More workers should unionize and we should support unions...


Senior Member
Nov 27, 2009
To Protest Hiring of Nonunion Help, Union Hires Nonunion Pickets
Jobless Recruits Get Minimum Wage 'To March Around and Sound Off'

WASHINGTON—Billy Raye, a 51-year-old unemployed bike courier, is looking for work.

Fortunately for him, the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council of Carpenters is seeking paid demonstrators to march and chant in its current picket line outside the McPherson Building, an office complex here where the council says work is being done with nonunion labor.

"For a lot of our members, it's really difficult to have them come out, either because of parking or something else," explains Vincente Garcia, a union representative who is supervising the picketing.

So instead, the union hires unemployed people at the minimum wage—$8.25 an hour—to walk picket lines.

To Protest Hiring of Nonunion Help, Union Hires Nonunion Pickets -

In 2009, the union membership rate--the percent of wage and salary
workers who were members of a union--was 12.3 percent, essentially
unchanged from 12.4 percent a year earlier, the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics reported today.

Union Members Summary

Such a small number of Union Members in the US and the Republicans want to blame everything bad on them. The constant search for a "bogeyman" is exhausting.

And what's ironic, is that workers in China are starting to organize. All that work. The Republicans and the Corporations moving all those jobs overseas in the search for cheap labor. Oops, it might have backfired. What if the Communist government nationalizes all those companies to stabilize the work force. All that investment, gone. Couldn't ya just die?

Workers in China grasp the power of the strike
A spectre of labour unrest is haunting the country – and it terrifies the ruling Communist party

Workers in China grasp the power of the strike | World news | The Observer

What if the Communist government nationalizes all those companies to stabilize the work force. All that investment, gone.

Their economy would completely collapse. Those companies would leave. The poor and lower middle class who were working full time will be without jobs and will starve.

But they will have a union. It doesn't matter the price of bread will cost 10 times as much or that the small car they owned they cannot afford to maintain..
To Protest Hiring of Nonunion Help, Union Hires Nonunion Pickets
Jobless Recruits Get Minimum Wage 'To March Around and Sound Off'

WASHINGTON—Billy Raye, a 51-year-old unemployed bike courier, is looking for work.

Fortunately for him, the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council of Carpenters is seeking paid demonstrators to march and chant in its current picket line outside the McPherson Building, an office complex here where the council says work is being done with nonunion labor.

"For a lot of our members, it's really difficult to have them come out, either because of parking or something else," explains Vincente Garcia, a union representative who is supervising the picketing.

So instead, the union hires unemployed people at the minimum wage—$8.25 an hour—to walk picket lines.

To Protest Hiring of Nonunion Help, Union Hires Nonunion Pickets -



The union wants to hire affordable labor to do THEIR job. priceless.
To Protest Hiring of Nonunion Help, Union Hires Nonunion Pickets
Jobless Recruits Get Minimum Wage 'To March Around and Sound Off'

WASHINGTON—Billy Raye, a 51-year-old unemployed bike courier, is looking for work.

Fortunately for him, the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council of Carpenters is seeking paid demonstrators to march and chant in its current picket line outside the McPherson Building, an office complex here where the council says work is being done with nonunion labor.

"For a lot of our members, it's really difficult to have them come out, either because of parking or something else," explains Vincente Garcia, a union representative who is supervising the picketing.

So instead, the union hires unemployed people at the minimum wage—$8.25 an hour—to walk picket lines.

To Protest Hiring of Nonunion Help, Union Hires Nonunion Pickets -



The union wants to hire affordable labor to do THEIR job. priceless.

I'm seriously hoping this thread wasn't meant to support unions......
To Protest Hiring of Nonunion Help, Union Hires Nonunion Pickets
Jobless Recruits Get Minimum Wage 'To March Around and Sound Off'

WASHINGTON—Billy Raye, a 51-year-old unemployed bike courier, is looking for work.

Fortunately for him, the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council of Carpenters is seeking paid demonstrators to march and chant in its current picket line outside the McPherson Building, an office complex here where the council says work is being done with nonunion labor.

"For a lot of our members, it's really difficult to have them come out, either because of parking or something else," explains Vincente Garcia, a union representative who is supervising the picketing.

So instead, the union hires unemployed people at the minimum wage—$8.25 an hour—to walk picket lines.

To Protest Hiring of Nonunion Help, Union Hires Nonunion Pickets -



The union wants to hire affordable labor to do THEIR job. priceless.

I'm seriously hoping this thread wasn't meant to support unions......

I almost think it was, except it was so poorly done that it made them look stupid.
In 2009, the union membership rate--the percent of wage and salary
workers who were members of a union--was 12.3 percent, essentially
unchanged from 12.4 percent a year earlier, the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics reported today.

Union Members Summary

Such a small number of Union Members in the US and the Republicans want to blame everything bad on them. The constant search for a "bogeyman" is exhausting.

It's the change in the entities which are unionized that's the issue, bub.

Union members today are largely public employee based ones. The collude with politicians for excessive pay and benefits in exchange for (essentially taxpayer funded) campaign donations. The state and municipal budget crises are due to excessive union comp and benefits combined with unfunded federal mandates.

Unions haven't helped the auto industry either, btw.
What if the Communist government nationalizes all those companies to stabilize the work force. All that investment, gone.

Their economy would completely collapse. Those companies would leave. The poor and lower middle class who were working full time will be without jobs and will starve.

But they will have a union. It doesn't matter the price of bread will cost 10 times as much or that the small car they owned they cannot afford to maintain..

I don't think you understand. If the communist government nationalizes the companies, they don't leave. They are already there. The only people who leave are the CEOs. The companies are there, built and operating. No one would be able to remove the machinery or any other part of the infrastructure. Building in China has always been a gamble.

For those that say, "Oh, the Chinese would never do such a thing", have apparently forgotten the cost of the "Great Leap Forward".

The union wants to hire affordable labor to do THEIR job. priceless.

I'm seriously hoping this thread wasn't meant to support unions......

I almost think it was, except it was so poorly done that it made them look stupid.

The only ones who look stupid are Republicans. Union leaders are merely being frugal. They can't send Union Workers out and pay them their worth. So they get people they can pay the minimum wage.

Now the truly ironic part is Republicans want to pay EVERYONE the minimum wage. No, wait. The want to end the minimum wage and pay everyone LESS than the minimum wage. Why do you think they worked with corporations to move all those jobs overseas. You know, where people are now ON STRIKE.

I don't like teachers getting paid three months of vacation a year. Or bus drivers getting 30 dollars an hour.

But the financial problems facing this country have been about 3% labor unions and 2% Democrats and 95% Republican.

Hey Republicans, let's stick the American people with the cost of the BP oil disaster clean up. What? Huh? You're already working on it? Good!
I'm seriously hoping this thread wasn't meant to support unions......

I almost think it was, except it was so poorly done that it made them look stupid.

The only ones who look stupid are Republicans. Union leaders are merely being frugal. They can't send Union Workers out and pay them their worth. So they get people they can pay the minimum wage.

Now the truly ironic part is Republicans want to pay EVERYONE the minimum wage. No, wait. The want to end the minimum wage and pay everyone LESS than the minimum wage. Why do you think they worked with corporations to move all those jobs overseas. You know, where people are now ON STRIKE.

I don't like teachers getting paid three months of vacation a year. Or bus drivers getting 30 dollars an hour.

But the financial problems facing this country have been about 3% labor unions and 2% Democrats and 95% Republican.

Hey Republicans, let's stick the American people with the cost of the BP oil disaster clean up. What? Huh? You're already working on it? Good!
Care to back that up with something other than bullshit?
I don't think you understand. If the communist government nationalizes the companies, they don't leave. They are already there. The only people who leave are the CEOs. The companies are there, built and operating. No one would be able to remove the machinery or any other part of the infrastructure. Building in China has always been a gamble.

For those that say, "Oh, the Chinese would never do such a thing", have apparently forgotten the cost of the "Great Leap Forward".

Yeah. That type of nationalization has worked out really well in Venezuela, for example. It's not just the CEO who leaves, its the free market capital markets which made the venture possible in the first place that leave, and the ecosystem of suppliers and other highly skilled employees who don't wish to participate in a state slavery.
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I'm seriously hoping this thread wasn't meant to support unions......

I almost think it was, except it was so poorly done that it made them look stupid.

The only ones who look stupid are Republicans. Union leaders are merely being frugal. They can't send Union Workers out and pay them their worth. So they get people they can pay the minimum wage.

Now the truly ironic part is Republicans want to pay EVERYONE the minimum wage. No, wait. The want to end the minimum wage and pay everyone LESS than the minimum wage. Why do you think they worked with corporations to move all those jobs overseas. You know, where people are now ON STRIKE.

I don't like teachers getting paid three months of vacation a year. Or bus drivers getting 30 dollars an hour.

But the financial problems facing this country have been about 3% labor unions and 2% Democrats and 95% Republican.

Hey Republicans, let's stick the American people with the cost of the BP oil disaster clean up. What? Huh? You're already working on it? Good!

So it is alright for unions to be frugal? And it is alright to force the rest of the world not to be?

You are missing the point. The union hired NON union workers. The union hired SCAB labor. The union wanted to hire affordable workers and not THEIR OWN over priced lazy members to man a picket line.

I almost think it was, except it was so poorly done that it made them look stupid.

The only ones who look stupid are Republicans. Union leaders are merely being frugal. They can't send Union Workers out and pay them their worth. So they get people they can pay the minimum wage.

Now the truly ironic part is Republicans want to pay EVERYONE the minimum wage. No, wait. The want to end the minimum wage and pay everyone LESS than the minimum wage. Why do you think they worked with corporations to move all those jobs overseas. You know, where people are now ON STRIKE.

I don't like teachers getting paid three months of vacation a year. Or bus drivers getting 30 dollars an hour.

But the financial problems facing this country have been about 3% labor unions and 2% Democrats and 95% Republican.

Hey Republicans, let's stick the American people with the cost of the BP oil disaster clean up. What? Huh? You're already working on it? Good!
Care to back that up with something other than bullshit?
There is no URL to his ass. :cool:
Hey, you pro-union folks. Who has a greater right to work:

1. A non-union American citizen, or

2. A union illegal alien?
Why the union DUES payer of course. Union dues trump American citizens all the time.
What if the Communist government nationalizes all those companies to stabilize the work force. All that investment, gone.

Their economy would completely collapse. Those companies would leave. The poor and lower middle class who were working full time will be without jobs and will starve.

But they will have a union. It doesn't matter the price of bread will cost 10 times as much or that the small car they owned they cannot afford to maintain..

I don't think you understand. If the communist government nationalizes the companies, they don't leave. They are already there. The only people who leave are the CEOs. The companies are there, built and operating. No one would be able to remove the machinery or any other part of the infrastructure. Building in China has always been a gamble.

For those that say, "Oh, the Chinese would never do such a thing", have apparently forgotten the cost of the "Great Leap Forward".

If the things that made a company competitive were brick and mortar facilities and mobs of workers punching time cards, the Big 3 wqould dominate the Auto industry and Zenith would be the biggest television manufacturer on the planet.
I'm seriously hoping this thread wasn't meant to support unions......

I almost think it was, except it was so poorly done that it made them look stupid.

The only ones who look stupid are Republicans. Union leaders are merely being frugal. They can't send Union Workers out and pay them their worth. So they get people they can pay the minimum wage.

Now the truly ironic part is Republicans want to pay EVERYONE the minimum wage. No, wait. The want to end the minimum wage and pay everyone LESS than the minimum wage. Why do you think they worked with corporations to move all those jobs overseas. You know, where people are now ON STRIKE.

I don't like teachers getting paid three months of vacation a year. Or bus drivers getting 30 dollars an hour.

But the financial problems facing this country have been about 3% labor unions and 2% Democrats and 95% Republican.

Hey Republicans, let's stick the American people with the cost of the BP oil disaster clean up. What? Huh? You're already working on it? Good!

I'll have what he's having.

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