What I find mind numbingly stupid is that intelligent people said that when the muslim brotherhood took over Egypt that they would destroy Egypt's national heritage as we were called stupid, idiot, fucktard, and assured that muslims would not end the tourism industry.

All I can do is laugh. And reiterate what I said before. It's ironic that thieves would ultimately be the ones who preserved whatever of Egypt's history is preserved by stealing and selling Egyptian artifacts.
If the historians of Egypt have any sense, they are smuggling Egypt's history out right now to the London Museum and replacing them with reproductions. In fact, have been doing it all along.

The muslims aren't stupid for following their religion and destroying what is abhorrent to them. The WEST is stupid for thinking that they wouldn't! Stupid and completely idiotic.

But then, America is the same country that could both believe that muslims woudn't destroy the pyramids AND want to destroy every civil war monument, flag and cemetary in the South.

Since when? I live in the south and I have not heard of anything like that, there are confederate museums and memorials all over Virginia, there is a statue of Stonewall Jackson in downtown Richmond.
Why should we care if they destroy the Pyramids?

It belongs to the Egyptians.

Their property; their decision. :cool:

I guess if they really want to, its their call but who is going to replace the loss of that tourist cash and all the jobs lost from their tourism industry? without the Pyramids nobody will go to Egypt unless they want some cheap hash or to fuck a goat.
But then, America is the same country that could both believe that muslims woudn't destroy the pyramids AND want to destroy every civil war monument, flag and cemetary in the South.
Every country seeks to eradicate parts of it's past that it views as objectionable.

America is no different in that regard. :cool:

Every country does that, eh nimrod?


I realize you are just a troll, but that absurd religion of Islam is a fucking sewer trying to pump its filth in all directions.
Mali Islamists destroy tombs at famous Timbuktu mosque | Reuters

Mali Islamists destroy tombs at famous Timbuktu mosque

BAMAKO | Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:09am EDT

(Reuters) - Islamist militants destroyed two tombs on Tuesday at the famous 14th century Djingareyber mosque in Timbuktu, classified by UNESCO as a world heritage site, residents said.

About a dozen militants arrived in an armored four-wheel drive truck, armed with pickaxes and hoes. They fired in the air to intimidate people and started smashing the tombs, said Ibrahim Cisse, who witnessed the scene.

"They blocked the two main roads leading to the mausoleums. When they saw people gathering for a ceremony nearby, they began firing shots in the air," said another resident, Mahamad ould Ibrahim

Where ever muslms go there is destruction. Muslims don't care about tourist dollars. Why would you think for a second that tourist dollars means more than their religion?
Mali Islamists destroy tombs at famous Timbuktu mosque | Reuters

Mali Islamists destroy tombs at famous Timbuktu mosque

BAMAKO | Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:09am EDT

(Reuters) - Islamist militants destroyed two tombs on Tuesday at the famous 14th century Djingareyber mosque in Timbuktu, classified by UNESCO as a world heritage site, residents said.

About a dozen militants arrived in an armored four-wheel drive truck, armed with pickaxes and hoes. They fired in the air to intimidate people and started smashing the tombs, said Ibrahim Cisse, who witnessed the scene.

"They blocked the two main roads leading to the mausoleums. When they saw people gathering for a ceremony nearby, they began firing shots in the air," said another resident, Mahamad ould Ibrahim

Where ever muslms go there is destruction. Muslims don't care about tourist dollars. Why would you think for a second that tourist dollars means more than their religion?

I thought thats the only reason the Egyptians tolerated those Pyramids for so long, because of the tourist dollars. That may change I guess.I know the average everyday Egyptian does't give 2 shits about the Pyramids and wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
What I find mind numbingly stupid is that intelligent people said that when the muslim brotherhood took over Egypt that they would destroy Egypt's national heritage as we were called stupid, idiot, fucktard, and assured that muslims would not end the tourism industry.

All I can do is laugh. And reiterate what I said before. It's ironic that thieves would ultimately be the ones who preserved whatever of Egypt's history is preserved by stealing and selling Egyptian artifacts.
If the historians of Egypt have any sense, they are smuggling Egypt's history out right now to the London Museum and replacing them with reproductions. In fact, have been doing it all along.

The muslims aren't stupid for following their religion and destroying what is abhorrent to them. The WEST is stupid for thinking that they wouldn't! Stupid and completely idiotic.

But then, America is the same country that could both believe that muslims woudn't destroy the pyramids AND want to destroy every civil war monument, flag and cemetary in the South.

America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.

.....Barack Obama :dig:
We should make a very sincere promise to Egypt that if the Pyramids are destroyed, so will every fucking structure in that country be no matter how long it takes.
Early Christians tore down many idols, used pagan worship centers as barns fo livestock to live in. Killed and banished people, then they turned on each other. destroying different froms of Christianity, like the Gnostics.
What I find mind numbingly stupid is that intelligent people said that when the muslim brotherhood took over Egypt that they would destroy Egypt's national heritage as we were called stupid, idiot, fucktard, and assured that muslims would not end the tourism industry.

All I can do is laugh. And reiterate what I said before. It's ironic that thieves would ultimately be the ones who preserved whatever of Egypt's history is preserved by stealing and selling Egyptian artifacts.
If the historians of Egypt have any sense, they are smuggling Egypt's history out right now to the London Museum and replacing them with reproductions. In fact, have been doing it all along.

The muslims aren't stupid for following their religion and destroying what is abhorrent to them. The WEST is stupid for thinking that they wouldn't! Stupid and completely idiotic.

But then, America is the same country that could both believe that muslims woudn't destroy the pyramids AND want to destroy every civil war monument, flag and cemetary in the South.

Since when? I live in the south and I have not heard of anything like that, there are confederate museums and memorials all over Virginia, there is a statue of Stonewall Jackson in downtown Richmond.

She just makes shit up and pretends she knows what the hell she is talking about. It's her M.O.
Early Christians tore down many idols, used pagan worship centers as barns fo livestock to live in. Killed and banished people, then they turned on each other. destroying different froms of Christianity, like the Gnostics.

And therefore, what?
Early Christians tore down many idols, used pagan worship centers as barns fo livestock to live in. Killed and banished people, then they turned on each other. destroying different froms of Christianity, like the Gnostics.

It's their country and their property.

If they want to tear them down that's their business.

Who are we to say different or try to stop them? :cool: have no problem with them destroying one of the most unique feats of engineering ever?

And that folks, is why the Arab world is in the condition that it is.
Apparently, the owners think it's an eye sore and a blight on the land scape. :cool:
When the WORLD has finally had enough of this BLOODY, IGNORANT, PEDOPHILIC, STONE AGE CULT called islam, the WORLD will be a MUCH better place...

Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin

According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt’s Great Pyramids—or, in the words of Saudi Sheikh Ali bin Said al-Rabi‘i, those “symbols of paganism,” which Egypt’s Salafi party has long planned to cover with wax. Most recently, Bahrain’s “Sheikh of Sunni Sheikhs” and President of National Unity, Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud, called on Egypt’s new president, Muhammad Morsi, to “destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what the Sahabi Amr bin al-As could not.”

Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin | FrontPage Magazine

And you did not see this coming?

Anything not muslim is bad. All things bad must be destroyed.

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