Use of force, including deadly force.

Well, depending on the jurisdiction, it might not be “murder.”

But we can always count on you to deliberately misframe the issue.

Uh, guy, even if the shooting is justified (which they rarely, rarely are) the consequences are still horrific in terms of civil suits.

How many cops are cleared in shooting incidents but still lose their jobs, and the city they work for ends up paying huge settlements?

Sure you can shoot a car thief, and his family will sue. Even if you prevail in civil court, it still ends up costing you more than the fucking car.
That's right. I am. A vote for ANYBODY other than Trump is a vote for Biden. And any Patriot who stays home and doesn't vote in this election has cast his/her vote for Biden

Those of you who reflexively argue the Homeowner should have shot the dolt stealing from the car. You are wrong. The homeowner would face murder charges
Thsts fin. I’ll deal with the DA while his family is dealing with the coroner. My issue is temporary. Theirs is permanent.
Losing a loved one is a pain that far surpasses the pain of losing stuff
That depends on the family member versus the stuff. I’ve got a lot of family members I’d love to see die and even more stuff I’d kill over.,
Uh, guy, even if the shooting is justified (which they rarely, rarely are) the consequences are still horrific in terms of civil suits.
No shit, Sherlock. Of course, as you should know, that’s beside the point.
How many cops are cleared in shooting incidents but still lose their jobs, and the city they work for ends up paying huge settlements?
I neither know nor care. Also irrelevant.
Sure you can shoot a car thief, and his family will sue. Even if you prevail in civil court, it still ends up costing you more than the fucking car.
Not necessarily. You making shit up isn’t much of an argument, little feller.
No shit, Sherlock. Of course, as you should know, that’s beside the point.

I neither know nor care. Also irrelevant.

Not necessarily. You making shit up isn’t much of an argument, little feller.
Obviously, the points went over your head, so there's no point in explaining them to you.

It's just a fucking car. It's not worth risking anyone's life over.
Obviously, the points went over your head, so there's no point in explaining them to you.

It's just a fucking car. It's not worth risking anyone's life over.
What’s obvious, chump, is that you’re a biased droning hack.

You do not make “points.” You merely reiterate your shallow beliefs.

Your counsel is that since life is more important than a possession (like a car), car theft victims should simply and meekly permit the theft to take place. While that may be a reasonable POV in some instances, in others it makes no sense whatsoever.

Go away. You are a waste of electrons here.
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YOUR opinion.

a lot of people don't have your robotic outlook.
You mean they don't think things through about why having a shootout in the middle of the street might be a terrible idea?

They could be killed, a third party could be killed. Maybe the thief might be killed, but what if it was a kid just out for a harmless joy ride? (which is why 46% of stolen cars are recovered.)
Yiur counsel is that since life is more important than a possession (like a car), car theft victims should simply and meekly permit the theft to take place. While that may be a reasonable POV in some instances, in others it makes no sense whatsoever.

Risk/benefit analysis, it never makes sense to risk lives over a car.

As much as you gun wanks like to fantasize over "shooting a bad guy", that never works out well. Just ask Zimmerman and Rittenhouse.
You mean they don't think things through about why having a shootout in the middle of the street might be a terrible idea?

They could be killed, a third party could be killed. Maybe the thief might be killed, but what if it was a kid just out for a harmless joy ride? (which is why 46% of stolen cars are recovered.)
You mean they don't think things through about why having a shootout in the middle of the street might be a terrible idea?

unlike you, they weren't born Vulcan, nor do they have computers for brains.

they actually have emotions.
Risk/benefit analysis, it never makes sense to risk lives over a car.

As much as you gun wanks like to fantasize over "shooting a bad guy", that never works out well. Just ask Zimmerman and Rittenhouse.
Risk/benefit analysis, it never makes sense to risk lives over a car.
you should change your avatar.

this is more appropriate,

You mean they don't think things through about why having a shootout in the middle of the street might be a terrible idea?

They could be killed, a third party could be killed. Maybe the thief might be killed, but what if it was a kid just out for a harmless joy ride? (which is why 46% of stolen cars are recovered.)

Post your address and plate number. I'll be in the area in a couple months, let me take your car for a "joyride." I'll leave it where it can be easily "recovered."
Risk/benefit analysis, it never makes sense to risk lives over a car.

As much as you gun wanks like to fantasize over "shooting a bad guy", that never works out well. Just ask Zimmerman and Rittenhouse.

Life is so simple for you simple minded beings.
Risk/benefit analysis, it never makes sense to risk lives over a car.

As much as you gun wanks like to fantasize over "shooting a bad guy", that never works out well. Just ask Zimmerman and Rittenhouse.
Just ask Zimmerman and Rittenhouse.
ask them what?

are you alive?

Did you successfully defend yourself?

would you rather be dead?
Neither of them was in any lethal danger and they initiated the confrontations that led to their lives being ruined.
again, YOUR opinion.

Courts decided otherwise.

they were in more danger than the cop that killed Babbitt, your side, and congress, gave him a pass.

Is this one use of too much force? Wild hoodlums out at 4AM joyriding in Stolen cars. Would not happen in Asia.
NEW: LA Lamborghini thief dies in 115 mph crash seconds after fleeing traffic stop: dashcam video

Los Angeles police pulled up behind a driver asleep at the wheel of a Lamborghini, discovered the vehicle was stolen and the suspect had outstanding warrants before he sped off on video lost control of the car and died in a high-speed crash just seconds later.

The suspect, 51-year-old Los Angeleno Elliott Dugan, woke up, refused to cooperate with law enforcement, and sped away to his death up the street, body and dashcam videos show.
~$1000/yr per car for Auto insurance. Much of it due to un-insured motorist and Criminal activities. When is enough enough?
again, YOUR opinion.

Courts decided otherwise.

they were in more danger than the cop that killed Babbitt, your side, and congress, gave him a pass.
And so what?

They can't get jobs, because no one will hire them.
They can't really go out in public without being jeered (like Rittenhouse did)
They are broke.

One might even think they might regret killing people over petty reasons.

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