Most and least moral countries in the world

What is the Best Country in the World? An Index of Morality, Conscience and Good Life

"Which countries set the best examples to the rest of the world? Which ones would we do best to copy, to emulate and to admire for their foresight, hard work and long-term conscience? Which countries would have humanity survive gleaming into a clean, happy, bright future?

And who are tardy on humanitarian issues, science or development? Which nations and cultures cling to barbarian ethics on gender and sexual equality? Who is holding us back?

I compile relevant statistics on a wide range of issues and put them into a database-driven system, which calculates points per country. The country's overall score is an average of all the datasets that a country appears in. So, countries don't get penalized for lack of data about them. I've arrived at a shortlist of countries that beat all the others. Be the best!


1 Iceland 90.7
2 Sweden 90.2
3 Norway 89.2
4 Denmark 88.3
5 New Zealand 88.1
6 Finland 87.7
7 Netherlands 84.1
8 Australia 83.6
9 Luxembourg 83.6
10 Belgium 83.3


190 Afghanistan 27.4
189 Sudan 29.6
188 Somalia 29.7
187 Congo, DR 33.1
186 Mauritania 33.8
185 Central African Rep. 35.0
184 Chad 35.1
183 Yemen 35.5
182 Iraq 36.2
181 Niger 36.4"

Full methodology and source at link.

I made a bet with myself before clicking the link that this would be defining moral as "greatest distribution of leftist ideals". Imagine my total lack of surprise when I won that bet.

Who lost?

The part of me that's still occasionally inclined to believe that the world isn't entirely infested with leftist feces.
YOU brought all that shit in. The OP didn't bring in value judgments about who's "great" or "wonderful" or "bad".
What?! Here's the title of this thread: Most and least moral countries in the world

Also from the OP: An Index of Morality, Conscience and Good Life

No value judgments? Are you serious?

Q - what would you call the United States if you removed the endless MIC imperialist warmongering?
A - "Canada"

Canada's role in the Afghanistan War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Operation Mobile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just saying "moral" is a value judgement.
That's a very good point. Someone living in Saudi Arabia may think the West is completely morally bankrupt because we have religious choice and free speech.
What is the Best Country in the World? An Index of Morality, Conscience and Good Life

"Which countries set the best examples to the rest of the world? Which ones would we do best to copy, to emulate and to admire for their foresight, hard work and long-term conscience? Which countries would have humanity survive gleaming into a clean, happy, bright future?

And who are tardy on humanitarian issues, science or development? Which nations and cultures cling to barbarian ethics on gender and sexual equality? Who is holding us back?

I compile relevant statistics on a wide range of issues and put them into a database-driven system, which calculates points per country. The country's overall score is an average of all the datasets that a country appears in. So, countries don't get penalized for lack of data about them. I've arrived at a shortlist of countries that beat all the others. Be the best!


1 Iceland 90.7
2 Sweden 90.2
3 Norway 89.2
4 Denmark 88.3
5 New Zealand 88.1
6 Finland 87.7
7 Netherlands 84.1
8 Australia 83.6
9 Luxembourg 83.6
10 Belgium 83.3


190 Afghanistan 27.4
189 Sudan 29.6
188 Somalia 29.7
187 Congo, DR 33.1
186 Mauritania 33.8
185 Central African Rep. 35.0
184 Chad 35.1
183 Yemen 35.5
182 Iraq 36.2
181 Niger 36.4"

Full methodology and source at link.
Without looking at your source I would say this is a farce since no one is qualified to make the decision on what constitutes morality for the entire world.
What is the Best Country in the World? An Index of Morality, Conscience and Good Life

"Which countries set the best examples to the rest of the world? Which ones would we do best to copy, to emulate and to admire for their foresight, hard work and long-term conscience? Which countries would have humanity survive gleaming into a clean, happy, bright future?

And who are tardy on humanitarian issues, science or development? Which nations and cultures cling to barbarian ethics on gender and sexual equality? Who is holding us back?

I compile relevant statistics on a wide range of issues and put them into a database-driven system, which calculates points per country. The country's overall score is an average of all the datasets that a country appears in. So, countries don't get penalized for lack of data about them. I've arrived at a shortlist of countries that beat all the others. Be the best!


1 Iceland 90.7
2 Sweden 90.2
3 Norway 89.2
4 Denmark 88.3
5 New Zealand 88.1
6 Finland 87.7
7 Netherlands 84.1
8 Australia 83.6
9 Luxembourg 83.6
10 Belgium 83.3


190 Afghanistan 27.4
189 Sudan 29.6
188 Somalia 29.7
187 Congo, DR 33.1
186 Mauritania 33.8
185 Central African Rep. 35.0
184 Chad 35.1
183 Yemen 35.5
182 Iraq 36.2
181 Niger 36.4"

Full methodology and source at link.

Delta: "Which countries set the best examples to the rest of the world?

"Best example" applying a very subjective standard.

My attitude if it makes the country happy why not as long as there is no harm done due to religious persecution etc

Best will be hard to gauge accurately. Iceland for example is a tiny little speck of a country so not directly comparable to larger countries. Plus, being literaly an island wont have many of the concerns landlocked nations have like for immigration, and security issues so it's easier being peaceful.
What is the Best Country in the World? An Index of Morality, Conscience and Good Life

"Which countries set the best examples to the rest of the world? Which ones would we do best to copy, to emulate and to admire for their foresight, hard work and long-term conscience? Which countries would have humanity survive gleaming into a clean, happy, bright future?

And who are tardy on humanitarian issues, science or development? Which nations and cultures cling to barbarian ethics on gender and sexual equality? Who is holding us back?

I compile relevant statistics on a wide range of issues and put them into a database-driven system, which calculates points per country. The country's overall score is an average of all the datasets that a country appears in. So, countries don't get penalized for lack of data about them. I've arrived at a shortlist of countries that beat all the others. Be the best!


1 Iceland 90.7
2 Sweden 90.2
3 Norway 89.2
4 Denmark 88.3
5 New Zealand 88.1
6 Finland 87.7
7 Netherlands 84.1
8 Australia 83.6
9 Luxembourg 83.6
10 Belgium 83.3


190 Afghanistan 27.4
189 Sudan 29.6
188 Somalia 29.7
187 Congo, DR 33.1
186 Mauritania 33.8
185 Central African Rep. 35.0
184 Chad 35.1
183 Yemen 35.5
182 Iraq 36.2
181 Niger 36.4"

Full methodology and source at link.
Without looking at your source I would say this is a farce since no one is qualified to make the decision on what constitutes morality for the entire world.

Emphasis on 'morality' was my decision moreso than the source. Uses numerous metrics to come up with the standings where 'morality' seems mostly a function of religiosity and the Peace Index value.
list like these require the government provide everything for their people or the country is run by meanies.

just more leftist quack shit

How the fuck aren't china and russia at the top of least religious since they both took time to murder the religious?
US is the least moral country in the world. We attack everyone and anything for no to little reason.

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