Moscow propagandists are already calling Alaska "ours". my MAGA and commie friends, maybe its to Moscow empire to " find out "?

maybe its time to invite them to try to come take it?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • no, Moscow empire is too strong

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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yours :auiqs.jpg: ? but you are not ready to fight Moscow🇷🇺 hordesmen . a good joke , how long it ´ll take before Mongol - Moscow horde takes it " back " with the force ?
Moscow is not ready to fight US. The entire world could band together and they would still lose a war against the US. Its simply impossible to take terrItory from us.

Watch this video. This is what would happen if everyone went against us...

Moscow is not ready to fight US.
:auiqs.jpg:you must be joking, THEY ARE NOT JUST READY they fight you daily, meanwhile MAGA ( shaking knees) is not ready to fight Muscovite - Mongol hordes.
🇷🇺they see your (MAGA) shaking knees ;)
need couple of examples ? Syria, Mali , CAR, Sudan , Ukraine, etc. USA run once 🇷🇺 Ivan rapist shows teeth .

and thats why you MAGA hate Ukrainian men , cos they DONT RUN , THEY STAY AND FIGHT

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Watch this video.
I dont need , USA IS THE only SUPERPOWER , stronger than even . so what ? once 🇷🇺 Ivan rapist shows bloody teeth you (MAGA) run. ps commies ( OUR LEFT RADICALS ) are on the run SINCE 1917.
#23 backgound

why do you think MAGA ARE SO scared of Moscow barbaric imperialists ? and why Ukrainians dont ?
Nobody's scared of Russians, brah.

For one thing, they have Russian weapons. :auiqs.jpg:

Have you ever seen a Russian ship? What color are they, hmm?


Apparently they don't sandblast and paint a fuckin' thing, ever.
Not until e have a real leader in the White House. Biden and Harris would probably give Alaska back to Russia. I mean all it has is oil and natural resources and Republicans, right?
not Trump (MAGA ) ?
No. Too much oil to be drilled for, fish to be caught and other resources to be mined. Thsts too much profit to ever consider giving Alaska back to Russia. Spoof Trump can pretend to be a Hawk by threatening military action against Russia.
No. Too much oil to be drilled for, fish to be caught and other resources to be mined. Thsts too much profit to ever consider giving Alaska back to Russia.
so you are ready to fight and kill 🇷🇺 for Alaska , California ?

Moscow : "restore historical justice" by capturing Finland, Poland, Baltic States and Alaska AND CALIFORNIA

my MAGA and commie friends, maybe its to Moscow empire to " find out "?
Muscovites have been making that claim for over 30 years . maybe its time to invite 🇷🇺 them to try to come take it?
Why Alaska? The colonization of Alaska was a project by the Moscow empire with the objective to use it as starting point for the colonization of both Americas, down to Cape Horn. After Crimean war Moscow Tsar was a Bankrupt (as Putin today) and he was very happy to sell it to the U.S.

Losing Alaska to the Russians may be Joe Biden's crowning "achievement" as president.

Good job, Biden supporters!
so you are ready to fight and kill 🇷🇺for Alaska , California ?
Alaska, definitely. California and a couple of those rapidly purple leaning southwestern states, NOT A CHANCE IN HELL. Give them back to Mexico. Build the wall around them and let the cartels feast on them like baby bunnies.

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