More than 200,000 apply for asylum in Germany in 2014


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
It has to be very difficult for the receiving country to keep up with so many asylum seekers. How do they feed, educate, house, etc. all of them in a timely manner without breaking the backs of the native people with higher taxes?

More than 200,000 apply for asylum in Germany in 2014
Associated Press11:27 a.m. MST January 14, 2015

(Photo: Markus Schreiber)

BERLIN — More than 202,000 people applied for asylum in Germany last year, the interior minister said Wednesday, with large numbers coming from war-torn areas in the Mideast and Afghanistan.

The figures represented a 60-percent rise compared to 2013, and Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere announced them as the country grapples with how to integrate newcomers.

It was the third highest number of asylum seeker applications ever recorded, de Maiziere said in a statement.

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More than 200 000 apply for asylum in Germany in 2014
Sunni Stalker Troll, how many of Sally's threads do you think you have trolled so far? Guess :cool:

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