them whole.
I'm just guessing here, but I think there are two things going on. First, he will say absolutely anything in the moment, and appear to immediately believe it. Then, when he has to completely reverse that later, he immediately believes THAT in the moment, TOO. I don't know if he really has an accurate mental grasp of anything beyond the present moment. Every tick of the clock is isolated. I'd love to see a full psychological workup on that.

Or, he's just a fuckin' liar and has his rubes to believe him.

She did turn over her emails involving State Dept issues, though it was late. She did not turn over her personal emails, which she was required NOT TO turn in personal emails as per policy for all gov't personnel.
You mean after bleach bit and destroying the blackberries
Sorry pumpkin.

On July 5, FBI Director James Comey announced that he was not going to recommend the filing of criminal charges against Hillary Clinton over her use of a private email server. Comey said there was insufficient evidence to show Clinton had malicious intent. Comey reasoned:

Many commentators have criticized Comey’s decision, arguing the statute Clinton was accused of violating, 18 U.S.C. § 793(f), requires only “gross negligence,” not intent. Former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy has gone so far as to say that replacing the words “gross negligence” with “intent” rewrites that statute to serve political ends.

McCarthy and others are mistaken. The issue of mens rea, or intent, is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and intent is the correct standard. Comey was right not to recommend filing charges and to base his decision on the absence of evidence that Clinton had the necessary intent.

Which was utter B.S, and only happened after Obama's Attorney General met Privately with Epstein Island Bill Clinton
We aren’t talking about Biden right now. Save that for another thread. This conversation is about an obvious lie that Trump just told and the embarrassing spin his supporters are throwing out there to try and cover and deny. What’s so hard with calling a lie a lie ?
Nothing when applied equally
Broke RULES, not LAWS.
Clinton's use of a private email system and a private server violated federal law, specifically 18 U.S. Code § 1924, regarding the unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or materials, as well as State Department protocols and procedures ...
She did turn over her emails involving State Dept issues, though it was late. She did not turn over her personal emails, which she was required NOT TO turn in personal emails as per policy for all gov't personnel.
Bleach Bit-Hammer Time Hillary DESTROYED subpoenaed EVEDENCE.
But, no reasonable prosecutor something something.
Please, princess, you know this.
Why obfuscate?
Actually, I did an analysis on those allegations and from everything I found, she did violate several laws but the DOJ simply "declined" to do anything about.

I do remember thinking that they (DOJ) only brought up that particular issue, at the time they did, to cripple her chances at winning the office of POTUS. And it appeared to me that it apparently worked although I have no idea if that's what actually caused Trump to win, especially since it's reported that Clinton won the popular.

Let's start with -

There is no National Popular vote to win or lose.
If there were, the campaigns would be handled differently

The FBI brought up "the issue" because although they had been able to keep the information under control nationally, The New York office either didn't get the memo or were not inclined to cover up her crimes as the National People were.
Comey's total motivation was to get that information out and over with to protect Hilliary.
Clinton's use of a private email system and a private server violated federal law, specifically 18 U.S. Code § 1924, regarding the unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or materials, as well as State Department protocols and procedures ...

Democrats are simply not held account for breaking US law.
Bleach Bit-Hammer Time Hillary DESTROYED subpoenaed EVEDENCE.
But, no reasonable prosecutor something something.
Please, princess, you know this.
Why obfuscate?

I think that you give her way too much credit, she doesn't know half of what normal people know.
I was heartbroken when The Late Late Show featuring James Cordon ended. I didn't start watching Stephen Cobert until the night Trump won the election back in 2016. I was fascinated by how angry he was, but for reasons I will not go into, at least not here :)

Are you thinking that anyone gives a fuck?
Some experts, officials, and members of Congress contended that Clinton's use of a private email system and a private server violated federal law, specifically 18 U.S. Code § 1924, regarding the unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or materials, as well State Department protocols and procedures ...
Unlike Big Daddy Benedict Donnie, Sec Clinton didn't abscond with a single classified document or try to hide them and may not have even known about some of the Classified information she was sent in a few very long email chains. But even if she were charged, the Government would have had the right or obligation to give her her day in court, just like Chicken Shit 45 gets.
OMG, seriously? What shall we do?

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