Movie: ‘Time of Violence’ – The true story how Christians lived under Islam


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Now that we have heard about Al Jazeera's view of Arabs in World War I which Mr. Twitching Whiskers brought up, let's see how the Bulgarian Christians fared under Islam.

Movie: ‘Time of Violence’ – The true story how Christians lived under Islam

Posted on November 30, 2014 by ADMIN5 Comments

Year is 1668. The Turkish siege of the Venetian fortress of Candia (now Iraklion in Crete) has been lasting for a second decade now. The Rhodope Mountain is seen as a strategically important base of the war but its Christian population is a potential source of instability. The sultan orders its conversion into “the right faith”. The sacred forests and valleys, where according to the legend Orpheus was born, now screams under the Yataghans enforcing the foreign creed in blood and fires. A regiment of Spahis commanded by the Janissary Karaibrahim is assigned to the valley of the river Elindenya.

When the locals refuse to convert, the violence begins. One by one the villagers are killed. One is impaled and still alive as his body hangs from the pole; another one torn in half; a third one beheaded. When the Christians tell the occupier, Suleyman, that even if he forcefully converts people they can’t carry Allah truthfully in their hearts. Suleyman replies that he doesn’t care if they don’t carry Allah in their hearts – because their grandchildren are the ones who will assimilate into Islam.

The movie is filmed exactly where the event took place in history and many of the actors are heirs of the original villagers.

Frontline police say let us patrol in pairs due to rising risk of street attack by jihadis Daily Mail Online
Just between you and I - I don't think Muslims fared very well under the Christian Conquest (conversion by the sword) either. Religions weren't very nice to each other in those days. In fact...people weren't very nice to each other in general. You survived if you had the right brand of God under your belt.
Just between you and I - I don't think Muslims fared very well under the Christian Conquest (conversion by the sword) either. Religions weren't very nice to each other in those days. In fact...people weren't very nice to each other in general. You survived if you had the right brand of God under your belt.

You don't say? Now isn't that strange that Mohammed's gang left the Saudi Peninsula, invaded the surrounding countries, and then forced many of the Christian inhabitants to convert to Islam and murdered many who refused. Now you see the Christian descendents of those who were lucky enough to survive the Muslim onslaught can't even practice their religion in peace these days. Let's face it. So many Christians have fled and are fleeing the Middle East because of what the Muslims are doing to them. Maybe Coyote can come up with something so that her newfound friends could have some more tolerance for these Christians who certainly were in the Middle East before Islam was even invented.
No more strange than a gang of monotheist fanatics inventing a religion called Christianity and persecuting Pagans.

Christian Persecution of Paganism

As for Turks impaling Christians, Vladd Tepes anyone? Sadly, I neither have the time nor the inclination to sit throught 4 hours of Bulgarian anti-Turkish propaganda, but to anyone who has, feel free to give us all a run down of the film

Anyway 1668, shouldn't this be in History?
Just between you and I - I don't think Muslims fared very well under the Christian Conquest (conversion by the sword) either. Religions weren't very nice to each other in those days. In fact...people weren't very nice to each other in general. You survived if you had the right brand of God under your belt.

You don't say? Now isn't that strange that Mohammed's gang left the Saudi Peninsula, invaded the surrounding countries, and then forced many of the Christian inhabitants to convert to Islam and murdered many who refused. Now you see the Christian descendents of those who were lucky enough to survive the Muslim onslaught can't even practice their religion in peace these days. Let's face it. So many Christians have fled and are fleeing the Middle East because of what the Muslims are doing to them. Maybe Coyote can come up with something so that her newfound friends could have some more tolerance for these Christians who certainly were in the Middle East before Islam was even invented.

You are mixing history with modern events. The movie you cited is supposed to be historical. Christendom was pretty brutal to Jews and Muslims. You may have missed that part. Historically neither Islam nor Christianity have much to be proud of in that regard. Or do you believe that Christians were all converted peacefully and willingly?
Charlemagne's Saxon wars, the massacre of Verden to cite but one of many Christian atrocities against other faiths, the slaughter when Jerusalem fell to the 1st Crusade when both Muslim and Jewish civillian inhabitants were butchered, to cite another.
Just between you and I - I don't think Muslims fared very well under the Christian Conquest (conversion by the sword) either. Religions weren't very nice to each other in those days. In fact...people weren't very nice to each other in general. You survived if you had the right brand of God under your belt.

You don't say? Now isn't that strange that Mohammed's gang left the Saudi Peninsula, invaded the surrounding countries, and then forced many of the Christian inhabitants to convert to Islam and murdered many who refused. Now you see the Christian descendents of those who were lucky enough to survive the Muslim onslaught can't even practice their religion in peace these days. Let's face it. So many Christians have fled and are fleeing the Middle East because of what the Muslims are doing to them. Maybe Coyote can come up with something so that her newfound friends could have some more tolerance for these Christians who certainly were in the Middle East before Islam was even invented.

You are mixing history with modern events. The movie you cited is supposed to be historical. Christendom was pretty brutal to Jews and Muslims. You may have missed that part. Historically neither Islam nor Christianity have much to be proud of in that regard. Or do you believe that Christians were all converted peacefully and willingly?

Nobody is forcing you to watch the film, are they? In fact, if they make a film about the Arab invaders to Egypt, I suggest that you turn it down also even though it will show the Muslims' brutality to Christians. Don't forget that before this, the Christians probably were not even aware of Islam and the Muslims and didn't know what was in store for them.

History of Jihad against the Egyptian Coptic Christians 640
Just between you and I - I don't think Muslims fared very well under the Christian Conquest (conversion by the sword) either. Religions weren't very nice to each other in those days. In fact...people weren't very nice to each other in general. You survived if you had the right brand of God under your belt.

You don't say? Now isn't that strange that Mohammed's gang left the Saudi Peninsula, invaded the surrounding countries, and then forced many of the Christian inhabitants to convert to Islam and murdered many who refused. Now you see the Christian descendents of those who were lucky enough to survive the Muslim onslaught can't even practice their religion in peace these days. Let's face it. So many Christians have fled and are fleeing the Middle East because of what the Muslims are doing to them. Maybe Coyote can come up with something so that her newfound friends could have some more tolerance for these Christians who certainly were in the Middle East before Islam was even invented.

You are mixing history with modern events. The movie you cited is supposed to be historical. Christendom was pretty brutal to Jews and Muslims. You may have missed that part. Historically neither Islam nor Christianity have much to be proud of in that regard. Or do you believe that Christians were all converted peacefully and willingly?

Nobody is forcing you to watch the film, are they? In fact, if they make a film about the Arab invaders to Egypt, I suggest that you turn it down also even though it will show the Muslims' brutality to Christians. Don't forget that before this, the Christians probably were not even aware of Islam and the Muslims and didn't know what was in store for them.

History of Jihad against the Egyptian Coptic Christians 640

You do realize, don't you, that the major world religions treated many people pretty darn awful? If you weren't running with the big dog, life sucked. Times were brutal. Especially for women.
Just between you and I - I don't think Muslims fared very well under the Christian Conquest (conversion by the sword) either. Religions weren't very nice to each other in those days. In fact...people weren't very nice to each other in general. You survived if you had the right brand of God under your belt.

You don't say? Now isn't that strange that Mohammed's gang left the Saudi Peninsula, invaded the surrounding countries, and then forced many of the Christian inhabitants to convert to Islam and murdered many who refused. Now you see the Christian descendents of those who were lucky enough to survive the Muslim onslaught can't even practice their religion in peace these days. Let's face it. So many Christians have fled and are fleeing the Middle East because of what the Muslims are doing to them. Maybe Coyote can come up with something so that her newfound friends could have some more tolerance for these Christians who certainly were in the Middle East before Islam was even invented.

You are mixing history with modern events. The movie you cited is supposed to be historical. Christendom was pretty brutal to Jews and Muslims. You may have missed that part. Historically neither Islam nor Christianity have much to be proud of in that regard. Or do you believe that Christians were all converted peacefully and willingly?

Nobody is forcing you to watch the film, are they? In fact, if they make a film about the Arab invaders to Egypt, I suggest that you turn it down also even though it will show the Muslims' brutality to Christians. Don't forget that before this, the Christians probably were not even aware of Islam and the Muslims and didn't know what was in store for them.

History of Jihad against the Egyptian Coptic Christians 640

You do realize, don't you, that the major world religions treated many people pretty darn awful? If you weren't running with the big dog, life sucked. Times were brutal. Especially for women.

Listen, Coyote, in the ancient eras, life was brutal for everyone. There were loads of wars that I am sure if you were schooled here learned about in your Ancient History classes. However, there is no question that the Muslims left the Saudi Peninsula and invaded the surrounding countries, and the descendents of those people who were lucky to survive can't even practice their religion in peace these days. Are you telling us that the Copts have it so easy in Egypt now even though we are in the 21th century? Meanwhile, I would suggest that if St. Catherine's Church in the Sinai ever lends the Icons from the 2nd to 4th century A.D. once again and the exhibit hits your town be sure to see it. You can see that these Christians were very devout people and certainly didn't ask to be slaughtered or forced into Islam.
Just between you and I - I don't think Muslims fared very well under the Christian Conquest (conversion by the sword) either. Religions weren't very nice to each other in those days. In fact...people weren't very nice to each other in general. You survived if you had the right brand of God under your belt.

You don't say? Now isn't that strange that Mohammed's gang left the Saudi Peninsula, invaded the surrounding countries, and then forced many of the Christian inhabitants to convert to Islam and murdered many who refused. Now you see the Christian descendents of those who were lucky enough to survive the Muslim onslaught can't even practice their religion in peace these days. Let's face it. So many Christians have fled and are fleeing the Middle East because of what the Muslims are doing to them. Maybe Coyote can come up with something so that her newfound friends could have some more tolerance for these Christians who certainly were in the Middle East before Islam was even invented.

You are mixing history with modern events. The movie you cited is supposed to be historical. Christendom was pretty brutal to Jews and Muslims. You may have missed that part. Historically neither Islam nor Christianity have much to be proud of in that regard. Or do you believe that Christians were all converted peacefully and willingly?

Nobody is forcing you to watch the film, are they? In fact, if they make a film about the Arab invaders to Egypt, I suggest that you turn it down also even though it will show the Muslims' brutality to Christians. Don't forget that before this, the Christians probably were not even aware of Islam and the Muslims and didn't know what was in store for them.

History of Jihad against the Egyptian Coptic Christians 640

You do realize, don't you, that the major world religions treated many people pretty darn awful? If you weren't running with the big dog, life sucked. Times were brutal. Especially for women.

Listen, Coyote, in the ancient eras, life was brutal for everyone. There were loads of wars that I am sure if you were schooled here learned about in your Ancient History classes. However, there is no question that the Muslims left the Saudi Peninsula and invaded the surrounding countries, and the descendents of those people who were lucky to survive can't even practice their religion in peace these days. Are you telling us that the Copts have it so easy in Egypt now even though we are in the 21th century? Meanwhile, I would suggest that if St. Catherine's Church in the Sinai ever lends the Icons from the 2nd to 4th century A.D. once again and the exhibit hits your town be sure to see it. You can see that these Christians were very devout people and certainly didn't ask to be slaughtered or forced into Islam.

You know what Sally? I don't really want to fight with you. I took enough history classes (because it fascinated me) to learn several things:
Christianity and Islam could be very brutal in it's spread
Not all religous spreading was through conquest though - some through spreading the word and the fact that both Islam and Christianity offered something better to the people than what preceded.
Also, spread occurred when rulers became converted and in turn converted their people by taking it on as the state religion.

Islam and Christianity spread in a variety of ways. Tolerance towards other religions varied depending on the period and the culture. Right now - religious tolerance in the ME - Egypt, the failed states of Libya, Iraq and Syria - is non-existant. Islamic extremists may actually make extinct a number of small, ancient faiths that have co-existed in that area along with Islam for centuries. That's a real tragedy for that region as is the destruction of religious artifacts. None of this is exactly new - it's occurred cyclically throughout history - sometimes it's Islam sometimes it's Christianity. Right now, in what we think is a "civilized" era - it's even more of a crime. And who knows how this current conflageration is going to end for the people of those regions? I don't blame Islam - I blame extremism, and the many complex factors that have led to the rise of Islamic extremism that we see now. It's reformation time for Islam as a religion and the Arab states to step up to the plate and confront extremism. I also blame Bush for invading Iraq, because I think that is the domino that set off events we see today. That's just my opinion Sally.
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You don't say? Now isn't that strange that Mohammed's gang left the Saudi Peninsula, invaded the surrounding countries, and then forced many of the Christian inhabitants to convert to Islam and murdered many who refused. Now you see the Christian descendents of those who were lucky enough to survive the Muslim onslaught can't even practice their religion in peace these days. Let's face it. So many Christians have fled and are fleeing the Middle East because of what the Muslims are doing to them. Maybe Coyote can come up with something so that her newfound friends could have some more tolerance for these Christians who certainly were in the Middle East before Islam was even invented.

You are mixing history with modern events. The movie you cited is supposed to be historical. Christendom was pretty brutal to Jews and Muslims. You may have missed that part. Historically neither Islam nor Christianity have much to be proud of in that regard. Or do you believe that Christians were all converted peacefully and willingly?

Nobody is forcing you to watch the film, are they? In fact, if they make a film about the Arab invaders to Egypt, I suggest that you turn it down also even though it will show the Muslims' brutality to Christians. Don't forget that before this, the Christians probably were not even aware of Islam and the Muslims and didn't know what was in store for them.

History of Jihad against the Egyptian Coptic Christians 640

You do realize, don't you, that the major world religions treated many people pretty darn awful? If you weren't running with the big dog, life sucked. Times were brutal. Especially for women.

Listen, Coyote, in the ancient eras, life was brutal for everyone. There were loads of wars that I am sure if you were schooled here learned about in your Ancient History classes. However, there is no question that the Muslims left the Saudi Peninsula and invaded the surrounding countries, and the descendents of those people who were lucky to survive can't even practice their religion in peace these days. Are you telling us that the Copts have it so easy in Egypt now even though we are in the 21th century? Meanwhile, I would suggest that if St. Catherine's Church in the Sinai ever lends the Icons from the 2nd to 4th century A.D. once again and the exhibit hits your town be sure to see it. You can see that these Christians were very devout people and certainly didn't ask to be slaughtered or forced into Islam.

You know what Sally? I don't really want to fight with you. I took enough history classes (because it fascinated me) to learn several things:
Christianity and Islam could be very brutal in it's spread
Not all religous spreading was through conquest though - some through spreading the word and the fact that both Islam and Christianity offered something better to the people than what preceded.
Also, spread occurred when rulers became converted and in turn converted their people by taking it on as the state religion.

Islam and Christianity spread in a variety of ways. Tolerance towards other religions varied depending on the period and the culture. Right now - religious tolerance in the ME - Egypt, the failed states of Libya, Iraq and Syria - is non-existant. Islamic extremists may actually make extinct a number of small, ancient faiths that have co-existed in that area along with Islam for centuries. That's a real tragedy for that region as is the destruction of religious artifacts. None of this is exactly new - it's occurred cyclically throughout history - sometimes it's Islam sometimes it's Christianity. Right now, in what we think is a "civilized" era - it's even more of a crime. And who knows how this current conflageration is going to end for the people of those regions? I don't blame Islam - I blame extremism, and the many complex factors that have led to the rise of Islamic extremism that we see now. It's reformation time for Islam as a religion and the Arab states to step up to the plate and confront extremism. I also blame Bush for invading Iraq, because I think that is the domino that set off events we see today. That's just my opinion Sally.

Naturally you are entitled to your opinion as I am to mine. What I see today in places like Pakistan the Muslims who are Sunnis are suicide and car bombing innocent Shia and Aymaiyya Muslims. Let us even just put aside what they are doing to innocent Hindus and Christians. The U.S. has nothing to do with this. When the Baha'is and Christians are being persecuted in Iran, perhaps you can tell us what the U.S. has to do with this? Nobody has to watch the film about Bulgaria, the Christians and the Muslims unless they want to, just as no one is forced to view the 2nd to 4th century A.D. Icons of the Holy Land to see what other viewers at the exhibit meant when they remarked that they saw no Arabs depicted in them.. Regardless of the past, this is the 21st century, and many Muslims are busily murdering others (even other Muslims) in the name of their religion. People can close their eyes to it, but that doesn't mean it is not happening.
Folks seem to forget the Inquisition, when Christians tortured and killed Muslims and others.
The Pope just compared Fundamentalist Christians to ISIS.
Folks seem to forget the Inquisition, when Christians tortured and killed Muslims and others.
The Pope just compared Fundamentalist Christians to ISIS.

The Inquisition happened hundreds of years ago. Christians are still being murdered in the Middle East today in the 21st century. The Pope himself has said that he was worried about the Christians in the Middle East because he can see what is happening. However, the Pope is no doubt trying to appease the Muslims because I doubt he can point out where the Christians are busy murdering the Muslims the same way the Muslims are murdering the Christians along with their murdering their fellow Muslims.
Folks seem to forget the Inquisition, when Christians tortured and killed Muslims and others.
The Pope just compared Fundamentalist Christians to ISIS.

The Inquisition happened hundreds of years ago. Christians are still being murdered in the Middle East today in the 21st century. The Pope himself has said that he was worried about the Christians in the Middle East because he can see what is happening. However, the Pope is no doubt trying to appease the Muslims because I doubt he can point out where the Christians are busy murdering the Muslims the same way the Muslims are murdering the Christians along with their murdering their fellow Muslims.
Your OP cites 1668, which is also centuries ago. Is this the best you can do?
Folks seem to forget the Inquisition, when Christians tortured and killed Muslims and others.
The Pope just compared Fundamentalist Christians to ISIS.

The Inquisition happened hundreds of years ago. Christians are still being murdered in the Middle East today in the 21st century. The Pope himself has said that he was worried about the Christians in the Middle East because he can see what is happening. However, the Pope is no doubt trying to appease the Muslims because I doubt he can point out where the Christians are busy murdering the Muslims the same way the Muslims are murdering the Christians along with their murdering their fellow Muslims.
Your OP cites 1668, which is also centuries ago. Is this the best you can do?

I happened to bring up the film about what happened in 1668 only because an Al Jazeera documentary was being pushed, and mention of this movie Time of Violence happened to be taken off the forum it was on and put on this History forum. Why is it that there are people who close their eyes to what is happening to non Muslims and even Muslims of different sects who are living in Muslim countries in these modern times? Aren't the lives of these unfortunate people worth anything?
Just between you and I - I don't think Muslims fared very well under the Christian Conquest (conversion by the sword) either. Religions weren't very nice to each other in those days. In fact...people weren't very nice to each other in general. You survived if you had the right brand of God under your belt.

You don't say? Now isn't that strange that Mohammed's gang left the Saudi Peninsula, invaded the surrounding countries, and then forced many of the Christian inhabitants to convert to Islam and murdered many who refused. Now you see the Christian descendents of those who were lucky enough to survive the Muslim onslaught can't even practice their religion in peace these days. Let's face it. So many Christians have fled and are fleeing the Middle East because of what the Muslims are doing to them. Maybe Coyote can come up with something so that her newfound friends could have some more tolerance for these Christians who certainly were in the Middle East before Islam was even invented.

just between you and me, sally---coyote is engaging in historical revisionism and wishful thinking. In fact there is no question that Christians DID impose christianiy upon many people historically------to her regret they simply did not do much against muslim populations. Sit tight ---she will come up with a few isolated trivial instances and magnify them to
satisfy her thirst for stupidity and justify the 1400 years of Islamic oppression of Christians, jews, hindus, etc etc. and the fact that their "children" dance on the dead bodies of 100s of millions as a sign of "Allah's favor"
Folks seem to forget the Inquisition, when Christians tortured and killed Muslims and others.
The Pope just compared Fundamentalist Christians to ISIS.

The Inquisition happened hundreds of years ago. Christians are still being murdered in the Middle East today in the 21st century. The Pope himself has said that he was worried about the Christians in the Middle East because he can see what is happening. However, the Pope is no doubt trying to appease the Muslims because I doubt he can point out where the Christians are busy murdering the Muslims the same way the Muslims are murdering the Christians along with their murdering their fellow Muslims.
Your OP cites 1668, which is also centuries ago. Is this the best you can do?

1668 is modern history for literate people. For the unwashed and unlettered------last week is LONG GONE and
Folks seem to forget the Inquisition, when Christians tortured and killed Muslims and others.
The Pope just compared Fundamentalist Christians to ISIS.

what "folks" forget the Inquisition? No doubt there are many idiots-----we even have idiots lying pigs on this board who persist in actually DENYING the Armenian genocide of 1915.
It is not a matter if "forgetting" -----it is SELECTIVE INATTENTION. Be that as it may-----it is no worse than the
INVENTION of "Christian genocides against muslims"
Just between you and I - I don't think Muslims fared very well under the Christian Conquest (conversion by the sword) either. Religions weren't very nice to each other in those days. In fact...people weren't very nice to each other in general. You survived if you had the right brand of God under your belt.

You don't say? Now isn't that strange that Mohammed's gang left the Saudi Peninsula, invaded the surrounding countries, and then forced many of the Christian inhabitants to convert to Islam and murdered many who refused. Now you see the Christian descendents of those who were lucky enough to survive the Muslim onslaught can't even practice their religion in peace these days. Let's face it. So many Christians have fled and are fleeing the Middle East because of what the Muslims are doing to them. Maybe Coyote can come up with something so that her newfound friends could have some more tolerance for these Christians who certainly were in the Middle East before Islam was even invented.

just between you and me, sally---coyote is engaging in historical revisionism and wishful thinking. In fact there is no question that Christians DID impose christianiy upon many people historically------to her regret they simply did not do much against muslim populations. Sit tight ---she will come up with a few isolated trivial instances and magnify them to
satisfy her thirst for stupidity and justify the 1400 years of Islamic oppression of Christians, jews, hindus, etc etc. and the fact that their "children" dance on the dead bodies of 100s of millions as a sign of "Allah's favor"

That's the most retarded post I've heard yet from you Rosie. so you think Christians just "imposed" (kindly) their religion and they treated Jews just fine and dandy.

Maybe some day you'll pick up a history book :)
Just between you and I - I don't think Muslims fared very well under the Christian Conquest (conversion by the sword) either. Religions weren't very nice to each other in those days. In fact...people weren't very nice to each other in general. You survived if you had the right brand of God under your belt.

You don't say? Now isn't that strange that Mohammed's gang left the Saudi Peninsula, invaded the surrounding countries, and then forced many of the Christian inhabitants to convert to Islam and murdered many who refused. Now you see the Christian descendents of those who were lucky enough to survive the Muslim onslaught can't even practice their religion in peace these days. Let's face it. So many Christians have fled and are fleeing the Middle East because of what the Muslims are doing to them. Maybe Coyote can come up with something so that her newfound friends could have some more tolerance for these Christians who certainly were in the Middle East before Islam was even invented.

just between you and me, sally---coyote is engaging in historical revisionism and wishful thinking. In fact there is no question that Christians DID impose christianiy upon many people historically------to her regret they simply did not do much against muslim populations. Sit tight ---she will come up with a few isolated trivial instances and magnify them to
satisfy her thirst for stupidity and justify the 1400 years of Islamic oppression of Christians, jews, hindus, etc etc. and the fact that their "children" dance on the dead bodies of 100s of millions as a sign of "Allah's favor"

That's the most retarded post I've heard yet from you Rosie. so you think Christians just "imposed" (kindly) their religion and they treated Jews just fine and dandy.

Maybe some day you'll pick up a history book :)

Islamo Nazi pig Coyote is at it again------at no point did I ever suggest that Christians---in the course of their history, did not brutally impose their religion----not only upon jews ---but also upon many lands and peoples.-------I have stated that Christians---IN MODERN TIMES have repudiated the habit----where as islamo Nazi pigs like Coyote----trivialize and support the continuation of such stink and filth---by their fellow islamo Nazi pigs in reference to islam. Because I do know history and beause I understand the depraved filth of
islamo Nazism-----the stench that is going on today wherever muslims have even the most minimal opportunity to IMPOSE it-----does not surprise me. Islamo Nazi pigs have been denying the facts and trivializing it since the shit of "SPRINGTIME FOR ARABs 'aka the stench of islam' "" began three years ago

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