Move Over AIPAC

Reporting an upcoming protest and counter protest is a conspiracy theory?
Most of the jewish immigrants to Palestine are from The former USSR
So much propaganda - so little time.

[ame=]YouTube - Alnakba English P2[/ame]
This needs to be in conspiracy section.
You need to be medicated.

I'm not seeing a "conspiracy" here...

Of course you're not.

Neither did the partisan who implied that one existed.

He was, as is so typical of people facing their inability to craft a counter argument, attempting to kill the messengers rather than the addressing the message.
[ame=]YouTube - Dr. Patch Adams and Medea Benjamin: It's time to Move Over AIPAC![/ame]
I don't understand the hate for the only free country in the middle east lately. And Palestinians don't exist. They are Syrian invaders and we all know it.
This needs to be in conspiracy section.
You need to be medicated.

I'm not seeing a "conspiracy" here...

Of course you're not.

Neither did the partisan who implied that one existed.

He was, as is so typical of people facing their inability to craft a counter argument, attempting to kill the messengers rather than the addressing the message.

We can start with the fact the the OP is PF Tinmore, a notorious Jew hater and conspiracy theorist. Then go on to the notion that AIPAC somehow pulls the strings in Washington. Bingo. Jews control the world ala Protocols of the Elders of Zion. A work that PF Loonmore swears is true.
I'm not seeing a "conspiracy" here...

Of course you're not.

Neither did the partisan who implied that one existed.

He was, as is so typical of people facing their inability to craft a counter argument, attempting to kill the messengers rather than the addressing the message.

We can start with the fact the the OP is PF Tinmore, a notorious Jew hater and conspiracy theorist. Then go on to the notion that AIPAC somehow pulls the strings in Washington. Bingo. Jews control the world ala Protocols of the Elders of Zion. A work that PF Loonmore swears is true.

Off the mark again.
Of course you're not.

Neither did the partisan who implied that one existed.

He was, as is so typical of people facing their inability to craft a counter argument, attempting to kill the messengers rather than the addressing the message.

We can start with the fact the the OP is PF Tinmore, a notorious Jew hater and conspiracy theorist. Then go on to the notion that AIPAC somehow pulls the strings in Washington. Bingo. Jews control the world ala Protocols of the Elders of Zion. A work that PF Loonmore swears is true.

Off the mark again., I'd say the Rabbi is pretty spot on.
We can start with the fact the the OP is PF Tinmore, a notorious Jew hater and conspiracy theorist. Then go on to the notion that AIPAC somehow pulls the strings in Washington. Bingo. Jews control the world ala Protocols of the Elders of Zion. A work that PF Loonmore swears is true.

Off the mark again., I'd say the Rabbi is pretty spot on.

Links to my posts to back up that claim?
Links to my posts to back up that claim?

How about every topic you post in Israel/Palestine board? You basically turned that board into your own private conspiracy/jew-hater board.

I mean, you can't really deny that you absolutely hate Jewish people.

That is what I thought. There aren't any.


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