Trump: "I Never Said Lock Her Up"

Sorry pumpkin.

On July 5, FBI Director James Comey announced that he was not going to recommend the filing of criminal charges against Hillary Clinton over her use of a private email server. Comey said there was insufficient evidence to show Clinton had malicious intent. Comey reasoned:

Many commentators have criticized Comey’s decision, arguing the statute Clinton was accused of violating, 18 U.S.C. § 793(f), requires only “gross negligence,” not intent. Former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy has gone so far as to say that replacing the words “gross negligence” with “intent” rewrites that statute to serve political ends.

McCarthy and others are mistaken. The issue of mens rea, or intent, is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and intent is the correct standard. Comey was right not to recommend filing charges and to base his decision on the absence of evidence that Clinton had the necessary intent.

You are in a Cult Echo Chamber - it's bad.
You are in a Cult Echo Chamber - it's bad.
This is from Comey's statement.

All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information, or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct, or indications of disloyalty to the United States… We do not see those things here.

Are you going to deny that along with denying Trump said "lock her up," liar?
This is from Comey's statement.

All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information, or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct, or indications of disloyalty to the United States… We do not see those things here.

Are you going to deny that along with denying Trump said "lock her up," liar?
Of course they will
This is from Comey's statement.

All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information, or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct, or indications of disloyalty to the United States… We do not see those things here.

Are you going to deny that along with denying Trump said "lock her up," liar?

He said that.
He was lying -

He was lying -
How easy it must be for you to exist in the construct you've created where inconvenient truths and demonstrable facts are simply dismissed by closing your eyes and ears and sticking your head up your ass, liar.
What is wrong with who, your President Biden is bought and paid for by the CHICOMS, and used by Obama as puppet. You prop up the LGBTQXYZ and call it tolerance, while bashing anyone who disagrees. Your President Biden is an incestual pedophile, who raised the same in his son hunter, you vote for the wholesale slaughter of babies in the womb, shame on you asking such a stupid question.
We aren’t talking about Biden right now. Save that for another thread. This conversation is about an obvious lie that Trump just told and the embarrassing spin his supporters are throwing out there to try and cover and deny. What’s so hard with calling a lie a lie ?
How easy it must be for you to exist in the construct you've created where inconvenient truths and demonstrable facts are simply dismissed by closing your eyes and ears and sticking your head up your ass, liar.

Comey laid out the crimes and then said that no reasonable prosecutor (who didn't want to get Arkancided) would prosecute.

That's the facts
We aren’t talking about Biden right now. Save that for another thread. This conversation is about an obvious lie that Trump just told and the embarrassing spin his supporters are throwing out there to try and cover and deny. What’s so hard with calling a lie a lie ?

Is that what you routinely do?
Trump understandably believes he can tell the biggest whopper lies and his rubes will swallow them whole. His followers have a proven track record of falling for every hoax that comes down the pike.

Now that's he's a convict facing possible jail time, Trump is taking a real flyer with, "I never said lock her up."

Trump claims he didn’t say ‘lock her up’ about Hillary Clinton

Will the credulous rubes cross that Rubicon and parrot this brazen lie? Time will tell.

The orange bag O' shit lies. It's the only tool in his toolbox at this point. :dunno:

Magaturds think this is so cool.
Maybe years and years ago I would have cared about this, but probably not. Because here you all are crying like infants about something Trump SAID, while you yourselves dance around like mad monkeys that Trump MIGHT ACTUALLY BE LOCKED UP

Trump is not a nice person. Not the kind of man you'd want to be in any type of relationship with - business, personal, professional, etc. BECAUSE he's two-faced (says one thing to your face, while disparaging you behind your back), eventually stabs almost everyone in the back, in his friends/those who have helped him, and not only is he's a HABITUAL liar he regularly engages in criminal activity while pretending butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. Now he's a convicted criminal, no different than many of the people he regularly looks down on.

As a REGULAR person, all of the above would be enough to steer any reasonable, rational and levelheaded person clear. But instead half the country worships the ground he walks on simply because he's the antithesis of all of the things you all (Trump supporters & worshippers) allegedly detest.

I understand perfectly, wanting & needing someone to counter what you see as the unrelenting barrage of attacks on you, yours and all that you hold dear but Trump will abandon you, stab you in the back, renege on any promises made the moment they conflict with his own self-interest.

Trump has NEVER been interested in serving the people of the United States, he sought the office of the president for his own personal agenda, if not his own enrichment.

Wanting to see the rich and powerful held accountable for their crimes is a normal and natural response to this situation, particularly since Trump has escaped any consequences for so many of the other instances in his/our lives in which he has skirted the boundaries of our laws.

What a good little cultist
Yes. I am of the personal experience cult.

Have you noticed that the new buzz word among enemy democrats is cult. Everything they don't like is a cult. The Christian-Jew-Catholic-Trump-Republican-White-Personal Experience cult. Did I get everyone?
The endorsement of political prosecutions is a bright line for me, as it should be, Constitutionally

Hate Trump all you want, I don't care. I don't like Biden, so what.

But if your hatred is so bright hot and maniacal you have to burn down the best republic the world has ever seen, that's a YOU problem. It's not a TRUMP problem.
Seriously? It wasn't any of us who stormed the U.S. Capitol on 1/6/2021 in an unsuccessful attempt to keep President Biden from being certified as the dulyfully elected President of the United States.

It's YOUR side that's been acting bonkers ever since Trump lost the U.S. Presidency.

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