More proof how the left wing media uses propaganda. Katie Couric admits in her interview with Ruth Ginsburg omissions. Ginsburg critical of karpernick


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

She has a new book and is shedding light on the absurdity of the left and how dangerous it is. I think we are simply too far gone at this point, but this is the real problem. Combined with the globalist technocracy educational system and perverted entertainment industry.

She has a new book and is shedding light on the absurdity of the left and how dangerous it is. I think we are simply too far gone at this point, but this is the real problem. Combined with the globalist technocracy educational system and perverted entertainment industry.

What needs to be understood is that Ginsberg was Socialist bordering on Communist herself. She was with the ACLU which should have disqualified her from being nominated to the Supreme Court. We see the so called moderate Garland and what he is.
What needs to be understood is that Ginsberg was Socialist bordering on Communist herself. She was with the ACLU which should have disqualified her from being nominated to the Supreme Court. We see the so called moderate Garland and what he is.
Oh I agree, but the left wing media shape thoughts, and omissions are essential lies that the media does. That is a small example
Yeah, Katie couldn’t have word get out to all those RGB fans that she was “racist”. How dare RGB make a comment which everyone with any sense knows to be true. Even she had to tow the party line or be silenced. Just imagine how many times these left-wing SCJ’s allow this pressure to influence their decisions on the bench.
I don't see why anybody needs a book by Couric to learn of editorial control of content within the media. I wouldn't expect the book to be a big seller.

Other than watching local sports teams, I've given up on network and cable TV. Most of the alternative news sites on the web are pure garbage as well. Luckily access to financial, trade and industry websites provide information from a non-political-wing perspective. It takes a little effort to dig up, but it's worth the effort if you're brain's not mush that settles for the crap the likes of HuffPost and Gateway Pundit dish out.
Must preserve the reputation of the now-dead liberal hack and prevent the Marxists from turning against her and cancelling her out. We wouldn't want the great unwashed rabble tearing down all those statues of RBG, now would we?

Personally, I don't think she's really dead. Darth Vader only encased her in carbonite, and she'll reappear after the 2024 elections.

Must preserve the reputation of the now-dead liberal hack and prevent the Marxists from turning against her and cancelling her out. We wouldn't want the great unwashed rabble tearing down all those statues of RBG, now would we?

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Which proves this ex kgb agent right when he pointed who the useful idiots are that stalin once referred to.

In it he reveals how if a person isn't as marxist as the other, then that person will eliminated.

Along with the useful idiots who are many of the college professors and civil rights leaders whose usefulness is done
Interestingly, in her later years, RBG made a few public comments that revealed that she was not really a blind ideologue - simply a dedicated Leftist. Couric was hardly the right person to be censoring the old jurist's late thoughts.

She has a new book and is shedding light on the absurdity of the left and how dangerous it is. I think we are simply too far gone at this point, but this is the real problem. Combined with the globalist technocracy educational system and perverted entertainment industry.

Liberal, not left wing.

Confusing liberals with the left is like confusing Nazis with Jews.

Liberals despise the left more than they despise conservatives, and attempt to silence them at every opportunity.
Oh I agree, but the left wing media shape thoughts, and omissions are essential lies that the media does. That is a small example
Liberal, not left wing.

Liberals are like Nazis; the left are like Jews.

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