Vermont GOP rules bar it from promoting any candidate who is a 'convicted felon'

Wow, you Fascists are scared to death of President Trump? Time to call your doctor and get that prescription filled again.
In a statement, the Democratic National Committee suggested Vermont Republicans instead support President Joe Biden in November.

when h*ll freezes over..... ;) ~S~

Vermont GOP rules bar it from promoting any candidate who is a 'convicted felon'​

Vermont? As in Who Gives a Fuck, It's Vermont? The place that makes Taxachusetts look like a right wing homeland? That Vermont? Well shit, I guess that gives this story international implications then.

Vermont GOP rules bar it from promoting any candidate who is a 'convicted felon'​

Hopefully the republican party in every state comes to this agreement and bans trump!
Dang, there goes Vermont! I’m sure trump was really counting on those electors
Vt has been a veto proof one party state for quite some time. R's have no voice ,and are almost non existent , juxtaposed to Vt being one of America's reddest states a generation ago

My small town (3100) is just on the verge of assuming 100 ~R~ signups. If so, we'd be one of the first in the state to hit that #


Vermont GOP rules bar it from promoting any candidate who is a 'convicted felon'​

Hopefully the republican party in every state comes to this agreement and bans trump!
If Vermont doesn't respect Federal rules they need to recuse their voters from the federal election which is not ruled by Vermont's holier-than-thou perspective. The "convicted felon" title the Democrats nailed his wrists and ankles to the cross, they wantonly and openly dirtied the politics to make that happen.
If the Vermont GOp decided to fully and vocally support Trump despite the kangaroo court temporary conviction, what the fuck is anybody gonna do about it?

And as so many others here have already properly noted, who fucking cares anyway?

It’s Vermont. Does anyone think this state was gonna go red?

Vermont GOP rules bar it from promoting any candidate who is a 'convicted felon'​

Hopefully the republican party in every state comes to this agreement and bans trump!
So a group of people who don’t support Trump have come together and had a vote that they won’t support Trump.

So brave.
All they have to do is vote to exempt by simple majority....

2. The Executive Committee, by majority vote, may exempt a candidate from Rule 16-1 under extenuating circumstances.

Rule takes effect after RNC convention in July. [Link]


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