Moscow🐷 🇷🇺 empire is renaming the Gulf of Finland "in response to Finland's unfriendly actions" into "Neva Gulf" or "Kronstadt Gulf"

And to address this topic seriously for a moment, Moscow empire could not do that even if it wanted to.

During WWI and WWII, Germany tried blockading England. And both times, they utterly failed.

The first time with over 120 ships and boats, the second with over 800 ships and boats. And both times not only did they fail to really blockade England, they lost a hell of a lot of ships.

And remember, that was just trying to blockade England alone, not even the rest of Europe (which in the second war they mostly controlled).

Now let's fast forward to 2023. The entire Moscow empire´s Navy is composed of only 347 offensive combat ships. And with that, they think they can blockade all of Europe? That is less than half the ships Germany tried to blockade a single country with only a single ocean and sea to cover. And they think they can choke Europe?

Whoever thinks they can do that is utterly delusional. Not to mention forget that a blockade is an act of war unless very specific reasons and exclusionary claims are used.


This is a follow up to my previous piece describing how the United States and NATO sabotaged the peace talks between Russia and Ukraine in March 2022. Within the last week we have two members of Ukraine’s negotiating team confirm the information that was published two weeks ago by Hajo Funke and Harald Kujat, Harald Kujat is not just some guy with an opinion. He was the head of Germany’s military. The two members of the Ukrainian team — Oleksiy Arestovich (Zelensky’s former righthand man) and David Arakhamia (a Zelensky look alike who is a member of the Rada).

Vladimir Putin was the first person to publicly describe what happened with the negotiations when he met with an African delegation in July 2023. Putin told the African leaders:

“Russia has never refused negotiations. A whole series of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine took place in Turkey to develop confidence-building measures and prepare the text of the treaty itself.
The head of the negotiating team from Kiev initialed this draft agreement. Here he is. It is called the “Treaty on Permanent Neutrality and Security Guarantees for Ukraine.” 18 articles.
Moreover, there is also an application for it. This applies to the armed forces and other things. Everything is spelled out, down to the units of military equipment and the personnel of the armed forces. Here is this document. And it was initialed by the Kiev delegation.
But after we, as promised, withdrew the troops from Kiev, the Kiev authorities, as their masters usually do, threw it all into the dustbin of history. Let’s put it this way carefully and intelligently.”
Arestovich, who is now on the outs with Zelensky, makes the strongest statement:



This is a follow up to my previous piece describing how the United States and NATO sabotaged the peace talks between Russia and Ukraine in March 2022. Within the last week we have two members of Ukraine’s negotiating team confirm the information that was published two weeks ago by Hajo Funke and Harald Kujat, Harald Kujat is not just some guy with an opinion. He was the head of Germany’s military. The two members of the Ukrainian team — Oleksiy Arestovich (Zelensky’s former righthand man) and David Arakhamia (a Zelensky look alike who is a member of the Rada).

Vladimir Putin was the first person to publicly describe what happened with the negotiations when he met with an African delegation in July 2023. Putin told the African leaders:

Arestovich, who is now on the outs with Zelensky, makes the strongest statement:

and your source is sonar21 :auiqs.jpg:

The Russians kicked ass yesterday... where is your report on that?...


Ukraine is losing.... I give it 6 months.... then Joe will be forced to push them to make a deal which is what should have happened before thousand of people died.... two years ago....
Russian GDP claimed by the Russia Central Bank for 2022 was $2.24 Trillion USD - source provided by TradingData.

👉 Central Bank of Russia posted a projection of a 2.5% increase in GPD, year on year from 2022. Source provided by RCB,

👉 2.5% increase in GDP from 2022, is an increase from $2.24 Trillion USD to $2.352 Trillion USD. Source provided by RCB

In November 2023, the state propaganda media outlet TASS slipped a gem of an official 2023 GDP projection. (Source proved by TASS) 👇

💥 MOSCOW, November 3. /TASS/. Claimed in a report that the volume of funds of the National Wealth Fund as of November 1 amounted to 13.54 trillion rubles ($146.31 bln), or 9% of the Russian Federation’s GDP projected for 2023, the Ministry of Finance said.

So using the TASS published “projection of GDP” in November 2023:

👉 9% of Russian GDP = $146.31 Billion USD

👉 Therefore 100% of “projected” 2023 GDP announced by TASS in November 2023 = $1.62566 Trillion USD

Yet in October, 2023 - the Russia Central Bank was still parroting the projection that GDP in 2023 would be $2.353 Trillion USD

TASS, the state owned and finance propaganda outlet, are now claiming 2023’s GDP will be $1.62566 Trillion USD - which is $727 Billion less than the original 2023 projection, and represents $614 Billion USD less than 2022, or 27.4% drop in GDP year on year from 2022, against their projected growth of 2.5% (RCB) and 30.9% lower than their 2023 GDP projections parroted since January 2023 in dozens of easily identified press reports on the economy.

It's all over for Nazi Winkle and his fellow Nazis .
The UAF is finished and some well informed people even put UAF losses at over one million .
Talking about Finland is an irrelevancy and now we can rename Nazi Winkle accordingly .

SS Nazi Irrelevant Winkle
... During WWI and WWII, Germany tried blockading England. ...

Not really. We tried only to find the plug for the drainpipe. We did not find it so England is still an island on the way to Trumperica.

You are by the way an idiot awarded with the Iron Cross first class when you try to use anti-German war propaganda against Russians.

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