Most Native Americans are proud of the Redskins logo.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
This is the ultimate absurdity. You have the majority of Native Americans who identify with the Redskins logo and many have been lifelong fans BECAUSE they identified with the image and the fact that it was such a quality organization with a great legacy. Along come the Wokesters and corporate appeasers like FedEx jumping on the SJW bandwagon to save the day. I wonder if they will offer the Native American Redskins fans some re-education training so they understand why they should have been offended.

Who cares?? It's just a sports team..and they change their name all the time. I love football..but it's the sport I love...not the Logo.

I give it about 10 years until they all go Virtual anyway...
Of course, there's also this:

I don't know how many Native Americans care, but enough apparently do. :dunno:
This is the ultimate absurdity. You have the majority of Native Americans who identify with the Redskins logo and many have been lifelong fans BECAUSE they identified with the image and the fact that it was such a quality organization with a great legacy. Along come the Wokesters and corporate appeasers like FedEx jumping on the SJW bandwagon to save the day. I wonder if they will offer the Native American Redskins fans some re-education training so they understand why they should have been offended.

"The Washington Post did not publish the full results of the survey, so we do not know what percentage of respondents offered each response, but regarding the word “proud,” the Washington Post reports that “most of the survey’s respondents felt that way.”

That's dubious at best. Be done with it, get rid of the Redskins name. The time has come. Get with the program.
This is the ultimate absurdity. You have the majority of Native Americans who identify with the Redskins logo and many have been lifelong fans BECAUSE they identified with the image and the fact that it was such a quality organization with a great legacy. Along come the Wokesters and corporate appeasers like FedEx jumping on the SJW bandwagon to save the day. I wonder if they will offer the Native American Redskins fans some re-education training so they understand why they should have been offended.

"The Washington Post did not publish the full results of the survey, so we do not know what percentage of respondents offered each response, but regarding the word “proud,” the Washington Post reports that “most of the survey’s respondents felt that way.”

That's dubious at best. Be done with it, get rid of the Redskins name. The time has come. Get with the program.
What program is that, Comrade Erinskovich?
This is the US of A and Indians ARE part of our culture, and they had fine brave warriors that are to be admired.
I know you ain't got the balls and heart of Indian Warriors of the past.
More like the balls and heart of Jello.
This is the ultimate absurdity. You have the majority of Native Americans who identify with the Redskins logo and many have been lifelong fans BECAUSE they identified with the image and the fact that it was such a quality organization with a great legacy. Along come the Wokesters and corporate appeasers like FedEx jumping on the SJW bandwagon to save the day. I wonder if they will offer the Native American Redskins fans some re-education training so they understand why they should have been offended.

"The Washington Post did not publish the full results of the survey, so we do not know what percentage of respondents offered each response, but regarding the word “proud,” the Washington Post reports that “most of the survey’s respondents felt that way.”

That's dubious at best. Be done with it, get rid of the Redskins name. The time has come. Get with the program.
Get with "the program". And what "program" would that be? The program of modifying, erasing, destroying every American tradition that the Mob deems RACIST :aargh:.? Fuck that program.
Compromise. Keep the logo, and change the team name to something patriotic like "Real Americans"
The owner(s) have the right to change the name of their team as they see fit. If most natives are ok with the name/logo the owners dropped the ball. For example the FSU Seminoles have had calls for them to change their mascot/name/logo...but they'be received support from the Seminole tribe to keep it and the Seminoles gave them input on their celebrations/traditions at games. Very smart of them to get ahead of the curve and solve the problem before it gets to this point.
It might take a while, but I'm waiting for them to invent a sport I'd actually enjoy watching...


Many decades ago FSU, the Booster Club, and our legislature met with the Seminole Tribe. They reached an agreement whereby the Tribe Council approves the logo and everywhere else it is used. They also approve of the costume worn by that year's rider of Renegade, the horse is ridden at games and other events. The Seminole Tribe also shares in the profits from all licensed merchandise sold. Everybody is happy.

Renegade and rider is on hand for all home games and bowl games. Riding onto the field and planting the flaming spear just before the flip of the coin. Needless to say, 80,000 fans go crazy!


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They had the sharpest uniforms in the NFL, and I even liked their throwback uniforms more than their current ones. It will be interesting what they come up with, I would hope they keep the same color scheme, and the only thing that changes is the logo and the name.

Red Tails, Warriors, or Generals are the leading contenders I believe. I bet they go with Red Tails, and that would be a two-fer, a way to appease the woke crowd by paying homage to the Tuskegee airmen.
Of course, there's also this:

I don't know how many Native Americans care, but enough apparently do. :dunno:
The people they elected to their councils certainly are against the Redskins name....

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