Moscow bandits Are Terrified Of HIMARS (made in USA) In Ukraine! Moscow bandits About Artillery Attack

So Russia is using Iskander missiles against mobile launchers? Launched in the middle of the day and landed at dusk?

BTW, if that was HIMARS the crane would have been visible.

What's next Russian soldier downs Death Star with RPG-7?
So Russia is using Iskander missiles against mobile launchers? Launched in the middle of the day and landed at dusk?

BTW, if that was HIMARS the crane would have been visible.

What's next Russian soldier downs Death Star with RPG-7?
Iskander are GLONASS/TERCOM guided missiles with a range of 500 km.

Edit: Of course, a RPG-7 can "down" the Death Star. Don´t you know the movies?
Iskander are GLONASS/TERCOM guided missiles with a range of 500 km.
Yes. Missiles are for stationary targets that have fixed locations.

No one would use one against a mobile launcher, it's just dumb. (I'd love it if they did, lol)

HIMARS is at the launch position for about 3 minutes (if that).

They pull them out of hiding after dark so they are harder to spot by Russian drones. If Russia wants to take one out, they will have to follow it back to the hiding spot.

If there is more than one mission planned, the GMRLS pods are stashed on the roadside in advance. Target coordinates are programmed before the mission.

HIMARS drives to the launch site, waits ~30 seconds for the system to locate itself and orient the launcher.
Shoot and scoot. Go swap out the spent pod with the one that was stashed earlier, takes 5 minutes to reload. Proceed with next mission.

The launch vehicles and resupply vehicles are never at the same place at the same time, because no transloader is needed.

Rinse and repeat. That's how Ukraine is using HIMARS.

Even if Russia did hit one, all we would see is a building being struck by a missile. Read some of the comments in that video- seems Russian commenters don't even believe this one, lol.
Are you Ukrainian?....
Ukrainians are my brothers, your brothers are the dirty mongols , kadyrov-muslims , rapist , looters

Last edited:
ivan = chechens ´ hole


how do you feel about this ?
It doesn't matter how I feel... War is hell and the only thing that will stop this war is for either the world to go on the military offensive against Russia... which won't happen... or for Ukraine to make a deal with Russia... because all that will happen otherwise will be more four year old's dying.... no matter how many stupid threads you start here....

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