Moscow Mueller's Private Army: Witch Hunt has spent more than Countries spend on National Defense!

What is the cost per indictment? I mean, sure, investigations cost money, but he producing results. Way more results than the 12 Benghazi hearings...
Mueller spending estimates are at $30 Million. Add Several other Investigations to this and we are nearing around $100 Million Spent.

So far this investigation has been self funding.

Manafort was fined FORTY SIX

Occurred by the way During The Obama Administration when Manafort was working for Podesta and The Clinton Campaign in conjunction with work in The Ukraine. The same Ukraine, The Clinton campaign originally went to to solicit assistance on the beginnings of The Dirty Dossier originally and through those contacts, Steele, and ex Russian Spy Skirpal, contacted Russian Agents to compile The Dirty Russian Dossier.

Why again, didn't Obama Investigate Manafort then?

He and Clinton and Podesta knew Exactly what Manafort was doing at that time.

This had nothing to do with President Trump.

In fact, Manafort denies receiving any of the funds Mueller accused him or receiving. Podesta received those funds, but since Mueller gave Podesta Immunity, Manafort cannot subpoena The Podesta Group's Financials.

Now how convenient, neat and tidy is that? There are NO Records. NONE AT ALL in any of MANFORT's Financials of him receiving the money he testified The Podesta Group received.

Manafort worked for the Clinton Campasign?
Trump shouldn't have given investigators probable cause .... nobody else brought anything down on him but HIM.
Since when is a joke about Clinton's Illegal Server, after the fact it's existence was made public "probable cause?"

It was already Bleach Bitted when he made that joke.

You don't work for Putin, do you?
There was nothing illegal about Clinton's server.
Mueller spending estimates are at $30 Million. Add Several other Investigations to this and we are nearing around $100 Million Spent.

But let's stick with the fact that Mueller's spending ALONE on this witch hunt for self generated process crimes has spent more money than several countries do for their National Defense these days.

Mueller has spent enough to raise, train and support an entire military force for a small Foreign Country!

Here are the Country's Defense Budgets that Mueller has outspent.

Liberia $10 Million
Sierra Leone $13 Million
Laos $18.5 Million
Central African Republic $18.5 Million
Bhutan $10 Million
No price is too high to root out the traitors in our midst.
Mueller spending estimates are at $30 Million. Add Several other Investigations to this and we are nearing around $100 Million Spent.

But let's stick with the fact that Mueller's spending ALONE on this witch hunt for self generated process crimes has spent more money than several countries do for their National Defense these days.

Mueller has spent enough to raise, train and support an entire military force for a small foreign Country!

Here are the Country's Defense Budgets that Mueller has outspent.

Liberia $10 Million
Sierra Leone $13 Million
Laos $18.5 Million
Central African Republic $18.5 Million
Bhutan $10 Million

Mueller better up the spending, he is not even close top Trump Golf Holiday expenses...

Trump's $56 Million in Golf Trips, Cost by Extravagant Cost

Not to worry. The NancyChuckie temper tantrum cost the government twice as much as Trump wanted for the wall. Them commiecrats sure know how to waste money. Peruse this little gem, written by the liberal puke's favorite FakeNews Station. Also, Trump's golf trips are part of his perks.

Shutdown cost U.S. economy $11 billion, budget office says

Jan 28th 2019 12:43PM

Federal employees were going back to work Monday following the longest shutdown in government history — but the economic effects will be felt for a long time.

A report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found that the economy took an $11 billion hit, including $3 billion that's gone forever, in the 35 days parts of the federal government went unfunded.

"In CBO's estimation, the shutdown dampened economic activity mainly because of the loss of furloughed federal workers' contribution to GDP, the delay in federal spending on goods and services, and the reduction in aggregate demand," the report, released on Monday, said.

Shutdown cost U.S. economy $11 billion, budget office says
El Dumpster was pesented a passed spending bill A bill he said he wopuld sign.

Ann Coulter & Rush Limbaugh said no so he didn't sign it.

Who knew this country was run by Limbaugh & Coulter? I thought it was Vlad?
Mueller spending estimates are at $30 Million. Add Several other Investigations to this and we are nearing around $100 Million Spent.

So far this investigation has been self funding.

Manafort was fined FORTY SIX

Occurred by the way During The Obama Administration when Manafort was working for Podesta and The Clinton Campaign in conjunction with work in The Ukraine. The same Ukraine, The Clinton campaign originally went to to solicit assistance on the beginnings of The Dirty Dossier originally and through those contacts, Steele, and ex Russian Spy Skirpal, contacted Russian Agents to compile The Dirty Russian Dossier.

Why again, didn't Obama Investigate Manafort then?

He and Clinton and Podesta knew Exactly what Manafort was doing at that time.

This had nothing to do with President Trump.

In fact, Manafort denies receiving any of the funds Mueller accused him or receiving. Podesta received those funds, but since Mueller gave Podesta Immunity, Manafort cannot subpoena The Podesta Group's Financials.

Now how convenient, neat and tidy is that? There are NO Records. NONE AT ALL in any of MANFORT's Financials of him receiving the money he testified The Podesta Group received.

Manafort worked for the Clinton Campasign?
All his so called "infractions" occurred while he worked directly for The Podesta Group which worked directly for Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama.

In other words, had Manafort never decided to work for The Trump Campaign for a couple months, he would have been given immunity just like The Podestas were.
every time Hillary lost a pubic hair Gowdy investigated her - not a F'n word abut cost from the RW's


STFU ABOUT $$$$$$$$$.
Mueller spending estimates are at $30 Million. Add Several other Investigations to this and we are nearing around $100 Million Spent.

But let's stick with the fact that Mueller's spending ALONE on this witch hunt for self generated process crimes has spent more money than several countries do for their National Defense these days.

Mueller has spent enough to raise, train and support an entire military force for a small Foreign Country!

Here are the Country's Defense Budgets that Mueller has outspent.

Liberia $10 Million
Sierra Leone $13 Million
Laos $18.5 Million
Central African Republic $18.5 Million
Bhutan $10 Million
No price is too high to root out the traitors in our midst.
Then you should have no problems with Mueller investigating Obama and Clinton for their roles in colluding with Russia to obtain The Dirty Russian Dossier.
Mueller spending estimates are at $30 Million. Add Several other Investigations to this and we are nearing around $100 Million Spent.

But let's stick with the fact that Mueller's spending ALONE on this witch hunt for self generated process crimes has spent more money than several countries do for their National Defense these days.

Mueller has spent enough to raise, train and support an entire military force for a small Foreign Country!

Here are the Country's Defense Budgets that Mueller has outspent.

Liberia $10 Million
Sierra Leone $13 Million
Laos $18.5 Million
Central African Republic $18.5 Million
Bhutan $10 Million
No price is too high to root out the traitors in our midst.
Then you should have no problems with Mueller investigating Obama and Clinton for their roles in colluding with Russia to obtain The Dirty Russian Dossier.
Why should he investigate a fairy tale, piss drinker?
Mueller spending estimates are at $30 Million. Add Several other Investigations to this and we are nearing around $100 Million Spent.

But let's stick with the fact that Mueller's spending ALONE on this witch hunt for self generated process crimes has spent more money than several countries do for their National Defense these days.

Mueller has spent enough to raise, train and support an entire military force for a small Foreign Country!

Here are the Country's Defense Budgets that Mueller has outspent.

Liberia $10 Million
Sierra Leone $13 Million
Laos $18.5 Million
Central African Republic $18.5 Million
Bhutan $10 Million
No price is too high to root out the traitors in our midst.
Then you should have no problems with Mueller investigating Obama and Clinton for their roles in colluding with Russia to obtain The Dirty Russian Dossier.
Why should he investigate a fairy tale, piss drinker?
Seriously, do you see Mueller as more of a dictator in the mold of Castro for a place like Sierra Leone, or someplace like his own private island, where he can name it Mueller land, and his people can pledge allegiance to the United State of Mueller land.

Maybe his flag can have his face on it.

Maybe they just swear allegiance to him, or his statue.
Mueller spending estimates are at $30 Million. Add Several other Investigations to this and we are nearing around $100 Million Spent.

But let's stick with the fact that Mueller's spending ALONE on this witch hunt for self generated process crimes has spent more money than several countries do for their National Defense these days.

Mueller has spent enough to raise, train and support an entire military force for a small Foreign Country!

Here are the Country's Defense Budgets that Mueller has outspent.

Liberia $10 Million
Sierra Leone $13 Million
Laos $18.5 Million
Central African Republic $18.5 Million
Bhutan $10 Million
No price is too high to root out the traitors in our midst.
Then you should have no problems with Mueller investigating Obama and Clinton for their roles in colluding with Russia to obtain The Dirty Russian Dossier.
Why should he investigate a fairy tale, piss drinker?
Seriously, do you see Mueller as more of a dictator in the mold of Castro for a place like Sierra Leone, or someplace like his own private island, where he can name it Mueller land, and his people can pledge allegiance to the United State of Mueller land.

Maybe his flag can have his face on it.

Maybe they just swear allegiance to him, or his statue.
except that Mueller cant indict anybody, its the grand jury who votes on whether to indict.
Mueller spending estimates are at $30 Million. Add Several other Investigations to this and we are nearing around $100 Million Spent.

But let's stick with the fact that Mueller's spending ALONE on this witch hunt for self generated process crimes has spent more money than several countries do for their National Defense these days.

Mueller has spent enough to raise, train and support an entire military force for a small Foreign Country!

Here are the Country's Defense Budgets that Mueller has outspent.

Liberia $10 Million
Sierra Leone $13 Million
Laos $18.5 Million
Central African Republic $18.5 Million
Bhutan $10 Million
No price is too high to root out the traitors in our midst.
Then you should have no problems with Mueller investigating Obama and Clinton for their roles in colluding with Russia to obtain The Dirty Russian Dossier.
Why should he investigate a fairy tale, piss drinker?
Seriously, do you see Mueller as more of a dictator in the mold of Castro for a place like Sierra Leone, or someplace like his own private island, where he can name it Mueller land, and his people can pledge allegiance to the United State of Mueller land.

Maybe his flag can have his face on it.

Maybe they just swear allegiance to him, or his statue.
except that Mueller cant indict anybody, its the grand jury who votes on whether to indict.

you just blew that old derelict's dictator tripe to hell and back ...

And all this money was authorized by a Republican congress and Republican president? Sure seems to me the GOP doesn't have the first clue what they're doing.
Mueller spending estimates are at $30 Million. Add Several other Investigations to this and we are nearing around $100 Million Spent.

But let's stick with the fact that Mueller's spending ALONE on this witch hunt for self generated process crimes has spent more money than several countries do for their National Defense these days.

Mueller has spent enough to raise, train and support an entire military force for a small Foreign Country!

Here are the Country's Defense Budgets that Mueller has outspent.

Liberia $10 Million
Sierra Leone $13 Million
Laos $18.5 Million
Central African Republic $18.5 Million
Bhutan $10 Million

No price is too high to root out the traitors in our midst.
Then you should have no problems with Mueller investigating Obama and Clinton for their roles in colluding with Russia to obtain The Dirty Russian Dossier.
Why should he investigate a fairy tale, piss drinker?
Seriously, do you see Mueller as more of a dictator in the mold of Castro for a place like Sierra Leone, or someplace like his own private island, where he can name it Mueller land, and his people can pledge allegiance to the United State of Mueller land.

Maybe his flag can have his face on it.

Maybe they just swear allegiance to him, or his statue.
except that Mueller cant indict anybody, its the grand jury who votes on whether to indict.

Lefty loves him some Grand Juries picked from the heart of the stinking SWAMP smack in the middle of DC.

Too bad you are only supposed to form a Grand Jury to investigate a named crime. So anything said Grand Jury sites and adjudicates on eventually will be thrown out of court. Same thing with Mueller who was illegitimately appointed in violation of the guidelines and procedures for appointing a Special Counsel. That and his conflict of interest means Mueller will amount to nothing in the end after a few appeals from his victims. Then the damage awards will come just like every thing else he has been involved in.

I can hear Mueller and his peoples singing his National Anthem now.

Mueller land, I’m longing for you

And someday, on thee I’ll stand

Where my home shall be eternal

Mueller land, sweet Mueller land

I’m kind of homesick for a country

Where I’ve never been before

No sad goodbyes will there be spoken

For time won’t matter anymore

I’m looking now across the river

Where my faith is gonna end in sight

There’s just a few more days to labor

And then I’ll take my heavenly flight

Where my home shall be eternal

Mueller land, sweet Mueller land
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Mueller spending estimates are at $30 Million. Add Several other Investigations to this and we are nearing around $100 Million Spent.

But let's stick with the fact that Mueller's spending ALONE on this witch hunt for self generated process crimes has spent more money than several countries do for their National Defense these days.

Mueller has spent enough to raise, train and support an entire military force for a small Foreign Country!

Here are the Country's Defense Budgets that Mueller has outspent.

Liberia $10 Million
Sierra Leone $13 Million
Laos $18.5 Million
Central African Republic $18.5 Million
Bhutan $10 Million
No price is too high to root out the traitors in our midst.
Then you should have no problems with Mueller investigating Obama and Clinton for their roles in colluding with Russia to obtain The Dirty Russian Dossier.
Why should he investigate a fairy tale, piss drinker?

Do you have lots of experience with piss drinking?

Is this along the lines of takes one to know one?

You are sadly mistaken....

I only drink my own piss, and only in a survival situation.

It's not a regular beverage for me, like it is for you.
Mueller spending estimates are at $30 Million. Add Several other Investigations to this and we are nearing around $100 Million Spent.

But let's stick with the fact that Mueller's spending ALONE on this witch hunt for self generated process crimes has spent more money than several countries do for their National Defense these days.

Mueller has spent enough to raise, train and support an entire military force for a small Foreign Country!

Here are the Country's Defense Budgets that Mueller has outspent.

Liberia $10 Million
Sierra Leone $13 Million
Laos $18.5 Million
Central African Republic $18.5 Million
Bhutan $10 Million

imagine, $100 million and nothing against Trump, that is, nothing to remove him with.

Yet they persist.
Mueller spending estimates are at $30 Million. Add Several other Investigations to this and we are nearing around $100 Million Spent.

But let's stick with the fact that Mueller's spending ALONE on this witch hunt for self generated process crimes has spent more money than several countries do for their National Defense these days.

Mueller has spent enough to raise, train and support an entire military force for a small Foreign Country!

Here are the Country's Defense Budgets that Mueller has outspent.

Liberia $10 Million
Sierra Leone $13 Million
Laos $18.5 Million
Central African Republic $18.5 Million
Bhutan $10 Million

Pales in comparison to the over $100 million that Republicans spent investigating the Clintons, doesn't it.

But there's one HUGE difference between the Mueller Investigation and the various Clinton Investigations.

Mueller recovered $38 million dollars in fines and proceeds of crime seizures from Paul Manafort. And we haven't seen how much Roger Stone is going to have to pay. So Mueller has already paid for his own investigation. A good lawyer always pays his own fees.

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