Trump: "I Never Said Lock Her Up"

So Trump lied when he said he never called for Hillary to be locked up?

Quite the standard you've got there.

And what we have due process. Which the Magites find abhorrent if it results in any accountability. MAGA is a corrupt movement, founded by felons, liars and rapists to promote the interests of the same.

Your game.

Your rules.

You will hate it
Seriously? It wasn't any of us who stormed the U.S. Capitol on 1/6/2021 in an unsuccessful attempt to keep President Biden from being certified as the dulyfully elected President of the United States.

It's YOUR side that's been acting bonkers ever since Trump lost the U.S. Presidency.

The chaos that the Left will cause when Trump is re-elected will make Jan 6 look like a day at the preschool playground
Trump is not a nice person. Not the kind of man you'd want to be in any type of relationship with - business, personal, professional, etc. BECAUSE he's two-faced (says one thing to your face, while disparaging you behind your back), eventually stabs almost everyone in the back, in his friends/those who have helped him, and not only is he's a HABITUAL liar he regularly engages in criminal activity while pretending butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. Now he's a convicted criminal, no different than many of the people he regularly looks down on.

As a REGULAR person, all of the above would be enough to steer any reasonable, rational and levelheaded person clear. But instead half the country worships the ground he walks on simply because he's the antithesis of all of the things you all (Trump supporters & worshippers) allegedly detest.

I understand perfectly, wanting & needing someone to counter what you see as the unrelenting barrage of attacks on you, yours and all that you hold dear but Trump will abandon you, stab you in the back, renege on any promises made the moment they conflict with his own self-interest.

Trump has NEVER been interested in serving the people of the United States, he sought the office of the president for his own personal agenda, if not his own enrichment.

Wanting to see the rich and powerful held accountable for their crimes is a normal and natural response to this situation, particularly since Trump has escaped any consequences for so many of the other instances in his/our lives in which he has skirted the boundaries of our laws.

Well this is disappointing. Another formerly reasonable poster fallen apparently.

I don't give a fig about Trump the man and would likely agree with you on all points.

Some things are bigger than a single man. For instance, our justice system, once the best in history. You all torched it because you hate him so much.

Trump will come and go, but the mistrust you have seeded in our justice system will take us down.

I no longer care. I do not. For me, America is already over. It just remains to see how it falls.
Nothing illegal about in her having a private email server or in ordering the hard drives used in the server used be cleaned.
Actually, I did an analysis on those allegations and from everything I found, she did violate several laws but the DOJ simply "declined" to do anything about.

I do remember thinking that they (DOJ) only brought up that particular issue, at the time they did, to cripple her chances at winning the office of POTUS. And it appeared to me that it apparently worked although I have no idea if that's what actually caused Trump to win, especially since it's reported that Clinton won the popular.
Well this is disappointing. Another formerly reasonable poster fallen apparently.

I don't give a fig about Trump the man and would likely agree with you on all points.

Some things are bigger than a single man. For instance, our justice system, once the best in history. You all torched it because you hate him so much.

Trump will come and go, but the mistrust you have seeded in our justice system will take us down.

I no longer care. I do not. For me, America is already over. It just remains to see how it falls.
What do you mean "YOU ALL torched it"? I haven't done a dang thing. Trump's own actions have led him to his current set of circumstances.

But one thing I will give you, we're not that far apart on being resigned about the whole situation. Whatever is going to happen will happen and I have no plans on lifting a finger to try to ensure a particular outcome other than casting my vote.

We got through the first Trump presidency, if necessary, some of us will get through a second one as well.
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What do you mean "YOU ALL torched it"? I haven't done a dang thing. Trump's own actions have led him to his current set of circumstances.

But one thing I will give you, we're not that far apart on being resigned about the whole situation. Whatever is going to happen will happen and I have no plans on lifting a figure to try to ensure a particular outcome other than casting my vote.

We got through the first Trump presidency, if necessary, some of us will get through a second one as well.

We were founded as a nation of laws, not of men.

But your utter OBSESSION with getting Trump means you not only have set a torch to the world's best governing system, but that you can't even see it.

As I have said: humanity doesn't deserve America, because here we are again putting MEN over PRINCIPLES. Make no mistake, this is what you're doing in your zeal to get Trump.
We were founded as a nation of laws, not of men.

But your utter OBSESSION with getting Trump means you not only have set a torch to the world's best governing system, but that you can't even see it.

As I have said: humanity doesn't deserve America, because here we are again putting MEN over PRINCIPLES. Make no mistake, this is what you're doing in your zeal to get Trump.
Why are you attributing to me, things that don't exist? I'm not obsessed with Trump or with "getting" him, I have not taken a single action against him but damn, a day can't go by without his ugly mug plastered all over the news, especially in regards to his various "misdeeds", investigations & court cases.

But since you're alleging people putting MEN over PRINCIPLES, that's squarely the Trump camp. The office of the President of the United States of America used to be respected and treated with some reverence until Trump et al got their hands on it although there are MANY who will claim the same about when President Obama was elected. Of course we know what that is all about and I honestly feel in my heart of hearts, Trump happened as payback for our country daring to put a Black man in their White House.
Why are you attributing to me, things that don't exist? I'm not obsessed with Trump or with "getting" him, I have not taken a single action against him but damn, a day can't go by without his ugly mug plastered all over the news, especially in regards to his various "misdeeds", investigations & court cases.

But since you're alleging people putting MEN over PRINCIPLES, that's squarely the Trump camp. The office of the President of the United States of America used to be respected and treated with some reverence until Trump et al got their hands on it although there are MANY who will claim the same about when President Obama was elected. Of course we know what that is all about and I honestly feel in my heart of hearts, Trump happened as payback for our country daring to put a Black man in their White House.

That's a mouthful after Clinton, the blue dress and the cigar. "Respected", "treated with reverence"......this place, man. This place.
Your game.

Your rules.

You will hate it
Not without evidence, Sue.

Again, you're so caught up in your revenge fantasy, that you pretend there's no evidence of Trump's crimes. There are mountains.

You're so trapped in your retribution loop, that you IMAGINE that red state AGs are going to start charging democrats without evidence. They won't.

You're literally calling for corruption.

No thank you. Burn already.
We were founded as a nation of laws, not of men.

But your utter OBSESSION with getting Trump means you not only have set a torch to the world's best governing system, but that you can't even see it.

As I have said: humanity doesn't deserve America, because here we are again putting MEN over PRINCIPLES. Make no mistake, this is what you're doing in your zeal to get Trump.
You try to minimize it by calling it an obsession when the reality is the guy is flamboyant, dishonest, shady, power hungry, ignorant to the law, and not shy about bending it to suit his needs.

This is what brings on his harsh criticism and legal troubles. If he didn’t break the law and abuse his power he wouldn’t have the trouble that he has. Simple. It’s on him, he should own it and people like you should recognize and acknowledge it:
What we do know for sure is that in all the four years of his presidency Trump never waisted any of his time trying to indict nor convict Hillary Clinton.

He never ever went after her. He never found it necessary to be that evil.

Then why did Trump want Biden investigated in 2019 for a purported crime?

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