Mother dressed as cat

addresses school board

Cute..cogent..and wrong. But an original approach.
Her issue is that gender identity equates biology..yet it clearly does not. We can, now, adjust biological gender to the point that the opposition is reduced to counting chromosomes and such minutia. 50 years from now I predict that gender change will be fun eh?
I do, however, share her view that school is not really the place for such. Community outreach...heck, even after-school events, on school property. But I am uneasy when it's a captive audience. I'm not liking the increased stridency as regards the whole drag thing. It's performance art, right?

So perform already..but not in schools--that's become an over-used virtue signal.

BTW...we had a Pride day in the city park..Twin Falls Idaho. No protesters--no Proud Boyz--and there is a large chapter here...know why?
Because these were OUR people. Family, co-workers..and friends..and accepted..not your usual Idaho stereo-type~
Yeah, she's probably worn that costume during many of her dalliances with strange men. We know who she is.
Her issue is that gender identity equates biology..yet it clearly does not. We can, now, adjust biological gender to the point that the opposition is reduced to counting chromosomes and such minutia.

Still shouldn't skip your prostate exam, ma'am.

And, sir, do not delay your uterus screenings. It's just as important as your mammogram.
Its the mental disorder point that needs pursuing .imho. Its now a type of hysteria --- no different in principle from when witches were seen and dealt with .

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