Lock Her Up

Won't happen.
Today I heard a Republican say yes Trump ran on lock her up but he wasn't serious. Really? Sure seemed serious about it to me.

So if you are going to run as the law and order candidate and break laws, expect to be locked up. We aren't kidding.
I don't care. Journalism has become a dishonorable profession. I couldn't care less about Fox noise

I see way more than you do.

What did I just say, dumbass?

I DO NOT CARE about your idiotic media.

Then get rid of your TV.

Throw some beer into it. That usually does the trick.
Are you getting Russian misinformation from Truth Social? You seem to be a Trump Not See.
Today I heard a Republican say yes Trump ran on lock her up but he wasn't serious. Really? Sure seemed serious about it to me.

So if you are going to run as the law and order candidate and break laws, expect to be locked up. We aren't kidding.
He was serious. He and his clowns did not know what they were doing. He has always surrounded himself with largely inept sycophants, many crooks themselves. An inept lawyer could casually glance in his direction, and evidence would fall out of the sky or people that worked for him would gladly rat him out. She was just a morally corrupt as he, but a hell of a lot smarter, than he ever considered becoming, and totally able to obscure her tracks. Not somebody you would want to elect, certainly not somebody you would want to work for, as Chris Steven found out, may he rest in peace. Donny is a clutzy crook who will leave you holding the bag or behind bars, but Hillary would and did leave people for cool of the dirt nap and blame it on some schmuck not even in government. And actually have him jailed.
In order to lock someone up you have to have evidence. Then you have to convince a jury of 12. In all the years of lock her up, you haven't had enough to charge her. It's not that Trump was being kind. He had NOTHING. So Trump threatening to go after his political opponents. Go ahead. Good luck finding 12 MAGA idiots to put on a jury who don't care about the facts or evidence.

Let's start with the Clinton Foundation. Republicans think it's corrupt. Prove it. Like they proved Trump's was and it was shut down.

And why did Michael Cohen go to jail but Trump won't?
There wasn't any evidence in the trial that just concluded, but jurors in the blue state of NY convicted him anyway.
There wasn't any evidence in the trial that just concluded, but jurors in the blue state of NY convicted him anyway.
Well there’s a shit ton of evidence in the

Georgia case

Jan 6 case

Classified documents he was mishandling. He made what he did a felony and we can prove it in a court of law. Not on Fox News.
There wasn't any evidence in the trial that just concluded, but jurors in the blue state of NY convicted him anyway.
Trump says if it can happen to me it can happen to anyone. Yes. If you break the law and there’s evidence to prove it, it can happen to you too.
Trump says if it can happen to me it can happen to anyone. Yes. If you break the law and there’s evidence to prove it, it can happen to you too.
If the Central Park Five can get off on an appeal, so can Trump.
Trump says if it can happen to me it can happen to anyone. Yes. If you break the law and there’s evidence to prove it, it can happen to you too.
Never gonna lock her up.

A good chance Trump will be.
It’s official now. The gop led by Trump is a cabal of convicts. The swamp just grows around Trump and his political minions. They used to hide it. Now they’re blatant.
The right of passage to be in the gop, is to be a convict doing the the bidding of the “don”.
Because it takes evidence. Think about it. Back when Hillary was using private emails, so was everyone else. Trump made a big deal out of it because he was never a politician. So you couldn't prove he'd do it too, which he and his team did. So Trump went after Hillary for something that later on, he did himself. Classified documents case.

Let's not forget Trump made what Hillary did after she did it, a felony, then he did what she did. So sorry that Mueller didn't have enough to charge her. Just enough to make her look bad.

Trump threatened Hillary at their debates that she'd be in jail if he were in charge.

Republicans have been "going after" or "investigating the Clinton's" for years. Obama too. Biden too. Haven't found much. Trump, we have found plenty of crimes and enough evidence to convict.
The have drunk there own kool aid at this stage...

Any proper politician knows the law...

trump is a amateur marketeer... I know people say he is a good marketeer, but really in the professional game he isn't, he just had a very well teed up audience from years of GOP and Tea Party calling Democrats Evil.. Anyone that stood up and said I will fight 'the Evil' and use more course language and more inflammatory.

This is a method of brain washing and sorry but the are using a 1930s playbook... We see it here every second day of violent threats from MAGA to Democrats...
They are clueless of the law and when anyone from MAGA get accused they claim victimisation...
Trump breaks the law and gets convicted the law he broke allowed him to become president, they think he should be let off, scot free...
Hunter is being charged with a crime (which is very rarely, if never, prosecuted as a stand alone crime) and is in court. Hunter will face those charges and let the court decide, that is the law. No one really bitching, Joe Biden hasn't made a comment.
That is not the point.

UNEQUAL JUSTICE is the point.
What unequal justice...

People go to jail all the time for what Trump did... It is a common felony, nothing unequal about it..

I agree there is unequal justice system and how Trump stayed out of jail after breaking the gag order ten times is unfair. Anyone else doing that would be in jail.

BTW, this is unequal justice:

Trump broke the law, the problem you have lies there...
It’s official now. The gop led by Trump is a cabal of convicts. The swamp just grows around Trump and his political minions. They used to hide it. Now they’re blatant.
The right of passage to be in the gop, is to be a convict doing the the bidding of the “don”.

What's weird is they all wish he would die too. But they can't NOT support him for fear of his MAGA supporters. The Republican party has been taken over by nuts.

But here's the sad thing. They can and will win future elections. Women, will forget that Trump took Roe V Wade away. Women in blue states feel safe. So eventually they'll elect Republicans who might very well ban abortion in their state if ever given a chance. Michigan may be blue today but that doesn't mean it will be tomorrow.

People forget very quickly how bad Republicans are (HW AND GW Bush 8 years later). Clinton had such a great economy people thought how bad could Bush fuck it up? Plus he had name recognition. And people felt they could drink a beer with him not like smarty pants GW Gore. Who would have been a great president.

Anyways, America is eventually fucked. Whatever the GOP wants, eventually they get. Ban abortion, done. Cut or eliminate social security, one day soon.

I just can't believe blue collar people are supporting Trump/the GOP. In the 2000's it was the GOP who sent our highest paid blue collar jobs overseas. Now these blue collar folks think picking on immigrants is going to raise their wages. It's not because of illegal employers like Trump himself. That's right. Trump wants to go after illegals but he's an illegal employer. Voters are dumb.
The Outlaw Party is the GOP.
Trump wanted to shoot BLM rioters but called Jan 6 rioters patriots.

Trump calls officer who fatally shot rioter Ashli Babbitt a "murderer"​

Trump splits with McCarthy over Ashli Babbitt shooting on Jan. 6​

House Speaker McCarthy defended the Capitol Police officer who shot Babbitt during the Jan. 6 riot for "doing his job," leading to a rebuke from the former president.
What's weird is they all wish he would die too. But they can't NOT support him for fear of his MAGA supporters. The Republican party has been taken over by nuts.

But here's the sad thing. They can and will win future elections. Women, will forget that Trump took Roe V Wade away. Women in blue states feel safe. So eventually they'll elect Republicans who might very well ban abortion in their state if ever given a chance. Michigan may be blue today but that doesn't mean it will be tomorrow.

People forget very quickly how bad Republicans are (HW AND GW Bush 8 years later). Clinton had such a great economy people thought how bad could Bush fuck it up? Plus he had name recognition. And people felt they could drink a beer with him not like smarty pants GW Gore. Who would have been a great president.

Anyways, America is eventually fucked. Whatever the GOP wants, eventually they get. Ban abortion, done. Cut or eliminate social security, one day soon.

I just can't believe blue collar people are supporting Trump/the GOP. In the 2000's it was the GOP who sent our highest paid blue collar jobs overseas. Now these blue collar folks think picking on immigrants is going to raise their wages. It's not because of illegal employers like Trump himself. That's right. Trump wants to go after illegals but he's an illegal employer. Voters are dumb.
The gop has been exhibiting unabashed criminally intent since Reagan. It’s just the first time the criminality has been supported by the entire party….with Trumps urging and coercion…
As we speak, the election fraud on the part of republicans continues. It’s in their entire party, even about the state level. While they complain about stupid shit like millions of illegals being bussed in to vote, they are busy getting fake electors installed, on the part of really stupid minions who are committing felonies….
Exams conclude for second group charged in Michigan 2020 fake elector case • Michigan Advance

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