Trump Leads Chant of 'Lock Her Up"

The demented LEFT seem to insist that Trump should have used their own default LAWFARE, huh?
Self-awareness is LOST on these subverted zombies.
The demented LEFT seem to insist that Trump should have used their own default LAWFARE, huh?
Self-awareness is LOST on these subverted zombies.
I'm not left, just anti-Dump, but I had no doubt in 2016 that the dems would do payback. And Maga is attempting payback today with Hunter. Enjoy what your Orange SJHIOT has brought this country to. And YOU are to blame.
Word is now that Trump did NOTlead the chant for "Lock Her Up", problem being there is video evidence showing what a liar he is.


Regardless of what he says, he did lead chants and egged on chant of "Lock Her Up".
Word is now that Trump lead the chant for "Lock Her Up", problem being there is video evidence showing what a liar he is.


Regardless of what he says, he did lead chants and egged on chant of "Lock Her Up".

Should read as. Word is now that Trump did NOT lead the chant for "Lock Her Up", problem being there is video evidence showing what a liar he is.
Meanwhile he passed on locking the wench up

POTUS doesn't lock people up, thats not how our justice system works.

There was no solid case to prosecute, as his own DOJ IG Report re-iterated in 2018, no matter what Trump wanted or not.
I'm not left, just anti-Dump, but I had no doubt in 2016 that the dems would do payback. And Maga is attempting payback today with Hunter. Enjoy what your Orange SJHIOT has brought this country to. And YOU are to blame.
You demented LEFTISTS have been having a temper tantrum since he announced in 2015.
You can go fly a kite, preferably in a thunderstorm.
He is only relevent in the minds of his cult members.
So you are saying Trump is not relevant to current events?

Wouldn’t a former president and current candidate being criminally convicted be a pretty relevant current event?
fk u. I didn't vote for Hillary, but you dipshits started this and now are acting like Hillary took your viginity. Welcome to Trumpworld.
"Started" WHAT???????
ETA: Bleach Bit-Hammer Time Hillary deserved protection no matter what Comey said about "any reasonable prosecutor something something. "
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Benedict Donald's DOJ refused to follow the political directives of the wanna be Dictator in Chief, because they didn't find enough evidence of crimes she committed. Just like Benedict's phony claims of widespread, multistate election fraud during the 2020 election. Turns out the only multistate election fraud was perpetuated by Benedict Donald with his phony state elector scheme.

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