More Republican hypocrisy exposed, receiving donations from companies who got bailout


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010

I thought you rightwingers were against the bailouts to these companies, but you have no problem accepting campaign donations from them.

I thought you rightwingers were against the bailouts to these companies, but you have no problem accepting campaign donations from them.

U.S. Rep. Barney Frank, in an intensifying clash with GOP upstart Sean Bielat, has pledged not to take campaign cash from lenders that got federal bailouts — yet has raked in more than $40,000 from bank execs and special interests connected to the staggering government loans, a Herald review found

Barney Frank rakes in $40G from bailed out banks -

have a nice day, failbo.
It is clear that the US Army only teaches it's officer ranks the vital skill of critical thinking.

You don't know shit about the US Army you piece of shit, most of those donations, like 90% of them went to Republicans dickheads who were against them, Democrats approved it and they're not the ones with a bucnh of Tea Bastards in their ranks crying against but receiving money from the same companies.
It is clear that the US Army only teaches it's officer ranks the vital skill of critical thinking.

You don't know shit about the US Army you piece of shit, most of those donations, like 90% of them went to Republicans dickheads who were against them, Democrats approved it and they're not the ones with a bucnh of Tea Bastards in their ranks crying against but receiving money from the same companies.

I know lots about the US Army, you piece of shit. I know they teach their officers the skill of critical thinking. You make it clear that they don't teach the Enlists that skill.

So that we're clear. Yes, most conservatives were against the bailouts.... but we're still gonna have to pay for it. So, yea, I have no problem with any donations from companies who got taxpayers money.... cuz it was MY FUCKING MONEY, moron.
It is clear that the US Army only teaches it's officer ranks the vital skill of critical thinking.

You don't know shit about the US Army you piece of shit, most of those donations, like 90% of them went to Republicans dickheads who were against them, Democrats approved it and they're not the ones with a bucnh of Tea Bastards in their ranks crying against but receiving money from the same companies.

I know lots about the US Army, you piece of shit. I know they teach their officers the skill of critical thinking. You make it clear that they don't teach the Enlists that skill.

So that we're clear. Yes, most conservatives were against the bailouts.... but we're still gonna have to pay for it. So, yea, I have no problem with any donations from companies who got taxpayers money.... cuz it was MY FUCKING MONEY, moron.

Tebastard supporting drama queen calling me a piece of shit? Thats grand coming from your dear. I'm a 14 year soldier about to make E-8 and a former drill sergeant, you don't make rank that fats without critical thinking you dipshit.

Republicans are fucking hypocrites for taking money from organizations that received money they were against giving it out to, just lie Joe Miller, against unemployment money as unconstitutional but still his wife received it.
You don't know shit about the US Army you piece of shit, most of those donations, like 90% of them went to Republicans dickheads who were against them, Democrats approved it and they're not the ones with a bucnh of Tea Bastards in their ranks crying against but receiving money from the same companies.

I know lots about the US Army, you piece of shit. I know they teach their officers the skill of critical thinking. You make it clear that they don't teach the Enlists that skill.

So that we're clear. Yes, most conservatives were against the bailouts.... but we're still gonna have to pay for it. So, yea, I have no problem with any donations from companies who got taxpayers money.... cuz it was MY FUCKING MONEY, moron.

Tebastard supporting drama queen calling me a piece of shit? Thats grand coming from your dear. I'm a 14 year soldier about to make E-8 and a former drill sergeant, you don't make rank that fats without critical thinking you dipshit.

Republicans are fucking hypocrites for taking money from organizations that received money they were against giving it out to, just lie Joe Miller, against unemployment money as unconstitutional but still his wife received it.

You called me a piece of shit and now you're getting all Drama Queen about me using that term to you? What a joke you are.

I don't care if you're a 20 year vet with the Medal of Honor, you're still a fucking idiot who cannot think for himself. I don't blame the Army for that. It is for individuals to learn to think critically for themselves - the Army is not the problem - you are.

We're paying for the fucking bail out. We are entitled to use it. Moron.
I know lots about the US Army, you piece of shit. I know they teach their officers the skill of critical thinking. You make it clear that they don't teach the Enlists that skill.

So that we're clear. Yes, most conservatives were against the bailouts.... but we're still gonna have to pay for it. So, yea, I have no problem with any donations from companies who got taxpayers money.... cuz it was MY FUCKING MONEY, moron.

Tebastard supporting drama queen calling me a piece of shit? Thats grand coming from your dear. I'm a 14 year soldier about to make E-8 and a former drill sergeant, you don't make rank that fats without critical thinking you dipshit.

Republicans are fucking hypocrites for taking money from organizations that received money they were against giving it out to, just lie Joe Miller, against unemployment money as unconstitutional but still his wife received it.

You called me a piece of shit and now you're getting all Drama Queen about me using that term to you? What a joke you are.

I don't care if you're a 20 year vet with the Medal of Honor, you're still a fucking idiot who cannot think for himself. I don't blame the Army for that. It is for individuals to learn to think critically for themselves - the Army is not the problem - you are.

We're paying for the fucking bail out. We are entitled to use it. Moron.

So you support taxpayer money being used as donation to political parties? What stupid piece of shit you are. If I didn't thinlk for myself I wouldn't be getting promoted to E-8 next year, being a FISTER and a Blackhawk crewchief and AVIM all require critical thinking unlike you cashier job at Safeway.

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