Moscow interested in strong partnership with Iran: Russian analyst


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
"Despite Western position Russia is interested in strong partnership with Iran and development of common projects," Savin tells the Tehran Times.
"The last visit of the Iranian delegation to Moscow indicated that we are strengthening our cooperation,” he argues.
“Iran is looking to join Eurasian Economic Union that seems a very important move forward. Our interaction in Syria also was a good bridge for trust-building,” according to Savin.
The following is the text of the interview:

Q: How do you assess the new American administration’s policy towards Iran? Washington asks Iran to take the first step to revitalize the JCPOA while it was the U.S. under the Trump presidency that withdrew from the deal in 2018. What is your comment?

A: In my opinion, there is no big change between old and new administrations. Both (Democrats and Republicans) are interested to pressure Iran. They have a consensus on the necessity to dismantle the "regime of Ayatollahs" (a special term used for high authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran). Only approaches are different. Let’s remember how American Democrats promoted and supported the "green revolution" in Iran in the whole framework of color revolutions organized in many regions. The case of Trump is interesting because he made many issues more complicated (also for China, Russia, European partners, Latin American countries). I agree with the Supreme Leader of Iran that the U.S. must lift all sanctions and bans first because they imposed them first. Under new conditions, it will be not easy because any new steps by Iran to develop its nuclear program is described in the U.S. and Israel as serious violations. It gives American decision-makers and political lobby groups a large base for interpretations that step by step modified into a pretext for hostile actions against Iran.

There is an article that is out there saying that Russia briefly thought about telling Iran to hit the bricks. I thought it was interesting that I ran into the opposite on the same day as the other article.
Russia has been wooing Middle Eastern states for 70 years ... I'm not sure what their motivation might be ...


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