More than 6 in 10 Americans say they feel better off after first 3 years of Trump, poll finds


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
WASHINGTON – A recent Gallup poll has some encouraging news for President Donald Trump as his battle for reelection heats up: more than six in 10 Americans say they are better off than they were three years ago when he took office, and about the same number credit him for the improvement.

No incumbent president in the past three decades has enjoyed such a high percentage of people feeling better about their situations. In 2012, when former President Barack Obama was in the White House, 45% of Americans told Gallup they were better off than they were three years ago. In 2004, 1996 and 1992 the number was 50%.

In the survey, 61% said they were better off, 36% said they were not and 3% said they were about the same.

And a strong majority of Americans (62%) said Trump should get credit for improving the economy. Thirty-seven percent said he deserves a "great deal" of credit and 25% said he deserves a "fair amount." Nineteen percent said he should not take much credit and 18% said he deserved none at all.

More than 6 in 10 Americans say they feel better off after first 3 years of Trump, poll finds

That pretty much says it all.
WASHINGTON – A recent Gallup poll has some encouraging news for President Donald Trump as his battle for reelection heats up: more than six in 10 Americans say they are better off than they were three years ago when he took office, and about the same number credit him for the improvement.

No incumbent president in the past three decades has enjoyed such a high percentage of people feeling better about their situations. In 2012, when former President Barack Obama was in the White House, 45% of Americans told Gallup they were better off than they were three years ago. In 2004, 1996 and 1992 the number was 50%.

In the survey, 61% said they were better off, 36% said they were not and 3% said they were about the same.

And a strong majority of Americans (62%) said Trump should get credit for improving the economy. Thirty-seven percent said he deserves a "great deal" of credit and 25% said he deserves a "fair amount." Nineteen percent said he should not take much credit and 18% said he deserved none at all.

More than 6 in 10 Americans say they feel better off after first 3 years of Trump, poll finds

That pretty much says it all.

The Left is hosed, and they know it. They can talk all the crapola they want, but even they know unless an economic event happens to slow us down significantly, they are just whistling into the wind.

This is exactly why they aren't arguing much about policy, they want to argue about personality.

What they have on their side is bubkiss, Mayor Petey, Doomberg, and of course the charming and delightful BERNARD. If we EVER had confidence, it better be now, for if not now, when!
In 2016 Trump asked American blue collar folks what they had to lose...and some said nothing and voted for Trump....even more will this time....I wouldn't be surprised to see Trump turn a couple of "blue states"....

Close to pulling the trigger and finally getting the car that I've always dreamed of....a new Cadillac....THANK YOU Mr. President for your economic common sense.....
Well that will cause the Rolaids consumption to go up for our friends on the left.

No worse news that good economic news for them right now...
Granny says, "Dat's right"...

...she ain't had to sell apples onna street corner...

... fer better n' two years now.
The American voter needs to re elect Trump and give him a majority in the house if they want better government. If the House majority stands, we'll have another couple years of getting nothing done.
The American voter needs to re elect Trump and give him a majority in the house if they want better government. If the House majority stands, we'll have another couple years of getting nothing done.

I don't think that will happen in spite of my hopes and dreams. I wish it would to show the commies they can't get away with BS like this. Unfortunately, I don't think the voters will be smart enough to send that message to the House. However, Trump can campaign for the change, and perhaps that will sway some.
WASHINGTON – A recent Gallup poll has some encouraging news for President Donald Trump as his battle for reelection heats up: more than six in 10 Americans say they are better off than they were three years ago when he took office, and about the same number credit him for the improvement.

No incumbent president in the past three decades has enjoyed such a high percentage of people feeling better about their situations. In 2012, when former President Barack Obama was in the White House, 45% of Americans told Gallup they were better off than they were three years ago. In 2004, 1996 and 1992 the number was 50%.

In the survey, 61% said they were better off, 36% said they were not and 3% said they were about the same.

And a strong majority of Americans (62%) said Trump should get credit for improving the economy. Thirty-seven percent said he deserves a "great deal" of credit and 25% said he deserves a "fair amount." Nineteen percent said he should not take much credit and 18% said he deserved none at all.

More than 6 in 10 Americans say they feel better off after first 3 years of Trump, poll finds

That pretty much says it all.

It really makes you wonder who the other 4 in 10 are. I mean, if you aren't doing better in an economy like this, you're never going to do better in life.
My "economy" is locked in, I am retired, get a VA pension and live within my means. Which means, I remember Ike when he was my President and right after WW2 and during Korea, I felt safe in America. Never noticed it much, til it was gone, but NOW, I feel safe again under Trump. Know what I mean Vern?
The American voter needs to re elect Trump and give him a majority in the house if they want better government. If the House majority stands, we'll have another couple years of getting nothing done.

I don't think that will happen in spite of my hopes and dreams. I wish it would to show the commies they can't get away with BS like this. Unfortunately, I don't think the voters will be smart enough to send that message to the House. However, Trump can campaign for the change, and perhaps that will sway some.
In 2018 the polls showed that Republicans were likely to retain control of the House until the Democrats were able to pin the massacre in the Pittsburgh synagogue on Trump. I think the Republicans have a good chance of retaking the House and holding on to the Senate.
The American voter needs to re elect Trump and give him a majority in the house if they want better government. If the House majority stands, we'll have another couple years of getting nothing done.

I don't think that will happen in spite of my hopes and dreams. I wish it would to show the commies they can't get away with BS like this. Unfortunately, I don't think the voters will be smart enough to send that message to the House. However, Trump can campaign for the change, and perhaps that will sway some.
In 2018 the polls showed that Republicans were likely to retain control of the House until the Democrats were able to pin the massacre in the Pittsburgh synagogue on Trump. I think the Republicans have a good chance of retaking the House and holding on to the Senate.

It was more the message of hate got out. Both parties had very unusual high turnouts last midterms. I forget now how many decades it was that we had such a high midterm turnout, but they just got more people out to the polls using hate. However it did show that Trump kept his supporters and then some.

In the original presidential election, a lot of Republicans stayed home unhappy with our choice of candidate. Now that the scorecard is out, and most people are doing better, I believe those who were reluctant to come out last time won't miss voting this time.

Even people against Trump will have to ask if it's worth changing leadership when things are going so well for them. Or better yet, ask themselves how much better it could be if he had a Congress that didn't spend every minute hounding him or seeking ways to get rid of him.
My husband and I are better off now than we were three years ago but honestly it doesn't have anything to do with Trump.

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